How to fix iPhone 8 or 8 Plus that won't charge after screen replace. By Thegsmsolution

By Thegsmsolution
Aug 15, 2021
How to fix iPhone 8 or 8 Plus that won't charge after screen replace.

This tutorial is about how you can solve the problem of battery remain zero percent, not charging and even charging indication. Also, not so keep watching these videos till the end do know the process easily don't skip. The video important part may be missed hello, everyone. This is Akash from the GSM solution and welcome back to another videos. While you insert Sara no any response and when go to setting and check the battery here, you can see the status of the battery is on service state and now any battery data search. While we insert charger shows zero percent remaining power of phone before doing any hardware job.

Someone already does some job on that cases. The customer tells us that someone tried to replace battery and search fault appears. This fault appears, while using battery or sense display. Many users asks a question about. After remove the display, then such issues appears on iPhone 8 and 8 plus.

So here is the solution. This problem occurs. While you try to disprove the screw that point long, screwdriver I'll slip in sec. Sorry, okay, this model had same issues on battery connector. Some mistake, while insert connector or third-party battery makes damage the connector or the way of BSI broken they to have to point.

Four BSI connection. One is SDA connection and other is SCL connection. Yeah, one, the pin of the q three two zero has one pin broken that directly connect to battery SDA connection. Here I make a one jumper for track from battery connector to q3 to zero. I am here use q 3200 from draw board.

If you visit us first time, don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell to get notification whenever we share a new video. If you face any issue in this process, then do let us know in the comment section below, and we will try to help you as soon as we can now go to the charging source after the repair. Here you can see the battery capacity to 93 percent. Firstly shows the same battery as service. This is Akash and peace out till the next time.


Source : Thegsmsolution

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