iPhone 12 vs Motorola Edge - Performance Comparison By DanieBoy's Tech

By DanieBoy's Tech
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone 12 vs Motorola Edge - Performance Comparison

Hey guys and gals Danny boy here, and today I have the iPhone 12 and the Motorola edge, and I want to do a comparison between these phones in this particular video as regards the performance. So let's go ahead and dive right into this. Now, let's go ahead and talk about the prices first, so the iPhone 12 here retails for 829 bucks for the unlocked model- and this is you know, still winner of 2021 here- the Motorola edge. On the other hand, original retail price was 699 bucks. I have seen this phone for substantially less I've, seen it all the way down to 399 on sale. So, probably more generally, the four to five hundred dollar range for this phone uh, but original retail price of 6.99, okay, so basically 130 bucks more for the iPhone 12, so pretty similar. As far as the price goes, so let's go ahead and dive right into this area of performance.

We know that the iPhone 12 here has apple's a14 processor and basically this is the top top-of-the-line smartphone processor, of any smartphone on the market uh, it's probably a generation or two higher than the snapdragon equivalent for android, which in this case would be the 888 um. Now this phone, the Motorola edge, has the snapdragon 765 g, okay. So that's kind of your what I would call the upper mid-range processor for android phones, uh, so basically um. You know, we've got top of the line versus upper mid-range here and that's all good and everything. But what we really want to look at or consider is how does that performance translate into daily usage? In other words, what's the daily experience spin, because you can look at the specs all day long? You can look at what phone has what processor and all of that, but what really matters is.

How does it feel when you're actually using the phone right, I mean, because you may forget what processor your phone even has unless you're really into that? Okay, so Apple A14 chip, iPhone 12 experience has been really, really fast right. I mean it's just a really fast feeling phone and that's interesting too, because we know that the iPhone 12 has a 60 hertz display right. It doesn't have a 90 or a 120 hertz display, but due to the fact that the processor here is so fast, it kind of you know makes you feel like you have a faster phone, perhaps than you really do so. In other words, what I'm trying to say is the fact that this phone is a 60 hertz phone. That does not detract at least in my experience from the fleetingness of the phone and how fast it is.

Okay, so we're perfectly fine here great experience as far as actually using the phone it feels like you have plenty of speed. Uh, there's, definitely no lacking in this area. Okay, so Motorola edge, and- and this is pretty much the same thing with this phone- is that the Motorola edge here also feels very fast. Okay turn that brightness down it's just a really fast feeling phone now granted. You do have the 90 hertz to age you with that process right.

So it's not just in this with this phone, it's not just that upper mid-range snapdragon, 765 g. It's also that you have the 90 hertz display, so that adds to the fluidity that adds to the experience of it feeling fast. I do not notice a lot of difference between both of these phones. As far as the actual feel goes, I would say, the iPhone 12 feels a little faster for sure, even though the Motorola does have the 90 hertz display here, but they both feel really fast. I would say it's marginal okay, so experience with this phone has also been perfect, and that includes even photo editing on this phone has been perfectly fine.

I've not had any kind of slow, obvious slowdowns or lag, or anything like that here on the Motorola. So with all that being said, let's go ahead and launch some apps right and let's see how they do comparison wise with that I've gone ahead and closed down all the background apps on both of these phones. As you can see here, we got nothing open on the iPhone 12 and then nothing open here on the Motorola edge. So let's go ahead and launch some apps kind of get a comparison going here. I'll start with Firefox focus, okay very similar there.

I think that the 12 one just by an edge now, let's go with Wikipedia, definitely the iPhone 12 there um. Let's try the dictionary app. Okay, definitely the iPhone 12. Um. Let's see what else can we do? Let's do IMDB iPhone 12, but pretty close for the Motorola edge, not a huge difference.

