IQOO 7 vs Oneplus 9R vs Mi 11X vs Realme X7 Pro Epic pubg battery drain test 100%-0% smooth & extrem By Sai Tech Guru

By Sai Tech Guru
Aug 14, 2021
IQOO 7 vs Oneplus 9R vs Mi 11X vs Realme X7 Pro Epic pubg battery drain test 100%-0% smooth & extrem

Hello everyone- I am welcome back to my channel sciatica, so in this video I'll, be doing the epic PUBG battery and test trends, so I'll be continuously running. The PUBG gaming is all of these four smartphones, which I got right now, starting with the iq7 versus real me, x1 pro versus the OnePlus 9r versus mi11x device. So this is my biggest PUBG better than test. I have ever done in my channel, so make sure hit that subscribe and like button and likes targets for this video will be 300 likes. I know you will be making the 300 likes possible so make sure to hit that like as well friends and in case, if you want this punch old wallpaper, so make sure to join in my Instagram page. So there you will be giving away 15 promo codes for this punch old wallpapers.

What I'm trying to use so make sure to check the links in description and let's get started, and these are the settings which I'll be trying to use right now in this complete epic PUBG test, as you can see here, so Wi-Fi 70, brightness, smooth and extreme settings and 120 hertz refresh rate and all these four smartphones they do have the 120 hertz refresh rate display as well. So that is the reason why I'm trying to select with the 120 hertz. I know the PUBG game is not supposed supported with the 120 years, but still I want to use as a maximum capability. So let me show you the brightness and 120 hertz. As you can clearly see friends, all the four smartphones are running with the 120 hertz or display refresh rate, and all of them are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Let me try to show you the Wi-Fi network as well, so you know exactly I'm connecting to the same Wi-Fi network as well during this time of testing. So let me try to turn on the Wi-Fi in this realm x1 pro, and it's a Wi-Fi and, as you can see, so everything is turned on in all the smartphones. Let me try to quickly turn on the Wi-Fi and let me try to show the models as well friends exactly, so it is an ik7 mi Linux device and OnePlus 9r and the Realme x7 pro smartphone. So let me need to quickly open the PUBG game and start playing the game starting the test. I forgot to show you that all the four smartphones are completely charged to under percentage, as you can clearly see friends.

So now, let me just open the PUBG game and use the smooth and extreme. So right now I did open the pub game in all four smartphones. So first let me try to select the smooth and extreme graphics in all the smartphones quickly and uh. Let me know to set the brightness as well how much brightness we do need so right now, I'm trying to select exactly around 70 percent of the brightness, as you can see, from 70 percentage of the brightness and is an iq7 so which is perfectly done, and it's going on and next phone is the mi11x. I think so.

Let me keep in sequence order Realme x1 pro and OnePlus 9r and the MMX. So let's start with the Realme x1 pro with the smooth and extreme. So let me just select the settings smooth and extreme, so everything is set to the smooth and extreme and let me try to change the brightness as well, slightly decreasing uh 70 percentage, as you can see, 70, and I'm starting the match. The match will be started in this realm x1 pro. And finally, it is a real me.

Sorry, one plus nine, as you can see friends, OnePlus nine. Let me try to start the match and show you exactly the brightness. You can see friends I'm slightly getting close to a 70 percent of the brightness. As you can see here. Seventy percent of the brightness and, let me just start the match in this phone, and finally it is a mi Linux device, as you can see.

So, let's see in this ml Linux device all the settings, so I'm trying to use only with the smooth and extremes at this point of testing so continuously. As you can see offense. Let me check the brightness as well on my cheeks, as you can see, brightness I'm trying to keep around it exactly 50, 60 and 70. As you can see so 70 brightness, 120, hertz, Wi-Fi everything is done friends, so the games will be going on continuously, and it is a big stopwatch. Clock already has started as you can see, and the temperature in the beginning, IQ, 7, 39 degrees, real me, x1 pro 40 degrees, one plus 39 mi, Leno 40.

