iPhone 11 Pro UK Unboxing By MegaSim

By MegaSim
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone 11 Pro UK Unboxing

Yes here it is the iPhone 11 Pro 2 5 6, so, as you can see here, I failed 11, Pro, Space, Gray, 2, 5, 6, gig, Space Gray, so yeah, the 'life own 11, Pro AirPods USB, to line your cable USB, C power, adapter and all the other bits in there as well. So this is a UK unboxing, so a UK unboxing, so we'll be able to look at the UK plug that comes with this. So boxes, do it all save box. The cellophane is a little scratched, as you can see. On their bow box looks like it's. Alright, it's no issue with the box and its have a closer look got a lovely bit there.

iPhone Apple logo. Ok, so that Apple logo is further down, and there is a bit of writing in the bottom. Well, I! Don't think, there's nothing back! So just try and get in don't know. If you can see that focus, so you can see that there is the CEO logo there, and also they do not bin logo. So there is something on there which a lot of people in America didn't show.

So maybe it's just a UK or European thing that needs to be there anyway. So, let's just focus again, I think one way: Cupertino looks at the sides. Nice and shiny I'm gonna- put that there do a look inside here so Oh, designed by open in California, hello, guys, sim ejection tool well, and we've got a little where hello, yeah nice, just some extra things there and our trusty Apple stickers that I have never used and it's all safety handling, EU compliance. So there we go, there's the EU compliance. That's probably why you've got that symbol and the bin one because of the European Union they are on there, whereas I guess in the American one it is totally there.

So next we get to see our ear pods. So these ear pods, as you know, are lightning not get away from them, because we all know what a post looks like look like I've got a nice lightning, but to USB-C, so we've got a USB to lightning, not USB, to USB but to lightning and then finally, in the box we have our 18 watt USB. Well, that was good. Wasn't it okay, paper I guess if to be possibly biodegradable and not sure, but it's different to the plastic that they usually have- and this is very similar to the Apple Watch plug that you used to get or that you get, so it does have the USB, and so it keeps it nice and thin similar to the America one, but the American one is a lot longer, but we just zoom in so made in China, designed by Apple in California all the usual bits on there, lovely okay. So as we know that goes in there, so you have a nice box.

There, then just to put these away you've got that sim ejection tool, hello. We can put them away. Okay, so just make sure it's focused there. We go it's a bigger button. If you notice here there's a bigger button to the iPhone 8 plus, which I'm using currently we're now on for the first time, so you can see iPhone, 8 plus on there.

This is it just have a look at the lenses: hello, okay, Salvador's, we'll set that up in a sec, because I need to use the sim ejection tool. Put my sim from my phone current phone into this one, but before we do to get this yesterday, so came before the phone sounds the tech21 face not having a good day today. I might be okay! Okay, so tells me: why go the Eve check for the 5.8 2019? So look mix-and-match buttons, it's a bit different! Isn't it, so you're able to change these buttons, so I'm, not sure why you would have yellow and green, but you do those it's not bad! That cases is not bad at all. This is my current one and 21 just got like a mushy inside and a smooth back this as you can feel the crosses on the back supposed to be self-cleaning, but we'll see anyway, thanks for watching thanks for a little video. Let me just a get rid of all of that.

So anyway, we've got the iPhone 11 Pro 256, the piece that we've gotten, that with as well amazing.

Source : MegaSim

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