There um let's go ahead and do the bible app? Definitely the iPhone 12. So you can kind of see here that the iPhone 12 definitely does launch apps faster right. I mean we're talking top of the line of any smartphone processor in this particular phone. So it's going to be pretty difficult for any phone, except maybe a snapdragon 888, to try to match the iPhone's processor here so but, as you could see, the Motorola definitely wasn't bad there. Let's go ahead and look uh at how it keeps the apps and memory here.

Okay, we got a reload there on the iPhone 12, and I will say experimentally. I have had a lot of reloads here on my iPhone 12, and I'm not sure why that is- and I've not been too happy about that. That's one of the very few things that has been maybe an issue here on the iPhone 12 and let's see no reload there um, let's go with IMDB. I couldn't quite tell on that one, but I did see something going on here on the iPhone 12, but I'm not for sure that was a reload um. Let's do the bible app! Okay, no reload! There um, but, like I said memory wise, I've had a better experience on the Motorola edge.

I just got to tell you like. It is not quite sure if it's, because this model, the iPhone 12, has less ram. I don't think it would be that versus your pro models. Um. I don't see why it would be that I really I'm not sure if its individual apps, like the app developers, need to update their apps or if it's an iOS 14 issue.

Furthermore, I'm not really sure why I've gotten some reloads here when I should not have, but that's been my personal experience, and it's been a little. You know annoying. I guess you would say at times, but it's not a huge deal right. I mean it's not that big a deal, but if you're trying to work and get things done, it's kind of annoying if something reloads that shouldn't have reloaded um. So that's where we're at with this so now um.

What I want to do is load geek bench 5 on both of these phones and let's run a geek bench 5 test and just see how the numbers compare, but again experimentally we're going to have a faster. You know experience on the iPhone 12 here, but I don't think it's going to be um that much of a difference but as far as the numbers go, I think we're going to see a pretty big difference here with the iPhone 12. Got geek bench 5 loaded up here on each phone. I've closed down all other apps. Let's go ahead and just see how this goes and, like I was saying what I think we're going to see is a huge number here: a set of numbers here on the iPhone 12, substantially more than the Motorola edge here, but again um.

I don't think we're going to notice as big of a difference as far as usage goes. Both of these phones feel fast. So, even though the iPhone 12 is probably going to crush the Motorola here. As far as the numbers go, I don't think the difference is as big with actual usage. So, let's see what we get here, I'm going to go ahead and pause.

The video and we'll come back when this is done. So, as you can see here on the iPhone 12 we're at hunt minute 45, and we're getting near the end for the iPhone 12 it appears, but about halfway through on the Motorola edge. Okay. So, let's see yep this one's done, and we're only halfway through on the edge, so we're wrapping up here on the Motorola edge, we're at 93 percent um, and it's taken quite a while here on the Motorola edge. Uh.

Probably time wise, I don't know- or maybe it four minutes, roughly um, okay, so there's the final number. So, as you can see here, pretty substantial difference, okay, single core score: we're at you know two and a half three times here. The speed on the iPhone 12 multi-core score, we're at roughly double the speed plus a little more on the iPhone 12 so about two to two and a half times faster of a phone uh for the iPhone 12 and honestly, I'm surprised that it's even that close, I kind of thought that maybe the Motorola would even be lesser than these numbers. So this is where we're at. Of course, we have iOS 14.4 here currently on the 12, and then here we have android 10, okay, so haven't got android 11 here on my Motorola, not sure why it should be here by now in my opinion, but it is what it is so two to two and a half times faster of a phone for the iPhone 12, but I don't think you're really going to see that unless you're trying to edit video edit photos, maybe intensely you, you might see the difference doing exports of any kind, then you might definitely see a slowdown here on the Motorola, but both of these phones are fast. Okay.

This is perfectly fine. This is fast enough for most people, I would say, but this is where we're at guys so guys um. Let me close this out. You know, as always, if you're enjoying my videos be sure to subscribe to my channel and then, of course, hitting that thumbs up button helps out as well, but for now peace out.

Source : DanieBoy's Tech

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