HTC U11 Did the software update ruin my camera? | UPDATE IN DESCRIPTION By J. Williams

By J. Williams
Aug 15, 2021
HTC U11 Did the software update ruin my camera? | UPDATE IN DESCRIPTION

Okay guys, so I gave my HTC u11 a reboot I did do a software update on it right before the video, so I don't know. What's going on with the HTC? U 11, a lot of people are commenting saying you all did she said.11 looks different in this video. Well, you would actually be right, I, don't know. What's going on with ace to see you xi front camera I, you know I thought the HTC 11 had great detail and that the essential phone over saturated, but I put this intro phone up against the axon 7 I think the axon 7 looked much better, but this is the rematch here with the U 11 and all I did was reboot the 11 nothing fancy. Some people are saying you know, the camera lens is dirty. I looked at it again, and I thought wow something's, definitely wrong.

I mean the U 11 is over. Here. Now, obviously can tell the difference, and this is the essential phone. So I, don't I, don't know I'm looking at the viewfinder and to me the U 11 looks great I'm in the same setting. It's just a little later in the evening, and this is people asked me to do this rematch.

They said you know you 11 owners, like Gayle Jay, something wrong. You use your you 11 for your entire channel they'll open to this point. I said I know, I, don't know. What's going on, but I'm just holding the phones now side by side in the same sitting, same setting as I was before same lighting, everything's exactly the same and here's the quality. So you tell me at this point which one you think looks better.

Does the U 11 look better or Morris? Does the essential phone look better when I looked at the footage after I had recorded it before I liked, while I was recording, I was talking and looking in the viewfinder is like this, and I'm thinking. Wow, the essential phone doesn't look very good, but once I got it on the computer, I said whoa the central phone looks fantastic and the u11 looked washed out. So some things to pay attention to you is the color accuracy from the back pollster back there see when I look at that. It's its a close call, but you know when I'm looking through the viewfinder, the U 11 is way more accurate because I'm sitting here with the pollster. So if you look at my chair, see how blue the chair is, the u11 appears to be what the chair actually looks like.

So, if you look at this poster back here of the blacks, you see me back. There look at my picture on me on that poster and look at the yellow when I'm looking through the viewfinder, the u11 looks to be the more accurate one and when you look at my shirt, my shirt looks really, really black on video when Alex Wyllie, it's not that black. It's actually washed and dried this shirt multiple times. So it's closer to what the U eleven is producing. So I don't know.

What's going on with you eleven not trying to defend it. I came back and said the essential phone did look better in that video, but here's the rematch that you guys wanted inside just decided to pick them up real, quick, I, rebooted, my! U 11 and I'm, just holding it now, and I'm. Trying to be as steady as I can, but Mars are going to low tire so, which one do you think looks better right now and this rematch with the U 11 and the essential phone.

Source : J. Williams

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