As you can see, these are the readings for the first uh time testing. So before continuing the test, as you can see here, 39 40, 40 41, as you can see, so this is a sequence which are kept friends exactly. I'm going to be back exactly after one hour of continuously playing. This PUBG came so meanwhile I'll try to keep on running non-stop, so the game will be going on friends in all the smartphones and make sure to hit that like as well in case, if you feel this content is kind of useful for you all and definitely the target likes for this video will be 300 likes, so I know if it is. It should not be that much difficult to get 300 likes so make sure to hit that, like so in terms of the gameplay friends or in the iq7, you do have the haptic feedbacks while playing the game.

That's another good thing so where you can use the 4d vibrations in this IQ 7 devices, so which is a very good advantage when you compare with other smartphones. So let me just try to quickly I'll show you the gameplay as well, sometimes so this video is entirely dedicated for the battery drain. Only so, if you want, you can skip the video little forward as well. So meanwhile, I'll try to talk a little about the performance, how it's handling while playing the game. So right now, as you can see friends I'm trying to land at this point, so definitely the vibration is another biggest effect for this iq7 device in terms of the performance wise so which I particularly like in this phone so make sure to comment below friends in case.

If vibration is your favorite thing about this PUBG gameplay in this phone in the iq7 device, definitely so in all the smartphones I'm trying to run continuously, as you can see, events, so I'll, keep on running uh until again till one hour, so we'll get to know what are the results for the next one hour, which phone will be dropping or much kind of percentage? So meanwhile I'll try to play the game one by one in one of the other phones- and I can give you the feedback so which phone has come, what kind of performance in terms of the gameplay as well. I try to give you the mini feedback as well, while playing the games, so the vibration is perfect. In this iq7 device in terms of the vibration, I'm really comfortable here, so I can be back after one hour of playing the games in all the four smartphones so make sure that subscribe, and again I'll be back friends over one hour. As you can see friends right now, it's been getting close to a one hour of continuously playing the PUBG game in all the four smartphones. So let's check one by one.

What is the battery percentage at the moment and battery percentage right now? It is of 84 percentage in this IQ, 7 devices, and I'll try to check the temperature as well. So let me to uh check here, 85 percentage in this realm x7 pro 85. As you can see, friends- and let me let you check in the OnePlus 9r, so it is an OnePlus 9r, I'd like to check the OnePlus 9 on the battery personally is of the 86 percent. As you can see friends, 86 percent in the OnePlus 9r, let me try to continue the gameplay and let me show you in the mi 11x 88 percentage. As you can see, friends in this mi Linux, I'm getting about 88 percentage, so let me need to write down the readings, and now it's the time to check the temperature readings as well how much the temperature is after one hour of playing forty-two point.

Forty-three point: two, as you can see, forty-three point: four is the highest. Forty-three point, four. So forty-three point four is the highest on this IQ seven. So let me check in this real me, x1 pro so Realme x7 pro, the temperature is of 42 42.6 in this one plus two one plus nine, as you can see forty-one. So as you can see, forty-two point: four is the highest recorded temperature in this one place, nine forty-two point, four and let's check in this mi Linux device.

So forty 43.2 43.2, as you can see, fence 43.2 is the highest recorded. So we needed to write down the readings. So after one hour of applying the pub you can see the gameplay increasing in the iq7 and then the mi Linux device after one hour of playing but the battery percentage, you can see all the four phones are kind of close together only as you can see friends, so this for the first one hour, so usually in the mi Linux device. What happens is that in the beginning, the battery backup won't drain a lot, but later on after two hours and three hours, when the battery decreases close to 55 and 60, then it will drain very much friends. That is what I'm observing in this mi Linux device.

So maybe we will be seeing the mi Linux will be coming close to these phones as well later on, so I can be back after next one more hour, so, let's check final temperatures, 42 43.4, 42.8, 42, 42.2, MMX, 42.8 and 43.2 as well. These are the few readings for this all the smartphones friends again I'll be back after one more hour as you can see friends right now, I'm playing the continuous pub game in all the phones for about two hours more than as you can see here. So now, let's check the. What is the battery percentage at the moment in all the smartphones? So right now it's of 68 percentage in this IQ or 7, as you can 68 68 percentage and let's check in this uh Realme excellent pro. These are Realme x1 pro 69 percentage, as you can see, 69 so 68 69 and let's check the OnePlus 9r.

