iPad Pro 2021 M1 chip | 12.9 inch, space gray, 256gb | UNBOXING + setup + accessories By PUTSY

Aug 13, 2021
iPad Pro 2021 M1 chip | 12.9 inch, space gray, 256gb | UNBOXING + setup + accessories

Hi guys I'm puts and welcome back to my channel for today's video. I have something very, very interesting that I've been waiting for. I've been wanting to do for the past year. I'm so excited- and I think this is the very first unboxing here on my channel, which makes this video even more exciting, especially in tech category. Furthermore, I'm not a tech pro or anything, I'm just a regular consumer, but yeah enough chit-chat about that. Furthermore, I'm going to unbox this amazing thing right here that I've been saving up for the past year, the iPad Pro 2021.

Furthermore, I also have a couple of accessories ready to put on the iPad later on, but yeah for now. Let's get to the unboxing part. Like I said before, this is the iPad Pro 2021, the 12.9 inch with the 256 gigabytes of memory, eight gigabytes of ram and with the m1 chip. I cannot really tell you the difference of this compared to the last version, which is the 2020 version, but all I know is it has some major improvement, especially with the m1 chip. It's supposed to be super superfast.

The display on the 12.9 inch has been improved compared to the last year version, which now use the mini led. I think- and it's supposed to be amazing. Black is supposed to be very, very black and the white is very, very wide and the contrast in this thing is supposed to be amazing, and I think that's going to be better for what I'm going to do with this iPad. Specifically, I really want to try to procreate. I also want to use this for digital journaling, and I also really want to try this for editing videos, because I've heard a lot of good things about Lima fusion.

I think that's what it's called and hopefully maybe someday Final Cut Pro finally comes to iPad. That will be even better so yeah. I think I will get a lot of benefit from the upgrade of the display, which is also why I bought the 12.9 inch version, because I've seen the 12.9 inch compared to the 11 inch in the Apple Store, I've compared them and while the 11 inch is amazing, if you really want to edit and make art on the go, because it's super light, it's small, it can fit in most bags very easy and simple to bring anywhere. But I don't know like when I see it side by side with the 12.9 inch, even though it's big, I really, really like the 12.9 inch more and for digital art. I think I will like that more.

You know the bigger surface and everything so and the memory I decided to go with the 256 gigabyte, because 256 is like the middle threshold. You know like it's, not too small, but it's not too big as well. I have a couple of external hard drive that I can use as well, because this also has USB with thunderbolt in it, so I can always transfer all the files easily to my external hard drive. And yes, this is going to be my very first time trying out the m1 chip and overall, this is going to be a very enhanced version of apple product for me, because I have the old version of the MacBook Pro. I also still use the very old iPhone 6x plus, and this year's version with the 256 gigabytes of memory also comes with 8 gigabytes of ram, which is, I think, an improvement already from last year's version.2020 version, I believe, has six gigabytes of ram, but if you order the one terabyte or two terabytes, it comes with 16 gigabytes of ram. I also bought the Apple Pencil second generation that can magnetically attach to the iPad, and it also charged that way, which is amazing.

So so so the magnet, I think, is also quite strong. It's just much more convenient than the first generation and if you tap twice, you can easily change from pencil to eraser mode, which is also amazing and makes it so much easier for us to use and the pencil itself is matte, and it's not fully circular. It has this straight edge or sides. So if you put this on the table, it won't roll off easily, so the first accessories that I have here is this thing for the Apple Pencil, which is really, really cute. It's made out of silicone, and it actually makes the pencil looks like real pencil with the cap right here in the set.

It comes like this. Furthermore, it has one for the pencil, but with two caps purple and pink. Furthermore, it also comes with the tip cover, which I don't think I'm going to use, even though the pencil itself is already having a matte surface, which makes it so much easier to grip and much more comfortable than the first generation, but with the help of the silicon here, it will just improve the grip even more, and it just looks cute, isn't if I will just go to quickly apply the screen protector first. This is the alcohol paper peel, I mean paper fill film the smooth types. This is like a tube for the paper-like screen protector, even though I don't think I can really call this a dupe because it's like half the price of the second version of the paper like, but the paper light comes with two screen protectors.

