Exynos 2100 vs Snapdragon 888 PUBG Mobile Gaming Test! A comeback for the Exynos S21 Ultra!? By Golden Reviewer

By Golden Reviewer
Aug 13, 2021
Exynos 2100 vs Snapdragon 888 PUBG Mobile Gaming Test! A comeback for the Exynos S21 Ultra!?

Hey guys, what's up, welcome back to another golden reviewer gaming test, and today we have the Xiaomi mi 11, with snapdragon triple eight and the all new Samsung Galaxy. S21 ultra is Enos, and today we are going to test the game that is most requested by you, guys the PUBG mobile before we start, let's just take a moment to check out the system specs and, of course we have the snapdragon triple eight on the left and the Enos 2100 on the right. All right. Let's come to the game. One thing we have to note is that on the s21 ultra with Enos, the graphics quality settings is very limited. Look at this yourself at smooth settings.

I don't have 90 fps option at all. I only set it to extreme, which is 60 fps and if I change it to HDR, I don't even have 60 fps. Furthermore, I can only set to ultra, which is 40 fps. This has always been the way on Enos devices, because maybe tun zen also know the Enos performs badly, so they don't enable the highest demanding settings for Enos. But I think this might change.

Maybe they'll release a software update in well to uh unlock these settings, at least for the Enos 2100, because this is actually a much better soc than before. But for the time being, we can only test this with a smooth, 60 fps, because I think that's the setting most people will be using and not the HDR plus 40 fps right. So here on the Xiaomi mi 11, we set it to the same smooth plus extreme, which is 60 fps, and we enable the AA as well, though this device can do HDR 60 out of the box, but just to be fair, we set it to the same smooth settings all right now. Let's start the test I'll play on both devices. Try my best to use the same playing store.

Of course, just like all my other videos I'll show the real-time fps and power consumption of both devices on the display that you can see how well they perform and how energy efficient they are I'll play the game for full 20 minutes. I'll actually show the full game play here and at the beginning, and at the end I'll show the unedited footage for about two minutes for you too just to take a look. If you are interested and in between, because nothing much is happening, I'll, actually speed up the video okay, then, if you are not interested in this gameplay footage at all, you can fast-forward to the end of the video I'll, show the fps and power results and give you a simple analysis of both. Yes, hello, cool uh. You uh do now.

Let's look at the fps result. Both are performing exactly the same with an average fps of 59.6, which is virtually 60 all the time. It's pretty expected for the Xiaomi mi 11 with snapdragon, because uh since the snapdragon 855, it has been able to run the PUBG mobile at 60 fps anyway. It's actually a huge improvement for the Enos soc, because if you watch my previous videos, last year's Enos 990 wasn't able to maintain 60 FPF, even a smooth setting at all. Now we can say that the Enos 2100 can handle this game like a boss, at least a smooth, 60 fps.

This is really a very good improvement, no more disabling the game, optimization service or buying the cooler fans or finding various ways to just play the game smoothly on this thousand dollar flagship device. All right, it can do it out of the box. Let me check out the power consumption record this where things get interesting, thinners 2100, actually outperforms the snapdragon triple eight at this number, see that on average, the s21 ultra consumes about 3.1 to 3.2 watt of power, while the snapdragon 888 Xiaomi mi 11, actually used 3.7 watt of power. That means overall, the s20 ultra is about 15 percent, more efficient than the Xiaomi mi 11 at this game, because they are outputting exactly the same performance right at the same graphics settings. Of course, we can't say um.

This is 100 due to the soc, because the device itself might have different uh power consumption like the display uh, all the peripherals. At least this is this looks very promising for the Enos. If you remember what happened last year, the Enos 990 was a hot mess. The performance was not good, and the power consumption was actually way higher than the competitors, but this year the performance is just good enough and the power consumption is also lower. This is very, very good actually now.

I cannot wait for the PUBG mobile to be updated to support HDR and even 90 fps for the Enos 2100, and then we can see how well it performs on the heavier loads. But of course, if you watch my previous videos, especially the one regarding the Gandhi impact in that game, the Enos 2100 performs horrible. It was much, much worse than the snapdragon 888 right at this point. I don't know, what's happening anymore now, maybe I don't know it's due to optimization of the game itself, or maybe just the engine or the attack used in by the game, but that game is not Mali friendly. Actually, no idea, I think, from this PUBG mobile test.

The Enos 2100 is really, really good, and I think at least we can see that it has potentials and, let's really just wait for more updates and see how it goes. Okay, okay, guys, so that's it for today's comparison, uh. What other comparisons do you want to see? You can leave me your comments down below and, of course, remember, to subscribe to my channel so that you don't miss any future. Videos right, see you next time.

Source : Golden Reviewer

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