iPhone 11 Pro Real-World Test (Camera & Battery Test) By TheUnlockr

By TheUnlockr
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone 11 Pro Real-World Test (Camera & Battery Test)

Another day, another phone- we're gonna, does another real-world test this time on the 11pro, the smaller pro. Now, if you're not familiar with these I'm going to be using this phone throughout my normal day, if you can't tell I'm at an airport, it's going to be a bit of a travel day and then kind of checking into the battery throughout to see how it does, and also I'm gonna, taking photos on this phone and a bunch of others putting them up on the screen. So you guys can compare and see how it does have you I've been following along I am well, it's really sad I'm leaving the Sony camera camp I'll, explain what that is a little later, or you can check out some way older videos to see more real world tests from camera camp and heading to San Diego for yet another event. But while we're here real quick, let's check on the battery I took it off at about 8 a. m. it is now 10 57, and we are at 80% made it.

I am now in San Diego. So now in the southern West part of the country. Instead of like the kind of northern West is part of the country, I'm here for Qualcomm they're having an event tomorrow, but tonight we have like a welcome dinner, so we're gonna head to that and keep testing the phone. Obviously, while we're at it, though, since it's been a while, it is 528 p. m.

now remember: I also lost an hour. It should be 628 technically, and it is at 38%. Hey dinner is done, we're not heading back this 8:10 p. m. and we are at 29% there we go calling it a night.

It is 11:03 p. m. and we are at 26 percent, not bad. Here's, my screen on time and all the activity and stuff that I've been doing with it and yeah I. Guess it's its to be expected right.

It's decent! Definitely an improvement over last year. I feel like it's, not quite as good as the pro max. Also expected, though you guys, let me know just think in the comments below of this video if I can improve in some way I, please let me know always trying to do that. Besides, what you think of this phone always a pleasure hearing from you guys and if you like video, please thumb up it or share it. It's greatly appreciated, also check out the rest of channel feel like we see there.

Please subscribe ding. The bell next word subscribe, so you get notified when I do new videos as always, though, regardless thanks for watching.

Source : TheUnlockr

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