How to use panorama camera mode in Samsung Galaxy A70s By 5-Minutes Tech

By 5-Minutes Tech
Aug 21, 2021
How to use panorama camera mode in Samsung Galaxy A70s

Hello friends welcome to FAM stack. This is Samsung Galaxy S7 t a smartphone in this video learn how you can use panorama mode for taking picture that you've wide picture in your phone Samsung Galaxy s on TS Safari. You need to open camera on your phone click here for camera and keep her more in Panorama third op sin, and you can move your fold from one location to another location, just taught recording, and you can move from one location to another location. So, from start point to end point, the area would be captured, consign I start now, and I start from here: I move from left side to right side, so the area from left side to right side we cover and be taken as a picture open the picture. Yes, this is the picture that I have taken using panoramas. So in this way you can easily use panorama ball in your phone Samsung Galaxy s.

Ah, yes, thanks for watching bye,.

Source : 5-Minutes Tech

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