How to Activate Color Inversion in MEIZU M8C – Dark Theme By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 14, 2021
How to Activate Color Inversion in MEIZU M8C – Dark Theme

Metal amid sea, and let me show you how to invert colors on the following device. So first, let's open the settings, then find and select accessibility, scroll down, open accessibility. One more time- and here you will find inverted colors, color, inversion, so smoothly. Click here to activate dark, dim, clear device and that's it as you can see, the colors have been inverted, and you can see you can use your phone in this mode, so we can protect both your eyes and also the battery and then, if you would like to switch it off, despite that one more time and tap on same switcher, so that will be always open, inverted colors in your device. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe our Channel and leave the thumbs up.

Source : HardReset.Info

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