iPhone 12 Mini Size vs iPhone 11 Pro By Nick Ackerman

By Nick Ackerman
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 Mini Size vs iPhone 11 Pro

So, what is up guys nick here, helping you to master your technology? Welcome to my iPhone 12 mini versus iPhone 11 Pro from last year. Size comparison, so you can see that this was actually a pretty comfortable size, the iPhone 11 Pro, but next to this new 12 mini as the video is showing right here. This phone is actually shorter at like 5.18 inches and this one's 5.67 inches. Now, when it comes to width, there is a little of a difference in whiff too, I mean well not that little. It's like 7 millimeters wider for the 11 pro. So if you do have this new 12 mini, or you pre-order one on 11, 6 you're going to see that you are going to shave off a little on the side.

So if you found yourself holding it like this, and you're like I got to reach over and stuff, if the 11 pro is a little chubby a little wide for you, you might really like this mini right here. This side to side action is going to be pretty nice, so you can see that's how it looks there now when it comes to the sides of these phones right here, comparing their sizes, it does look like the iPhone 12 mini is actually a little thinner here at 7.4 millimeters versus the thickest point of the iPhone 11 Pro is actually 8.1. So, even though it's curved it's a thicker phone than that of the iPhone 12 mini here, but when it comes to the weight, you're going to shave off a lot in the weight, the iPhone 12 mini here is only going to weigh 135 grams, so you're, looking at a phone that just weighs basically nothing compared to this iPhone 11 pros 188 grams on this phone, so definitely a big difference there now actually holding them in the hand. You can see the reach, it's just it's much harder.11 pro. I have big hands and I still do a little reach on this phone.

It just doesn't feel comfortable. This right here still feels great. I mean this iPhone, 12 mini it just feels great when it comes to that size. Now you can see right here holding them side by side again, it's just really that height difference and the design difference is also very noticeable. You can see a very more squared edge there squared edge there if we put it to the side here very different in that design.

Looking more like the older iPhone versus the newer iPhone honestly, with some newer iPhone infused into this iPhone, 12 mini it's like a's like the old, with the new and fused into one. I like it quite a bit, so that's pretty much it here when it comes to their design. If you kind of look at their camera bumps, they should be about similar. They do have pretty similar size, Siri buttons as well right there, but overall size. You are going down a little.

I wouldn't say this is a major downgrade in size. You're not going way, way down you're going down 0.4 inches, but those millimeters make a difference on the side on the grip on the reach to the top, it's going to be a more comfortable phone to work with on a day to day. If you wanted a tiny phone, so shout out to sup case for sending this unit out, they got some awesome, unicorn beetle cases. Here you get a purple or red and there's many more colors black as well 12.99 for these cases affordable, yet very protective for your iPhone 12 mini. It's probably a good idea to get a case before you even pick one up or pre-order one.

It's a perfect idea to have that on hand I'll leave a link down below. But let me know what you guys want to see on the 11 pro and the iPhone 12 mini going forward as I do get these and the real one in studio, the actual iPhone 12 mini. Let me know what you guys want to see on these comparisons, as I'm gathering that data and content up for you guys thumbs up. If you found it helpful and let us know in the comments, if you're actually going to trade, the 11 pro or just pick up the iPhone 12 mini and in which color and capacity. Thank you very much for watching I'll catch.

You all in the next episode. Be sure to be well nick here and peace.

Source : Nick Ackerman

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