iQOO 7 vs Mi 11X Antutu Benchmark after long term usage Snapdragon 870 🔥🔥🔥 By Sai Tech Guru

By Sai Tech Guru
Aug 14, 2021
iQOO 7 vs Mi 11X Antutu Benchmark after long term usage Snapdragon 870 🔥🔥🔥

Hi friends welcome back my channel sci tech and today's we'll try to over to the android benchmark test compression between the ICO 7 versus the mi Linux device. So, after a long time, I'm comparing this both phones in terms of the android benchmark scores. Let's see how much we can actually expect. Even after a long time of using this, both phones, I mean, I think, close to 100 years of using this phone and in more than 80 days of using this ICO 7 devices. It's been a very long time. Let's see how much we can actually expect within this.

Both devices and both phones are 8gb ram variants only which I'm trying to use in this process, as you can see, 8gb variants and in the ICO, sound device. There's external ram turn on as well. I don't know it's nothing, much helpful as well, but still I'm trying to mention what I'm trying to use, as you can see exactly so during this process of demonstration, I'll try to keep completely in the airplane mode. Only let me have to switch to airplane mode as you can see, and I'm trying to use with the 50 brightness during the process of demonstration. Same thing applies for the mi Linux as well.

I'm trying to keep the 50 brightness only during the process of demonstration. Let's start the benchmark test and before that, let's check the temperatures so right now my phone temperature is close to 32.8 32.6 degrees and my 11x is of 33.6 33.6 and 33. My room temperature is 31.2, as you can see my room temperature, it's pretty normal. So in the beginning, the both phones are completely close to each other, each kind of 33 degrees. Only right now, both phones are completely started with another benchmark, as you can see, if it's clearly so right now, it's kind of 33 degrees, 33.2 34.2. You can see how the temperature is started to increase.

However, it slightly decreases the volume. Yes, so let's see, if it's, how much thought under benchmark score can be different between both phones, how much you can actually expect uh differences between this device. Even I am really interested to see the CPU on the GPU scores, mainly and in case, if you want me to do any other side by side compression. Let me know in the comment section below, so definitely I'll be able to do this kind of videos as soon as possible for you all so right now, it's kind of 36 degrees and ICO sound is kind of 35 degrees. As you can see at this moment, 36.4, not bad 36.6. You can see the difference how it is so these are under Mac test which I'm trying to do after a long time.

Yes, comparing side by side, I mean so. This is going to be fascinating test to see the benchmark results, how it will be there 36.8 and 35.4. So I can be back after certain amount of time so right now, as you can see, hence the temperature so much it is. That is 1.8, let's check in the ICO, sound west 31.4, so iq731.4 and mi Linux device 37.4. So I think both phones are having a similar kind of temperature readings.

As you can see at this moment, you can clearly see the difference. There's not much is happening in between the temperatures. As you can see, solar fans and transfer temperatures nothing much difference. We can see here and let's see what about the CPU and the GPU scores, how much difference we can actually expect between both of the devices. So that is going to be fascinating, as you can see friends.

Finally, the under benchmark scores are completely uh finished and let's check compare the both phones in terms of the performance, so the overall score is highest in the could sound well, as you can see the oral score.7 lacks 2500, that's not bad, but let's take a look at the CPU and the GPU scores. So this is where the things are getting fascinating. On the mi Linux side, because in the CPU and the GPU scores you can see one lakh 96 000 versus 1 lakh, 91 000 and the GPU 2 lacks 41 000 versus 2 lakhs, 40 thousand in terms of the GPU, as you can see so in terms of the memory segment uh, the icon has got slightly the highest points. You can see here the memory 123. One lakh, 23 000 and whereas mi Linux has got only one lag.

That is what slightly uh disadvantage in the MLS device at this moment, but regarding the temperatures also, you can see the m1nx slightly increased one degree more and one percentage also more got decreased in terms of the battery. When you compare side by side, as you can see, friends is a quick combination between both phones. Only in terms of the memory segment, we did find the huge difference otherwise in terms of the CP on the GPU slightly highest in the mi Linux device. So this is using the same android version, which is a 9.1.0 which is the latest android benchmark version as well. So now we got a clear idea: friends, what is going on between both phones, even after long time usage, but still you were able to get this kind of seven lakhs in that IQ, sound device, it's easily possible in the seven lakhs in this phone doesn't matter how many times I do the android benchmark test every time I'll try to get only close to 7 lakhs.

Only if the internal storage is not filled that much then definitely 7. Lakhs are possible in the could sound device in the mi Linux device the highest score. I got about 3 lakhs 95 000, so this is the highest score. I got as you can see three lakhs, ninety-five thousand. So this is a score I got before so far.

This is the highest and in the ICO, seven devices. I think the highest was three lakhs uh, sorry, seven lakhs, nine thousand. I think six, six lakhs, ninety-five thousand and uh yes 7 next 8 000, and before I think long back, I did get about 7 lakhs, 9 000 as well in terms of the highest score. As you can see, these are the highest scores before I'm trying to compare both phones. So that's it friends.

Thank you for watching this video and see the next video fast again straight up for more updates, and during this time of demonstration, we did get to know that the temperature is slightly higher in the mi Linux device during the process of android benchmark test. So thank you for watching and see in the next interface and stay tuned for me. Meanwhile, minimum bye you.

Source : Sai Tech Guru

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