iPhone 12 mini DOUBLE UNBOXING! (it's adorable) By Nikias Molina

By Nikias Molina
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 mini DOUBLE UNBOXING! (it's adorable)

Okay and the iPhone of my dreams is here: the iPhone 12 mini. I've always wanted a small form factor phone, but with black and features- and this is it- we also got a 12-minute case: let's go ahead and start by unboxing the 12 mini white or red Timmy white, okay, we're starting by unboxing the iPhone 12 mini in white. I'm super like excited to do this. Okay, and here we go, I'm super excited about this one. Two and three. This is so small.

This is literally so small if you like, small phones. This is perfect, and here we go no power, brick, as we know on the iPhone 12, we got USB and lightning cable. We got a pamphlet designed by apple in California, with your apple stickers. Don't forget that I'm actually giving away an iPhone 12 to one of you guys, there are two simple steps to enter. One go.

Follow me on Instagram links are down below you'll, have to comment and tag three friends and to be happy because life is good. Okay, iPhone, 12 in bread, 12 mini in red, beautiful, and I've also unboxed. All five colors of the iPhone 12. So if you guys want to go ahead and see that links are down below- and here we go, this is the iPhone 12 mini and red. As you guys know, it helps out with the product red foundation.

So if you don't really know which color to get product red because it helps the world to be in a better place right now, all right- and here is the room kite. That's a weird name, King kite case going to put it on the white iPhone. We should be there. We go mac safe case. I could be rocking this right now, all right, so I have officially set up the iPhone 12 mini and my first impressions are amazing.

It's everything that I love about the iPhone SE, but with the iPhone 12 design with that edge to its display with face ID with MagSafe and that maxi ecosystem with that upgraded camera from the iPhone 12. I am just super impressed and I absolutely love it. I honestly wish this is like my all-time dream: iPhone 12 mini pro like iPhone 12 Pro mini. Furthermore, I just wish I loved the stainless steel sides. Furthermore, I love how this guy matches my Apple Watch, but I totally recommend this to everybody.

Furthermore, I mean everybody that likes small phones, I'm going to test out the battery. That's probably the worst thing about this phone, but I still don't know I will be testing this out, so stay tuned for my full review. This is how it looks with the iPhone 12 mini versus the 12 pro max. This is the difference between the 12 pro and the 12 mini. Once again, this is the difference with the SE.

The s e is still bigger, but the 12 mini has a larger display. Since this is, you know, edge to edge absolutely. I am just super happy about this, and I'm super excited to actually review this guy so yeah. That's it, thanks for watching subscribe if you're new- and I will see you in the next one- I will peace hurt, you.

Source : Nikias Molina

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