Aug 21, 2021

Hello thanks for subscribing and watching this video created on the basis of internet leaks before the official release of the gadget may contain inaccuracies in the descriptions. The video is the property of the company and applies only to YouTube. Video posting copying. This video to other services is prohibited. Foreign content materials is not you, thanks. You present to you the gadget concept and release date gadget feature size, gadget characteristic, its color and weight.

The gadget is made of material degree of protection of the gadget from dust shock, water. The gadget has an operating system and a sim card. A sim card is needed in gadgets to authenticate subscribers of mobile services. A module cellular network is a radio system which allows many mobile devices to communicate with each other. The gadget has a mobile processor announcement date, processor name, frequency number of cores memory, different sensors measure, different physical quantities and convert them into signals recognizable by the mobile device.

Information about the navigation and location technologies supported by the gadget. The gadget screen is characterized by its manufacturing technology screen resolution. Pixel density per inch diagonal length in inches, color depth and surface area of the gadget. The front camera of the gadget can be combined with one or more additional cameras. The gadget contains a standard wireless connection.

The battery of the gadget differ from each other in their capacity types technology in charge characteristics they provide the electrical charge necessary for their functioning. You.

Source : IT. TECH

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