How To Pair A PS4 Controller With An Android Phone, iPhone or iPad! By Tabor Hill

By Tabor Hill
Aug 16, 2021
How To Pair A PS4 Controller With An Android Phone, iPhone or iPad!

All right, the galaxy cup is tomorrow, and a lot of people were asking me: how do you connect a PS4 controller to your mobile phone to play Fortnite? So the good news is this works for both android and iPhone. Now I have an android. This is a Samsung Galaxy, s10 plus very sweet, very sweet, says jack a and I also have a PS4 controller here. So both phones work the same if you have an iPhone or an android, but I think I just mentioned this already: Fortnite works with an Xbox or a PS4 controller on both devices. You don't have to do anything special. You don't need a special rooted phone or anything like that.

So if we got an x, uh PS4 and no PS4, I mean uh jet go home, you're, silly, okay. So here's what you got to do tap on the very top and make the menu come down. Okay. Now you want to hit it's hard to do this when I'm looking through the phone bring your settings menu up here, and you're looking for Bluetooth on the very top, so mine is off. Currently, my 3d depth perception is way off here.

So you turn that on- and this is the screen you should see it says, make sure the device you want to connect is in pairing mode. So you can see that available devices there's nothing right now, right now I have a charge two and two echoes hooked up. So on the PS4 controller, this is so easy. I'm going to have my seven-year-old son. Do it Jackie you want to hit hold on, don't hit it, yet you want to hit the home button and the share button together and hold them.

Okay hold up, go ahead and when you've done it for long enough, the light will flash white. Did you see, yep see it's in pairing mode? Now, that's all you have to do. Okay, you can let them go. Then you look over here now. Look at this.

It still says no devices found. So if you see that message, then all you have to do is bop. Sorry, wasn't looking right, bop your thing off and turn it back on and now watch it should appear there. It is the wireless controller. So then you simply click that and not click it but- and it says, Bluetooth pairing request, oops.

I pushed the wrong button. Let's try that again, it says pair with controller, and you push ok and there it is connected. That's all you have to do now. Look at that! We've got the light now. Jack can literally control my phone.

So now you want to load up Fortnite, but look at this. I've got this portable monitor right here, so I'm going to take it one step further. Not only are we going to use controller for this galaxy cup tomorrow, we're going to hook it up to the mobile portable, monitor check this out all right, so, as you can see, we've got it hooked up. My ghetto set up here with a 1980s search protector, but here's my phone. I connected it to this I'll, do a review on this later, but this is how it works.

You can see. Jack is clearly controlling it with my PS4 controller, and I think this is 1080p quality. I'm not sure. I tried for the first time ever to play a match on my phone this morning and I won. Furthermore, I won using the controller just on this.

Furthermore, I didn't use the actual portable monitor all right, jack load up a solo match please. So we can see some footage, but I tried it on this, and I won my first match. First match my first match with six kills rig tyrannosaurus Rex. Did you hear that the six games viewing this cc? Six kills on my first match, so I'm ready for this galaxy cup. Hopefully we can dominate you.

I've to come in top 6 500th place 6500th place, which means, let's say, there's 10 000 people playing actually there's probably gonna, be millions of people playing, let's say: there's a hundred thousand people playing. Basically, you have to beat more than 90 000 of them to get the galaxy skin, but even if you don't jack load up a match already, please, even if you don't win, don't worry it's coming to the item shop. I think on July 31st all right, so I'm going to pause it till he gets into an actual match. We're going to show a little of footage here. Hopefully, jack will get a kill.

This is on my name, though tabor time not on his name, all right. So here he goes. How does it feel Jackie? The color scheme looks very nice on this monitor. Can I check your you can't do so when you touch the touchpad, a mouse cursor comes up, so don't do that JK? What are you doing to look at the map? You have to push this button yeah, it's weird how to like mark you have to hit x, no, never touch the touchpad Jackie. The touchpad, for some reason brings up that stupid cursor.

I don't know why it literally. Well. Now you got to drag it down because it's going to be in your way. The whole time drag it all the way down: Jackie you're, a bop bro. There now stop touching it.

