Moving on from the iPhone... By Sneed Mobile Tech

By Sneed Mobile Tech
Aug 15, 2021
Moving on from the iPhone...

All right, my good people, quick little short video for you guys to anyone out there who cares, what type of phones I'm using for recording videos, creating content testing networks. I have an iPhone 12. I have an iPhone 12 Pro and I have Google Pixel 5, and I also have a pixel 3 XL that uh that my brother is currently using. But let me tell you guys this as somebody who's always used, google phones and always used androids and just trying an iPhone as an owner for this year. Uh and big shout out to Carlos for encouraging me and pushing me to do this and, of course, the channel kind of calls for it. Everybody uses iPhones, I'm going to say this, because a lot of people told me that iPhones are the best and once you go iPhone, you'll never go back.

I can't wait to move on from these iPhones and go back to a flagship pixel. There is no better smartphone experience than a Google Pixel flagship. It is the best I'm excited about the next pixel 6 and pro can't wait.

Source : Sneed Mobile Tech

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