iPhone X vs Galaxy S8 vs Pixel 2 - Battery Charging SPEED Test By SuperSaf

By SuperSaf
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone X vs Galaxy S8 vs Pixel 2 - Battery Charging SPEED Test

What's of YouTube's a fear on super-safe TV and welcome to another super safe style battery charging, speed test this time between the Samsung, Galaxy S8, the iPhone 10 and at the Google Pixel -. Now. The reason why we're using these three particular devices is because they have similar sized batteries, the s8 slightly larger than the other. Two now for the SAT and the pixel ?, we are using the charges that come outside the box, but unfortunately with the iPhone 10. The faster idea does not come out of the box, and this has to be purchased separately for our about 75 pounds of 75 dollars. So that's definitely something to bear in mind.

So all three devices have been charged down to one percent, and we've got flight mode on with everything such as Bluetooth, as well as location switched off. That way, we don't have any outside interference, and it will make the test as far as possible charging has started, and then we've got the timer at the top, and we'll be checking back every so often so checking back after the first 15 minutes. The s8 is a 19%, the iPhone 10 on 26% and pixel -. Also, on 26% now remember, the s8 does have a slightly larger battery compared to the other two. So this may be one of the reasons why checking in after 30 minutes, the s8 is at 37%, the iPhone 10 at 51% and the pixel ? at 43%.

So the iPhone has now taken the lead after one hour, the S 8000 74%, the iPhone 10 on 79% and at the pixel ? on 71%. After an hour and 15 minutes, the S eights on 89%, the iPhone 10 on 88% and the pixel ? on 83%. So now the s8 has taken the lead after an hour and 30 minutes, the s8, some 96%, the iPhone 10 or 94% under pixel ? on 93% after an hour and 40 minutes, s8 on 99%, iPhone, 10 or 96%, and the pictures of ? or 97%. So now it has overtaken the iPhone 10. Now about a minute later.

The s8 is completely finished, and that makes it the winner of this test that around about 1 hour and 41 minutes at this point in time. The air content is at 97% and the pixel 2 and 98% checking back at about an hour and 49 minutes. The pixel 2 has completed and because they didn't have the LED notification, when it finished I would say it finished at around about 147 minutes, but regardless that this put it in second place in this test. The iPhone 10 at this point is at 98% checking it again after one hour of 55 minutes do from 10 is still a 98% and finally checking out one hour and 57 minutes. The iPhone 10 is fully completed, and that makes it that in this test, so there we have it guys.

The super soft style fast charging speed test between the SAT iPhone 10 and the Google Pixel 2. Now the iPhone 10 did have a great start, but it did slow down towards the end. Now this may be to preserve the battery, like we've seen on some other devices, but for this test it did come last. What did you guys think of the results? Stephanie a comment below and let me know, I hope you enjoyed this video and found it useful. If you did them, please do hit that thumbs up on for me.

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Source : SuperSaf

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