Genshin Impact: The WORST game of 2020 By TheStellarJay

By TheStellarJay
Aug 21, 2021
Genshin Impact: The WORST game of 2020

So, a few weeks ago, I was sitting there, I'm watching anime or some. You know I'm concentrating on trying not to install 40 viruses, because I wanted to watch darling in the France and as the anime finishes, you know, as that somber depressing music starts to fill my ears. I look to my left at my second monitor, which is where I keep discord, and I am greeted with about 50 people playing pension impact and the first thought that pops in my head is wow. This show sucks, but after that, I'm thinking what the is gentian impact. So I do a quick google search, and I am blown away by this game holy. Does this look fun? The graphics are incredible.

The characters, look interesting, they're, doing cool moves, and you can play it with friends, yeah Afro-American, that's all you had to say hey. You guys want to see something cool. I'm about to make you my, and now you are a hundred percent forced to subscribe to me. Only 2.6 of you guys are subscribed, get on that. Also, only 25 of my viewers actually make it to the end of the video.

So if you do make it to the end, leave me a comment saying that you did, and I'll do a little heart thingy on your comment. Okay, back to the video gentian impact, is a free-to-play open world anime RPG for like every platform, except for Xbox. I'm not sure why that is maybe there's more weeks on PS4 or something I was so ready for this to be an amazing game I was ready to like you know, spawn in you know, beat some goblin ass, clap some cheeks and call it a day and dude god, damn whoever was in charge of the graphics and music deserves a service medal. Look at these visuals like look at this. How the expect me not to play this out of that.

Every track on the soundtrack makes you cream your pants harder than the last first. They hit you with that basic adventure thing. You know that pretty good, pretty good. You know pretty average I'd say I say, and then right when you start getting bored bam, then they got that jumpy music for inside of taverns and then the boss music shows up, and it's like okay time for everyone else to get the out of my way. All of this is well and good, but a wise man once said: graphics and music don't make a game.

Fun. Gameplay makes a game fun. Who is that wise man, Joe me nick? So if gameplay is what makes the game fun, then what is the gameplay of gen shin? That's it every combo, every fight, every cutscene is just click. Mouse, one forever spam clicking mouse one will make a character. Do a pre-written set of attacks.

The closest thing to real combos is like synergizing, the elemental effects. Each character has their own unique ability that makes each of them wait. Where have I seen that before wait? Where have I seen that before this game is literally just breath of the wild? I know for a fact that I'm not the first one to say this, but god-damn. This is just anime breath of the wild think about it. Stamina base climb anything, mechanics, stamina, based gliding.

You only have four weapon options: those being one-handed two-handed spears and bows. It's an open-world grass simulator shrines that pop out of the ground. I could go on for like 20 minutes listing all the that is copied from breath of the wild in this game, but come on just look at this they're, not even trying to hide it. Even the trailers. Look the same genii impact just takes every beautiful and refined mechanic from breath of the wild and gives you a shittier version of it.

The climbing is frustrating the combat is boring. The puzzles are brain-dead. Easy like for real, is following a ghost to a pedestal or using lightning magic on three rocks. Labeled with lightning. Are those puzzles? No by definition, these are not puzzles quote designed to amuse by presenting difficulties to be solved by ingenuity or patient effort.

These puzzles present no difficulty and require no effort. They aren't puzzles they're chores and nobody likes to do chores like what are these gem things? I'm not even going to pretend I understand how to pronounce this they're just there they're, not even hidden behind, puzzles or anything like they're, even marked on the map. What is the challenge here? Is it supposed to be an incentive to go to a new area like look? You can't grab this one unless you go up that mountain, but I could not give less of an about these things. Oh eight, more stamina and a hundred XP, I'm going to knock the incentive to go somewhere cool should be that it's a cool place to go the incentive to climb a mountain. Isn't the kook at the top? The incentive to climb a mountain is the mountain.

Oh dude, look at that mountain over there, but there's a sweet g oculus up. There said nobody ever the measure of literally any open world game is its ability to have a player, get lost and immersed in its world and to its credit, that happened to me a lot in gen shin. I spent probably 20 hours looking for cool, and I found a lot of cool. I found so many incredible views and ruins so many incredible moments, and this is something that gen shin actually does extremely well semicolon. However, comma the world becomes still extremely quickly.

The math is incredibly repetitive, real, quick, let's do a test which part of the map am I in right now, death, mountain right that was easy. Okay, how about now Gerardo desert easy, as now, I'm in Zora's domain lost the woods, etc. Every single area in breath of the wild is completely distinct from all the rest. Every area introduces a nuke mechanic has a new theme, and it's visually unique. Now, let's do that same test with gentian impact.