This one only comes with one screen protector, which is why technically it's like the same price, but I really want to try this because I've heard a lot of three things. So telecom has two different type of paper like screen protector, the smooth and one type, the pond version. It feels more like paper. Some people have been saying great things about the resistance of the bone type, but the surface feels way too rough on the touch, and it feels almost feels like sandpaper, and I really don't want to use that, because if it's way too rough, then it will potentially destroy the tip of the Apple Pencil even faster, and I really don't want that. I really want to obtain the longevity of my Apple Pencil tip, so I decided to go with the smooth one.

It has less. Resistance, obviously feels less like pepper, but it's not as coarse on the surface. It's not as rough, and I think this will be a good mixture between the paper light second version and the electron type, and this is made in Japan by the way. So so so foreign, it's as good as it can be. I mean there's no air bubble whatsoever.

There's one major mistakes that I've made. It's not that easy to apply this without any guide whatsoever. As you can see, that's like one of the main cons of the elect, there's no guide, so it's a little harder to apply, but I applied it near perfect, if only I put these a little lower because as far as I can tell everything else, every single side of this is lined perfectly, but I applied this a little too close to the top, but that so there's a little of gap here in the bottom. If only I put this a little lower like a quarter of millimeter or something it's going to be perfect, but other than that, it's perfect it's a little annoying but yeah, it's so soft. Obviously it feels better than on the glass, and also this is not as coarse.

I feel like I've made a great decision with choosing the smooth version rather than the bone type. So now we're going to turn it on last again that I have ready with me now is cover. I just love the way it looks, but what I like about this is that it has its own space for the pencil. So when you bring this with you on your back, pencil won't slip and slide everywhere around in your bag, so extra protection and just more safety, and also the back of it, is clear. So the color of the iPad will obviously show through this case it goes magnetically to the screen.

It has like the wake-up sleep mode or whatever I don't know. What's that called also, it has some camera protector on the back here, which is amazing. Now I actually made a mistake with this purchase in particular, because I didn't know: there's a difference between 2020 and the 2021 profession. The 11 inch are exactly the same physically. If you only look at it, the 12.9 inch is also very much the same except it's like half a millimeter thicker in the 2021 version because of the display because of the mini LEDs. So I didn't know that I bought this case like a month ago, right after I ordered the iPad, so I didn't know that fact before I bought the case, so I bought the case for the iPad 12.9 inch, the 2024 shed and yeah it's I don't know if it's going to fit or not. Hopefully it will, because I really don't want to buy another case.

It's like a waste of money, but let's see so wait. I think this can fit. Oh where's, the camera wait. I think that fits perfectly actually now because of the case. I think it kind of mask the mistake I've made with the screen protector so yeah, oh, yes, dang! Okay! This is amazing.

I'm satisfied with the purchase, oh by the way. Obviously I can use this like. This can also use this like that. If I want to use this for like drawing or something I mean this way around, but I can also open this up and voil?. We don't have to use this part because it's magnetically attached to this part, so we have more options this way.

Let's see if this can anyway, no, I think it's the other way around wait. I really like the color as well, because it matches with the keyboard and the mouse that I already bought for the iPad, the Logitech pebble mouse and the Logitech k830 mouse, no ka30 keyboard that a lot of people actually already have. So the keyboard is the Logitech k380, and this is the Logitech pebble mouse. So so so do yeah! That's it that's the end of the video. I hope you like this video.

I don't know if it's helpful or not, but I personally love watching iPad unboxing. Furthermore, I don't know it's just so fun watching unboxing, video, whatever it is, if iPad MacBook, whatever just so satisfying- and you just want to watch it again and again, you're just craving for more. Furthermore, I don't know what it is about. Unboxing videos, but I love watching them, which is why I made one, let me know down below if you also buy the 2021 iPad Pro which size which memory share them down below. Let me know, and also, if you like this video, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel.

That will help my channel a lot also because I'm planning on making another video with my newest iPad Pro. Hopefully I can make a what's on my iPad Pro video next, for you guys- and I already have some accessories on mine- that I really want to buy next for my iPad, and I will also make a video on that. So, if you want to see this, video don't forget to subscribe, that will help my channel a lot. And lastly, I just want to say thank you so much for watching, and I hope I can see you in my next video bye, guys.

Source : PUTSY

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