So it's an OnePlus, nine and battery percentage is about 71 percent, as you can see from 71 percentage and let's check the final phone, which is a mi Linux device, as you can see, 72 percentage 72 of the percentage still is there in this mi Linux device, friends 72. So let me need to write down the ratings of all so right now, 72 71 percent is 69 and 68 percentage. These are leading so in the third hour uh. What happens is that mi11x will drop drastically friends, because this has happened before as well for me so 42 degrees on the high q7 42.6 on this one, 42 42 42.6 same 41, 41 42.6, as you can see, so most of the phones are 42 close to 42.642.5. Only the OnePlus 9r is around.

So these are the reading for the first uh one hour and the next two hours, as you can see friends so again, I'll be back after uh third hour and fourth hour as well. So we will get to know what are the results, as you can see, friends right now, it's more than three hours of time. So let me quickly show you the battery percentage 51 percentage in this IQ 7 devices, I'm going to continue with the test and next phone is the Realme x1 pro. These are Realme x1 pro, which is of close to 52 percent. As you can see, friends, 52 percentage of charging and next is the OnePlus 9r, so OnePlus, 9 or 55 percentage.

As you can see your friends so just now it decreases from 56 to 55. So that's why? I did write it as a 56 in the book, as you can see your friends exactly at three o'clock in the timings. What are the battery percentage so right now in the mi Linux, as you can see, it also decreased from 55 to 54. So what I'm trying to do is that exactly at three o'clock, I'm trying to write down the readings for all the smartphones that that is what the readings are and regarding the temperatures you can see all the phones, 41 42 41 42 42.8 43, as you can see friends. So these are the few readings after three hours of continuously playing the game in all three smartphones.

So if you continue in this way of gaming continuously, I think you will be able to reach six hours non-stop while playing in all the smartphones. So you need to remember friends, I'm trying to use a 70 percent brightness. So that is another thing to consider. So if you use less brightness, so maybe you might get a little more time, maybe 20 minutes of extra time, so again I'll be back after one more hour. So right now, friends, after five hours of continuously playing the PUBG game in all the four smartphones, let me know to quickly show you the battery results, how much it is in the iq7 right now the battery percentage is of 19 percentage in this IQ 7 devices and in the next phone is a real me.

X7 pros is the Realme x1 pro and 18. As you can see, friends just know it decreased from 19, but I did write the 19 percentage because exactly 5 o'clock, I wrote down all the percentages so right now it's 25 percentage, as you can see in this phone in the one place, device, 25 percentage and finally, in the mi 11x, it's 22. So just now we drop it from 23. So these are the few details. Friends in terms of the battery wise in all the three smart, all the four smartphones, so just for the recording purpose, already increase the brightness, but I was using only the 70 brightness only in all the four smartphones at this time of testing and let's check the temperature which phone is performing, what 41 degrees it's performing and 42 degrees on the Realme and 41 and 43 the ml.

Linux remains at 43 degrees right now close to 43. So these are temperature readings of all the four phone, uh phones, and again I'll be back once the battery gets close to. I think that so maybe this test might continue for the next uh, maybe 30 minutes or maybe one hour. So, let's see friends, how will they'll be handling this kind of test, so final friends after 5 hours and 45 minutes, as you can see here, the iq7 uh phone got reached to the two percent of the battery level. So let me show you, as you can see friends, so two percent of the battery level in this IQ, seven smartphone.

So at any moment, uh the phone might go into the switch off mode and Realme x1 pro is of four percentage of the battery right now, as you can see friends, four percentage right now, the Realme excellent pro is off and the OnePlus 9r is of 11 percentage and mi11x is nine percentage so right now, these are the comparisons. So I'll try to write down the exact reading when the iq7 phone will be getting completely our switch off, so we'll be able to get to know how much is the battery life we can expect from this phone, and we can consider friends because iq7 has got a slightly or less battery backup capacity. So when you compare with other smartphones- and one thing is that this phone has got the perfect optic feedbacks as well- and the vibration motor is really strong, so maybe that might be the causing that we're gonna, better training, I'm not sure what is happening, but definitely uh in terms of the four com. Four phones, if you compare, the iq7 has got little less battery backup, but it's still good friends. So there is no huge difference between each and every smartphone.