What area of the map am I in right now, and we failed already? The entire map looks identical. There is no way to differentiate this forest from this forest and this empty grass plane from this empty grass plane and the enemy variety is in the exact same boat like. Why are there five enemies, man, gen shin's idea of enemy? Variety is look, here's the same enemy, but it has a shield. Now. Are you not entertained? Fighting the ruin guard was really fun.

The first time I got to do it, but then you fight him like 17 times. The only difference between any of these enemies is the time it takes to kill them being a lower level, doesn't make the fight harder it just makes it take longer. The combat is frustratingly easy in my 25 hours of playing this game. I have never once died. I've I've had characters faint from fall damage, but never once a full game over, and at this point I would not be surprised if it just looked like this look guys a blue slime that has no ability and a fire slime that explodes when defeated.

Kinda reminds me of this other game. I played a few years ago. The combat just feels like a shittier version of that in breath of the wild. You have the same button-mashy moves, but there's just so many unique options and ways to approach every encounter in breath of the wild that aren't reflected in gen shin in breath of the wild. You can roll rocks into enemies blow them up, get bees to attack them.

Freeze them perfect, dodges time slows parries. You can pick up a metal box and drop it on a goblin's head. All of these tiny details add up to prevent combat from going stale. They also make it feel like you're. Actually, in an open world, you can use the surrounding environment to help you defeat the enemies in gentian.

There are no options to combat every encounter is either hold or spam mouse 1 until everything dies, you occasionally might have to dodge an attack, and occasionally you can blow up a barrel. That's sitting next to an enemy. Also. What is the point of the party system? It adds nothing to the game. You could just as easily have the main character equip the other weapons and cycle through elements like the avatar, and it wouldn't change anything about the game.

It's really just a massive oversight to not have any. You know what I get it now they already act like the other characters, don't exist every time you enter a cutscene it instantly swaps to the MC and forgets everything you have done up to this point. Wait did. Did he just use the wind element? I haven't been tuned to earth right now. Oh, I'm getting my ass beat in this cutscene dude.

If only I had an entire party of eight people that could help me out here or how about the guard that stands right there 24 hours a day. Where did he go? The story is a piece of it's a constant loop of sprinting from one unskippable cutscene to the next spamming through the cringe-worthy dialogue, beating some random enemy in three hits and then doing it again forever real quick. Let me break down this tutorial for you. It starts with this narrating the backstory which they could have just spent 10 extra seconds and shown me that's like story writing 101 show, don't tell so what you're trying to say is that you fell here from another world how many years ago was it. I don't know, wait, wait, wait it's been years.

What the have you been doing this whole time? Why didn't? They just show him falling to the ground and PIME on finding him like in the trailer, but I intend to find out when I woke. I was all alone until I met you two months ago. Wait wait, wait, wait, wait, they've known each other for two months. Why are you telling by him on your backstory, like you just met speaking of pylon prison? She is biologically engineered to be the most annoying conceivable by humankind. Yeah, really owes you for that.

Otherwise, kind of likely would have drowned, so Peyton will do her best to be a great guy, she's, literally only there to stop you from having fun. What the hell is. This guy is this guy about to go and explore in an open world game. You better, you better, stop doing that, and if I see one more pie, Mon emergency food joke, I'm going to lose it. This is the most wildly overused and most wildly unfunny joke on the planet.

I'm going to lose my mind. Man anyways. The tutorial continues, and you slowly find yourself with no way out of the starting area. Like there's a rock wall gosh. I can't walk up this.

I can't swim far enough away. What do I do? I'm so lost. Gentian truly. Is the dark souls of anime RPGs? The path ends here, I guess we'll just have to climb. Oh, thank god, pylon told me I can climb the wall.

I never would have figured that out on my own. This is what kind of game you're playing. Okay, let's take the route we planned we're off to a statue of the seven which of the seven. Are you looking for exactly I'm no you're the one telling me to go to the statue and by the way you can walk right up to the statue and nothing happens? You idiot, you can't just find the statue for yourself. No, no! You have to walk to the point marked on the map, so you can trigger the cut scene which isn't at all similar to this cutscene from breath of the wild.

And now you can follow Pym onto the statue where she pulls you into a cutscene to tell you can swim across the lake. Thank you pylon. Am I playing an open world game or a skyward sword? And yes, I will continue to compare this game to Legend of Zelda. If you want to copy Legend of Zelda, then you're going to get compared to Legend of Zelda wow. Look at that boss, fight where I don't even move my mouse 10 out of 10 stories.

Wow, look! I'm fighting the ruins guard again, but this time he has more health Tojo, you didn't say anything about the multiplayer. Oh, yeah she's. Just not here bro, it's an empty cage. Why? My god, she's so broken joe, you didn't say anything about the end game content, the end game content, gentian impact is unoriginal uninspired, boring, repetitive, easy, cringe-worthy and frustrating. So you.

Source : TheStellarJay

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