iPhone XS Max vs. Galaxy Note 9 - Camera Shootout By GSMArena Official

By GSMArena Official
Aug 21, 2021
iPhone XS Max vs. Galaxy Note 9 - Camera Shootout

Hey, what's up guys will here for GSM marina in our iPhone 10s max review? We did a camera comparison with the Samsung Galaxy note 9, which many of you liked we figured. We might go into more detail in this dedicated video and pick a winner. At the end, the iPhone 10s antennas max share the same cameras on the back. This is a single 12, megapixel F 1.8 wide-angle cam and a 12 megapixel f/2 one for telephoto wood, both with six the Galaxy Note.9 has a similar dual camera setup, however, is 12. Megapixel wide-angle camera has a variable aperture, which switches from f1 point 5, 2 F to point 4, but like the iPhone, the secondary telephoto camera is 12 megapixels at f/2 point 4, and they all have six. Let's start off with regular daylight photo quality here, you'll notice that the iPhone has a more restrained and true to life color rendition, while the note nines is more vivid and warmer.

Our preference here goes to the galaxy level of detail is comparable, though the iPhone does get slightly softer at the corners photos from both phones aren't noisy. In fact, they're squeaky clean: we did notice that in direct sunlight, the iPhone is more prone to lens flare, but what a beautiful lens flare it is and with smart HDR on the iPhone does have noticeably wider dynamic range to the note 9, specifically in the highlights. Moving on to low-light, the iPhone goes for a darker exposure, so photos are a bit darker than those from the no nod. The colors are again a bit drab and muted on the iPhone here, the more saturated colors of the note 9 seem more pleasant again. Photos from both phones are pretty free of noise, even in low-light when switching to the telephoto cam, the iPhone has better contrast and produces an overall sharper image.

You can't use the telephoto and low light, though, unless you force it through portrait mode, both phones just cropped from the output of the main cam speaking of the portrait mode and good light, both the iPhone 10s, Macs and Galaxy Note 9 produce nice images, but here the iPhone has the edge the colors look better and there's a wider dynamic range and just take a look at those bouquet balls from the iPhone with the main cam video recordings are quite similar between the iPhone and the note 9. The iPhone has slightly better detail in 4k footage, but at the same time, the galaxy is a bit sharper in 1080p this time around the iPhones overall color rendition is warmer and more saturated, but dynamic range is the same as far as stabilization goes. Both phones have it at 4k, 30 and 1080p, though we do prefer the iPhones extra smoothness over the note 9 when filming through the telephoto lens. The iPhone comes out on top, if filming in 4k at 60fps, here, there's considerably more detail and sharpness in the nor not but the zooming photos in 1080p seem about on par. Moving on to selfies the iPhone 10s max is a 7 megapixel, F 2.2 front shooter, while the no nines is 8 megapixels in f 1.7 colors, look good on both phones, though the iPhone is warmer and yellowish, and the note 9 is more pinkish you'll notice that the field of view was narrower on the iPhone, making it a bit harder to fit everything into the frame. But that said, the iPhone handles bright lights better and preserves highlights probably due to the smart HDR selfie portraits are quite similar subject.

Detection is quite good on both, though perhaps the iPhone has the edge here in low-light. Selfies aren't impressive from either phone, though the technology still isn't quite there. Yet, let's do a quick recap both daylight and low light. We prefer the colors we get out of the note 9, but the iPhone preserves highlights a bit better, and this is true for portrait mode and selfies too, when zooming the iPhones telephoto lens takes a sharper shot with both Stills and video and speaking of video they're about neck and neck. The iPhone has a slight upper hand at 4k resolution and a 1080p.

The note 9 is sharper, so overall I think we have to hand it to the iPhone, mostly thanks to its smart HDR processing. But the differences are pretty small. They are both really great cameras, so, if you're wondering which of the two phones to get, perhaps the camera won't be the deciding factor, thanks for watching hit like if you enjoyed this video and subscribe. So you don't miss the next one. You're always welcome to stop by GM, marina comm for written news reviews and test findings, see ya.

Source : GSMArena Official

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