How to Enable Power Saving Mode in SAMSUNG Galaxy A21s - Extend Battery Life By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 21, 2021
How to Enable Power Saving Mode in SAMSUNG Galaxy A21s - Extend Battery Life

Hi everyone here, we've got Samsung Galaxy a21s and let me show you how to enable power saving mode in this device. So, first, let's unroll the top bar and find the power mode icon, let's tap on it and hold it a little in order to find the power mode options here, we've got the three main options, and here we've got an additional one. So let me explain the three main options: the first one is the optimized mode, so it gets the recommended balance of performance and battery life. We can of course, choose the medium power saving, and it will extend battery life by limiting some functions and maximum power saving, which means that it will save as much battery as possible, and actually you won't be able to do anything with your device. But of course I will show you and an additional one. It is the adaptive power saving, so it means that it will set the power mode automatically based on the usage.

So, first, let's pick the medium power saving and, as you can see here, we can limit a CPU speed to 70 percent. If you want to simply leave it like this, if not uptick it, but I will leave it like this and of course here you can um, you can customize the brightness decrease, it can be minus ten percent, five percent or there's an it- can be no decrease. But let me leave it like ten percent and if you already click on apply, then let's wait a little to turn it on and, as you can see, the medium power saving mode has been successfully applied in order to change. It then simply click on optimize again and now, let's check the maximum power saving. Let's click on it and, as you can see here, we've got the same options.

So let me leave them like this click on apply, and now we have give our device much more time to turn it on. Okay, and, as you can see, this maximum power, saving mode is turned on, and you cannot actually do anything. I mean there is no wallpaper, no apps actually, but this one, all you can do is simply call somewhere or a mess or text with someone or change the settings. You can of course add some apps here you can customize it and, for example, choose YouTube, so you can add it and use it while using a maximum power saving mode. Also, if you want to turn off this mode, simply click on this 3ds, icon and click on turn off power saving, let your device turn it off, and it can take a while and as you can see, we just got back to normal, and this is how you use maximum power saving mode.

If there is a situation that you do not have this shortcut, then I will show you how to get there into through the settings. So, let's open the settings, let's scroll down and find device curve, click on the battery and click on power mode, and, as you can see here, we've got the all options about which I've just told you. So that's all. This is how you enable power saving mode in your Samsung Galaxy a21s, and thank you so much for watching. I hope that this video was helpful and if it was please hit the subscribe button and leave the thumbs up.


Source : HardReset.Info

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