Okay, don't touch the touchpad, because that also brings up the side menu for some reason. Uh. This house always gives me good, loot, Jack's, claiming he's going to get good blue, true purple scars before so one thing I should note you have to modify all your settings so even if you've got it ideal on the Xbox or the PS4, you have to go into the settings on your phone and change it. It basically defaults all your controls, so your sensitivity is going to be super, super slow. So I already did all that, but you have to change no settings other than that.

All you do is Bluetooth. It connects and pair the controller, and that's it. You have to change no other settings other than your sensitivities, which you would have to do anyway, like if I first logged on the switch. I would have to do that as well same with the PS4. So that's nothing new just be sure to do that before the galaxy tournament Jack's going straight to the authority, how does it feel jack how's? The controls kind of good Jack's gonna, try to get a kill, that's a henchman! I just want to see him get one kill and remember.

This is on my name here. Okay, that doesn't count jack, but does it feel as good as the PS4? Why do you keep looking over there? Is there a ghost over? There is Chucky over there. What are you doing? Who are you looking for over there? He literally keeps looking behind his shoulder like there's a ghost next to him. Come on jack. Give me a kill buddy.

So at the start of this video jack mentioned getting good loot out of that house, and he literally he pulled a gold, a gold bolt, and he said what are you looking at over there Wrigley's in the corner? Bro there's nobody over there. Are you getting in a fight here, I don't know come on jack. The world is watching. They want to see one kill. This monitor looks pretty smooth, I'm enjoying this so, like I said I have never played on this monitor, yet I've only done it on the phone, and it was laggy, and I felt like there was input lag as well with the controller on mobile so play at your own risk.

I guess we'll see it's got to be easier than using the touch controls as if you normally would on. Oh mobile check, just got absolutely bamboozled. I cut off for a second and this guy charged it up nowhere else. So it's tough to tell who's a mobile player and who's got a controller hooked up. This guy was a sweaty two by four look he's even got the inappropriate number Jackie.

So that's all there is to it. All you have to do. Is Bluetooth pair the controller, and you're good to go. Remember to change your settings, though your sensitivity, you're aiming jack again. How did it feel? Was it good yeah? Do you think you could win a match? Maybe, maybe yeah, probably not as easy as on the PS4, but all right.

So jack had to do a redemption game here check out the loot he's got he's already got one kill. There's only 18 people left he's got a gold scar, purple attack the drum gun, and he got tagged in the butt there. No, it didn't do any damage yeah but see. This is what I'm talking about. Oh, it went away, I always get lag on mobile.

I don't get any lag on the PS4, so it's a little frustrating. You normally do yeah well we're wired on the PS4, and obviously this is Wi-Fi. So you can see you can look at either. If you want awesome, I'm going to pause until you get some competition top 20 situation, though Mr backers Jack's in the top 10 situation, he's going in hot, careful, Jackie, careful. How far away was he don't get lit? Jackie, oh yeah, he's healing up there drum gun, Jackie jeez, Louise all right box, up box up box up box up in here holy smokes.

Oh, I was a little off center there, okay mini 50 buttons that was close, Jackie. That was close. Six people left, oh here, comes another guy, make sure everything's reloaded. Is your drone gun reloaded? Oh god, jack? Did you reload it yeah? Instead, okay, this guy's above you grapple out of their get on top of the house on top of the house and then turn around real, quick, nice, Jackie, okay, I don't know about him in the open buddy. All right just finish: if you're, making me nervous, get inside the house get inside the house all right.

Someone yelled at me last time for telling jack what to do so much so I'm very quiet all right. I'm going to pause. It till you see some more action. Oh actually, the guy's coming right. Now, next charging kit he's got kits charged using the drum gun jack just drunk on him.

I mean uh yeah drunk on him because he's going to edit it right on you, he tried to no okay watch. It, though, because he's got to charge as well. I can't watch this Jackie just drunk on him. Just drum got it bro, okay, just there you go, oh god, dang it bro! Oh okay, charges were a lot faster. I could have killed it yeah.

That was good all right, so that's all there is to it hope you guys enjoyed this video a like, is always appreciated and don't forget to use my supportive creator code, which is tapered time. How many would you blink it in Morse code? There bro there are no ghosts over there. Jackie there are no ghosts. You.

Source : Tabor Hill

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