Google Pixel 3 XL VS Pixel 2 XL | Camera Comparison | Camera Test Review By Cybo Tech

By Cybo Tech
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel 3 XL VS Pixel 2 XL | Camera Comparison | Camera Test Review

Hey guys Google Pixel tree and Google Pixel 3xl are now officially launched in this video we're going to do a quick camera comparison between two Google Pixel 3xl and to excel. If we talk about the camera specifications of both phone on the Google Pixel 3xl, there's a 12 megapixel back camera and dual 8 megapixel front lens on the Google Pixel 2 XL, 12, megapixel, back camera and 8 megapixel front. If we talk about video quality on the Google Pixel 3xl, you can get 2160 at 30 frames per second 1080p at 120 frames per second and 720p at 240 frames per second on the Google Pixel 2xl 2160 at 30 frames per second 1080p at 120 frames per second and 720p at 140 frames per second. So, let's start the camera comparison between the pixel 2xl, which is the pixel 3 XL, and the, and I include some camera samples that are taken from the Google Pixel 3, so without wasting any more time, let's go for it, yeah guys. What's your thoughts on this, let me know your thoughts in the comment section below and yeah peace.

Source : Cybo Tech

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