So, even though all phones have the same kind of battery capacity, 4 000, MH of capacity kind of close to a 400mh capacity, but still they perform kind of close to each other. Only so right now it's one percentage in this uh iq7 device. So at any moment the phone might switch off and real me. It's four percentage right now, so I'll try to write down the exact rating when the phone gets switched off and the temperature finally is about 43.2 in this IQ device right now, 43.2 43.8, as you can see, 43.6 44. So almost all the phones are above 40 and 43 43, 43 and 44.

So when the battery comes to the close to ending, so this is what happens so performance and the battery life will decrease a little and right now, I'm in boot camp. So, let's see whether we'll be able to find any kind of frame drops or not right now, so I'm not using any kind of real-time fps meter, but still, let's see not I'm not in the boot camp, I mean, I think, paradise so yeah it's about one percent of the battery right now, friends, still I'm not seeing any kind of lag going on at the moment. Still it's working pretty fine without any issues. So this is at the one per center of the battery right now, which I'm having right. Now it is one percentage, as you can see friends clearly so right now it's one percentage.

It was able to perform perfect. Then we have to go back and let's see how much more time it is requires. So right now it's of five minutes five hours and 48 minutes. Let me keep on running in the other smartphones. Meanwhile, so not stopping I'll, try to make them run for some time and let's see how much more battery percentage we can expect from other smartphones, I'm just waiting for this iq7 to completely get switch off.

So during this time of gameplay did play in all the four smartphones a couple of matches, and I did find the couple of things in the OnePlus 9r uh, there are haptic feedbacks as well, while playing the PUBG game. You do get the optic feedbacks one side, but in the iq7 these were like friends the optic feedbacks you feel 40 vibrations coming from left and right. So that's a perfect feeling you do get in this phone. So that's another thing! So let me click ok! So let me, let's start the match, and still it's one percentage, realm x1 pro is a three percentage. This one 10 percentage, am I 11x 7 percentage right now.

So, let's see friends how much more the phones will be holding up right now. So finally, the IQ mobile code completely switch off around like exactly 5 hours and 50 minutes. So 5 years, 50 minutes the iq7 got completely switched off friends. So these are overall timing. So let me need to write down the timings.

So one thing I did notice is that the mi lyrics display feels kind of really little kind of dull. After playing for a long time, I'm not sure what is happening, even though I keep full brightness as well. Still, it feels not like full brightness friends at the moment, as you can see, I'm not sure what is happening. So if you compare with other 70 of the brightness phones, you can clearly see so what is happening with the screen effects so right now, the Realme x7 pro did send the message as well. So two percentage right now in this realm x1 pro you can see the dullness you're getting in this Manx device, so maybe after playing for a long time, the display got a little kind of low brightness mode.

I think again that problem is coming in this phone, so I thought the problem got solved. So, let's see friends how much more time the Realme x1 pro will take. So even though battery is kind of close to two percentage, and you can see the real-time fps that I'm getting right now about uh 50 and 60 consistently and the CPU and GPU performance, you can see here clearly friends in this realm x1 pro right now. As you can see, friends so, which I'm trying to get right now, so let's see how much fps will be getting so by mistake. I did turn on the flash just now, so I did turn off.

So, let's see friends how much more time the Realme x1 pro will take here are the other two smartphones. Let's see what is happening here, I'm ready to keep running and the OnePlus 9r is at nine percentage, m11x six percentage, as you can see friends right now, still at one percentage in this Realme x1 pro right now, which I'm trying to use so right now the time is about five hours and 55 minutes. So, let's see how much more time this phone will be able to uh play the game. As you can see, friends exactly 5 hours and 57 minutes, the realm phone got completely uh switch off, as you can see here right now, Realme phone completely switch off. As you can see friends right now.

The OnePlus is about seven percentage. At this point and as I said, the screen looks perfect on the OnePlus device. After long time, gaming. The screen of the display, and here the in this mi Linux device right now the battery percentage of four percentage, as you can see, friends in this mi Linux smartphone and the display looks kind of really uh dull. At this point, even if I increase full brightness, it's not equal to this phone, I'm not sure what is happening.

