Huawei P20 Pro vs Google Pixel 2 XL: Speed Test By Tech Thusiast

By Tech Thusiast
Aug 14, 2021
Huawei P20 Pro vs Google Pixel 2 XL: Speed Test

Hey, what is going on guys Testers just here- and this is a speed test- comparison between the Huawei p20 pro against the Google Pixel to excel, so it's going to be skinned, Android versus stock, Android, 6, gigabytes of ram versus 4 gigabytes of ram. Now, with that being said, let's get started up. First, we have the Huawei pre 20 pro it has a 1080p screen. It's on the latest version of Android Audio 8.1. It has declaring 970 CPU and the many G 72, GPU and 6 gigabytes of RAM. Then we have the Google Pixel to excel.

It has a quad HD screen. It's also on the latest version of Android Audio 8.1. Furthermore, it has the snapdragon 835 CPU and the Arena 530 GPU and 4 gigabytes of RAM. Just before starting the test you can see, there are now absent games running in the background in 1:1, the p20 Pro won for one point, moving it around the RAM management. Here you can see all the apps and games are in the background.

So in round two, the Huawei p20 Pro won by a massive eight points. Moving on to benchmarks, starting off with an tutu benchmark and the Huawei P, 20 Pro scored over 200,000 points and the Google Pixel to excel scored slightly less with just over 180 thousand points. Here are the device rankings, and neither of the devices are here because of the newer devices from this year, and here is a breakdown of each of the categories in this benchmark. Here we have the Geek bench for tests and the Huawei pre 20 Pro scored higher in the single core and multi-core than the Google Pixel to excel, and, lastly, to compute test and again the p20 Pro scored higher than the pixel to excel. So that is the end of this speed test comparison, and here are the results at a glance in Run 1.

It was very close, however, in the RAM management, the Huawei p20 Pro won that by 8 points in the benchmark test for an 2:2 and Geek bench for the Huawei P 20 Pro scored higher than the Google Pixel to excel. So what are your thoughts about this bit test comparison? Do let me know in the comment section if you have enjoyed this video, then please give it a thumbs up. If you are new here, then please do consider subscribing as I will have much more content coming up, don't forget to hit that Bell notifications, so you get notified as soon as my videos are released. Please do follow me on Instagram and Twitter and like always, thanks for watching, and I will catch up with you in the next video.

Source : Tech Thusiast

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