iPhone 12 Mini has a HORRIBLE battery life By Tech, Tesla, and more

By Tech, Tesla, and more
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 Mini has a HORRIBLE battery life

Hello and welcome to another video, so today I want to talk about the iPhone 12 mini and in particular how terrible the battery life is on. So I got this phone, maybe now, four or five months ago, yep uh Thanksgiving Day or so and uh. Since then, I've been using it every day, just like my normal phone. The problem with this phone is that the battery is small in comparison to the size of the phone, so the phone is very small, but it's extremely easy to use and easy to carry because it's so small. It fits in your hand like it's perfectly made for your hand. It's very lightweight nice phone, nice design, but the battery life is just horrendous.

So let me show you what I'm talking about, so you go to your settings. Actually, this is a nice feature on these photos that you kind of see what your battery life looks like over the last 24 hours, and you know things like that activity and things like that. So look at the last 10 days and if you look at this chart here, it shows you that most days, my battery usage was over a hundred percent. So if you see one two, three four so forty percent of days and the interesting thing is most of these days, I was not working. So you know these three days in a row when my batteries it was over 100 I was working and once I get home I rarely touch my phone.

So you know most of my usage is while I'm at work these four days. I was traveling and not really using my phone, because I have a tesla and the maps is on the phone on the um screen on the car. So I don't have to use my phone and yet you know just looking up sort of places to eat things like that. Just normally usage I was approaching 100 battery life usage so almost every day before the day ends you're going to have to recharge your phone, which is um not ideal. If you look at my average screen on time every day, it's 4 hours, 30 minutes, not very substantial um, not very substantial at all.

Actually, most people use more than five hours of screen on time for a 16-hour period when they're awake. So that's my biggest problem. Um I've ordered a battery case for this phone, not uh, very common to find yet because this phone only came out for five months ago, but I ordered a case and uh watch out for that video next week. When I talk about the battery case anyways, thank you for watching like subscribe, comment, and I'll, see you on the next one.

Source : Tech, Tesla, and more

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