Friends. So definitely, as you can see here, you can see the huge differences going on between both phones. So still, if I use the full brightness as well, it's not coming equal to that. So, let's see what will happen and how much more time these two phones will be able to take. I already recorded both timings, this both phones, timings.

So, let's see friends, this phone, so much time will be there. So by mistake, I did turn on the Bluetooth uh just before the testing is felt, so I did turn off the Bluetooth as well right now, I think just now it has happened. Turning on the Bluetooth, so let's see, if it's so much more time, that ml Linux will take to train completely and right now it's six hours close to, as you can see, friends and both phones, I'm trying to play with the smooth and extreme graphics. So if you're using the smooth and extreme graphics, you can expect more battery backup out of this smartphone. So that is what main intention of making this kind of video, and it's kind of close to six hours.

As you can see, friends, we are getting that kind of mark six hours as well, and still both phones are continuing the gameplay and during this time the gameplay or the display of this mix little got dull. At this point you can see clearly, so I'm not sure not using any other different mode, but still it looks really dull. As you can see friends, seventy percent- it's not kind of seventy percent- I'm not getting at this point and whereas the one place remains, if I, even if you use full brightness or seventy percent brightness, as you can see friends, you can see here clearly seventy percent states kind of looking good when you compare with the mi Linux device so sometimes accidentally, I'm touching the torchlight and the Bluetooth, sometimes friends. So whenever I try to see the node battery percentage, it's happening so when I'm using multiple phones at same time. So sometimes this kind of small mistakes will happen.

So this is my biggest PUBG training test I ever did with my channel friends, so I can, I'll be back once the OnePlus reaches to the low but battery percentage. So in terms of the gaming, I didn't have any kind of problems in this uh mi Linux device. Friends right now, even with the two percent of the battery, I was able to get a 60 fps, consistently, no issues. So, let's see how much more time this uh mi11x will be taking to drain the battery right now, and I was able to get a 60fps you can see here. So two percent of the battery got left still so only problem with the Manx is uh regarding the display itself so display little got dull when you compare with the other smartphone.

That is only my concern at this point uh. I think I need to wait for another more update or to fix this kind of uh bug which is going on, so you can clearly see your friends. It doesn't look like those 70 uh person, brightness or even 100 brightness. I still care, but still it doesn't look like that. I'm not sure what is happening so right now, it's one percentage close to at this point.

So, let's see how long we'll be able to play the game, and it's about to switch off in next 30 seconds. As you can see, we got the message as well. I think mi Linux did a very good job, so we got about six hours and close to three minutes of time. Here. I'll be writing as a round figure three minutes and regarding the one plus device, so one place it's getting kind of heat friends right now I can definitely say so: 42.8 degrees and, let's see the back side, 43 degrees at this point 43.2 as you can see, so even the one place device also getting kind of heat during this time of testing. So there is what, but the gameplay looks really smooth even with a low battery level, and I did like the optic feedback.

As I said in the OnePlus device, it's perfect in terms of the haptic level feedback. So it's really consistent, but uh arctic feedback you'll be getting only one direction, only this side. So not this side. So it's not 4d vibration, so I think the one place can come. Maybe next for the think close to maybe five minutes.

It can come easily. So without much problem, let's see friends, so final friends, exactly around six hours and ten minutes, the OnePlus phone completely called switch off, and let me try to write down the readings and these are the readings friends final scores of all the smartphones. So 5 hours, 15 minutes, 5 hours, 57 minutes, 6 hours, 10 minutes and 6 hours, 3 minutes, so clear winner is the one place 9r device in this category in terms of the battery or training test, and these are the quick results. Friends, and one thing is that I did like the vibrations in this phone and real me. X1 pro is kind of all around the performance.

Mobile phone and OnePlus 9r has got perfect battery backup and mi 11x has got slightly brightness issues for long time playing with the 70 brightness. So I'll try to talk about that issue in another video as well. So thank you for watching this video friends and make sure to hit that subscribe and like button as well in case. If you are interested see in the next video friends until then, bye.

Source : Sai Tech Guru

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