How to Insert SIM & SD in TCL 10 SE – Find Memory Card / SIM Card Slot By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 16, 2021
How to Insert SIM & SD in TCL 10 SE – Find Memory Card / SIM Card Slot

Welcome is a TCL 10 SE, and today I'll show you how to insert sim and SD card into the device. So before we get started, we will need a sim ejector, as I have one over here, and you can get that in the box with the device, or you can also use a pickup paper clip and straighten out one of the ends. It should work just as well. Actually so from there. We will need to pop out the tray which, let me quickly see where it is after I take off the casing. So it looks like it's on the upper left side of the device over here, so I'm going to take the tool, find the insert, which is right about above the button from there push it in firmly and the tray will pop out now.

Once you take it out, you will have space for one sim card and one SD card so place them accordingly. They need to lay flush on the tray like so like like so now. As you can see, there is nothing really holding them in place, so they will fall out easily but make sure that they're laying flush on the tray and then, while actually holding it securely so like I said it doesn't fall out, simply insert it back into the device we go and let's wait for the pen there. We go so there's the pin for the sim card, and that makes it obvious. I guess that sim card is working and let's see SD card as working as well as you can see based on that message.

So that is how you insert both of them and if you found this very helpful, don't forget to hit like subscribe, and thanks for watching you.

Source : HardReset.Info

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