iPad Air 2 vs iPad Mini 1 Speed Test and Comparison and how has Apple pogressed Part 2 By EpicBro

By EpicBro
Aug 14, 2021
iPad Air 2 vs  iPad Mini 1 Speed Test and Comparison and how has Apple pogressed Part 2

Hey guys, epic bro 101 here, and I welcome to part 2 of my iPad Air 2 versus my iPad Mini first generation comparison, and in this video we will be going over speaker, quality microphone, quality, camera quality picture quality. So we are going to go ahead and start this off with a screen quality test on the iPad at the exact same picture by the way same resolution and everything on the iPad Mini, you can see the city pretty well, let's zoom in really far up. Okay, here, you can see in the windows, but it's kind of just a couple black little blobs and if I go over to the iPad Air 2, the picture is also much nicer by the way and again same picture same everything. If I zoom in you can see they're, not just black blobs, you can actually see maybe can't see it on camera, but I can see you can pop. You can actually make out little desks little people, and you really can't do that on this one. So yeah screen quality is a lot better and this also has a laminated display.

So the colors' office are going to be better zoom out again, so you can see the difference again and that let's jump right into a cam quality, okay. So the second test here is the picture quality test. Now I have taken two pictures of pretty much the same thing, which is the shelf, but my desk, with a bunch of Legos and like little microflex enter, so I've, taken the exact same picture with both Sam iPads I'm, going to display them on the iPad Air 2 screens, because it is better, and I want to get the same picture or like that same display so that we can do you can see. So this picture was taken with the iPad Air 2, and you can see there's quite a bit of detail with that eight megapixel camera. Ok! So now that we are focused, we can see there's a lot of detail on the colors, pretty good.

Actually we're going to go in just to this little village right here. Ok, here we go, and it's a little grainy. Yes, both these cameras are pretty great and overall detail and color is pretty good. It's not that good, but it's decent. It's possible, okay, so the next one.

This picture is again displayed on the same, my pet or two, but this is picture was taking with the iPad Mini. So you can see. The colors are not very good that truck right. There can't really tell the difference in colors and not a lot of detail. There's a lot more graininess than there was over.

Our picture was not too good kind of blue, almost not really, but um. That's Sarah doesn't look really blue in real life. It's my camera on my phone, but I mean it looks a little darker, a little more grainy, more pixel, so yeah, ok! So now moving on to the microphone quality test, both these microphone tests will be played on the iPad Air 2 speakers, and they will be playing right up one right after another, with a little of gap between. So here we go. This is a microphone test of the iPad Air 2.

This is a microphone test. The first generation iPad Mini as you can see they sound pretty much the same, and the app in May is a little louder. I'm, not sure why that is I think I got closer to it. I don't know, but anyway looks like they haven't, really changed the microphones at all, but the epidote two does support dual microphones. So that's one thing to note: I think probably cousin noise, cancelling that might have been what it was, but anyway, so the microphones pretty much the same on those two.

Ok. So now moving on to the speaker test, we were going to be playing the song a blank by disfigure, and I'm, going to be switching off the devices every 10 seconds about playing the exact same song at the same time. So here we go and if I didn't already mention, both devices are set to their maximum volume. You so obviously the iPad Air 2 has a lot more based in a lot more kind of dynamic range than the iPad Mini, which sounds a little closed off compared to the iPad 02, but anyways. Thank you guys for checking out my part 2 of this iPad Air 2, verse, iPad Mini one comparison, video and by the way this is the last part, so no more to come out, be sure to LIKE and subscribe, and I'll see you guys next time.

Source : EpicBro

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