Galaxy S10 not charging from Dead Battery Fix By Ricardo Gardener

By Ricardo Gardener
Aug 22, 2021
Galaxy S10 not charging from Dead Battery Fix

Hey guys record air welcome to another blog tech tips and, of course, today guys I'll be showing you on the galaxy s.10 s, 10 erses, then plus are the similar devices, basically all to fix the issue where you're destined is not charging from a dead battery. In other words, if you for some reason allowed your battery to reach 0%, and then you started to plug in your charger, but of course you realize that your device is not charging any at all and, of course, once the device is totally dead, you might see a screen as this one over the side here, that'll pop up on screen and, of course, the battery percentage will never change as it's not charging in the top. So you find yourself in this situation, guys here's what you're going to do. The first thing you want to do guys is go with your dead. Smartphone is you're, gonna. Take your smartphone, that's totally drained, and you're going to get a wireless charger, heir of a wireless charger over here, and what I'm going to do guys is get the wireless charger.

You can either borrow one from a friend or, of course you can purchase one of a link below in the description or, of course, if you have anyone another one on their own, they also go ahead and get that and of course, while your device is not charging via the wall outlet to the USB type-c USB cable here just go ahead and find a wireless charger, and then the squirrel and place your device on the wireless charger. As you can see here and what's it going to do is guys just leave it on and watch it up over time is that it before should start charging and just leave it there and over time, your device, you give it some time it should start charging in a while. You should see one percent as soon as you get one percent, or you can leave it a little longer. You're gonna, remove it after getting at least one percent or a little higher. One percent should be enough, then you're gonna, remove it from the wireless charger and what you're going to do next guys is just gone ahead on power up your phone or your smartphone.

Alright, so once your device is powered up, you're just going to go straight ahead with one percent and what you're going to do is it's going to connect your charger I want to connect your charger. Once it's connected to the wall outlet, it should start charging for you all right. So in case you miss that first you're gonna place your device on the wireless charger. What's that going to do is that's gonna jumpstart your device once it jumpstarts the device and gives you just a little of power? One percent or you could wait a little longer I recommend you can just remove it at 1%, then you're going to put on the phone. Once you put on the phone with that initial jumpstart of 1%, then you're going to connect it to the wall outlet again with your usual normal adapter.

Now, once you do that guys, what's going to miss that your device should start working again on charging, you can do this anytime, your device basically gets dead or, of course, the budget becomes depleted, and you cannot charge your device. Please remember the future. Try your best not to allow your device to completely die. It is never recommended with these type of batteries that you allow them to go to 0%. Another thing that you should also check, as in 90% of the cases they should work.

But, of course, in case you are one of the rare exceptions, make sure to check your USB port, make sure it's clean make sure there is no dirt or lint. You want to clean this out to make sure eliminate that as a cause of this issue, next make sure that you are using the correct equipment. For example, if you are using a USB cable, make sure it's the original that came with the phone and also the adapter, brick and finally guys um in case this is damaged, make sure that I use in our very one cable. If these cables are damaged, they can of course become very inefficient and, of course, they'll not work. And, of course, if you do all that guys, all you should find is that your Samsung Galaxy device should start charging once again.

This applies to a bunch of devices, almost any Samsung device or Android device in general. But of course this is specifically for the Samsung Galaxy s3 and est any Anniston plus. If you have any additional questions about this particular issue, where your battery is dead and is not charging simply ask below in the comments and of course that, as usual is recorder Gardiner from blog tech tips and a star quake tips, you need to fix the issue where your Samsung Galaxy S 10, is not charging from a dead battery. All right guys. We've got a scene, but until next time, bye.

Source : Ricardo Gardener

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