iPhone XR vs Google Pixel 3 Speed Test & Speakers! By Phone Battles

By Phone Battles
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone XR vs Google Pixel 3 Speed Test & Speakers!

Hey guys a great test here we have the iPhone 10 are up against the Google Pixel 3. So, let's get to it now. Both these phones are roughly the same price and in terms of boot up we got a fan it's for the pixel, so the pixel is the fastest bone and booting up on the market, and now the iPhones up right guys can enjoy NBC lightning-quick. Therefore, pixel Netflix chart again Netflix again, it means per pixel. Spotify pixel YouTube, now very strong, sorry for the pixel, but the iPhone will do what I will do better way in the video eBay again the pixel Amazon, or rather I funny pixel Amazon. Yet again, the pixel and photos pretty close there, alright guys in our gaming, so I'm not sure how well you can tell in video by the iPhone is LCD and the pixel is amyloid and pop up GIA banished.

Therefore, the iPhone temper right- and this is gonna- be advantage for pixel Mario run and be an inch per pixel asphalt, extremely close they're, basically, a tie for it, and now we have Port night so for tonight so far and still undefeated for the iPhone and all the skipper going to fast-forward for this each year for the iPhone very, very fast there. So next we got deep bench and going to run, explain in a video chrome bar Safari. So let's go back to Google, Google comm, and it's going to quote the web history all right. So we got poor sites and first up we got Apple advantage for the iPhone IGN advantage for pixel. I n?e be pixel and last one here yahoo.

com and that wannabe inch for the iPhone, so web browsing, ?, ?, ?, all right guys. Next, we got multitasking. Now this is really an area that the pixel does struggle with. So first up you got NBC yeah refresh here for the pixel networks, refresh here per pixel, Spotify YouTube, once again, a refresh for the pixel eBay refreshes for both, but a bit faster for the iPhone. All right guys we're skipping ahead a bit pop G.

Once again, a refresh here for the pixel temple run a repast here for the pixel, damn, let's just go on monkey bench. Okay, so beam is there for the iPhone and let's just do a few more tests time not for the camera speed so overall, a bit faster for the iPhone, unless you refocus actually I'd, say it's about the same alright and now for face a deeper fingerprint, so as usual of being as for the fingerprint yeah beans for fingerprint and now for the speakers, cool, no copyright, ain't, Napa speakers now bow pointed those speakers. So first up we got the iPhone and pixel back iPhone. Imagine all right, so I definitely knew before the quality for the pixel, but of course music is subjective. So let me know what you prefer: alright guys so, overall, very close results and really the question is which OS you prefer: Eva, iOS or Android.

So as always, thanks for watching subscribe for more and when we know the comments, bow is phonemic. One.

Source : Phone Battles

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