iPad Air 2020 vs iPad Pro latency (60Hz vs 120Hz) By Teoh on Tech

By Teoh on Tech
Aug 14, 2021
iPad Air 2020 vs iPad Pro latency (60Hz vs 120Hz)

This is a pen latency test of the iPad Pro 120 hertz versus the iPad Air for 60 hertz. I am doing a split screen test because I do not have two apple pencils, so it would be impossible for me to maintain the same speed so for the test. Just take note of the gap between the line that appears and the pen tip, and also look out for the animation of the line as it appears so on the iPad Pro. You will see the animation it's smoother and the gap between the line and the pen tip it's very small, it's very minimal, but for the iPad Air 4, you can see the animation it's a bit more choppy and also the gap between the line and the pen tip. It is noticeably larger.

Source : Teoh on Tech

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