DTNS 3341 - EPIC Maneuvers By Daily Tech News Show

By Daily Tech News Show
Aug 15, 2021
DTNS 3341 - EPIC Maneuvers

There's really actual Master Cleanse prepared Master Cleanse, please, the Master Cleanse is like a ten day. You know you're like drinking basically lemon juice and cayenne pepper, and it's this whole ill-advised cleanse diet. What this is pretty good, so that'd be a great name for a cleaning company. You know if I, if I was the specifically I'd, be like I'm, Master, Cleanse, yeah I, don't want the Duke of cleansing princess cleanse, nothing Duke, gesture, cleanse I mean he's fun, but he doesn't really do a good job. I, don't need jokes, no cleaning, oh by the way, Roger I watched Nanette last night, so good. You have to, watch that okay, there's so many things to watch, but it really sits out for more than 30 minutes before I'm dragged somewhere.

Well at some point, all of you, it's you know. If you like stand-up comedy, that's like heavier than funny, does it still qualify as stand-up comedy show? But it's its it's a heavy. It's not stand up drama its stand-up comedy still. It is time. Well, hey Patrick! Would you like to read line three start? Like start the show? Yes, oh wait a second.

What is it yes sure? All right here we go three two Thanks to everyone who supports daily tech news show directly to find out more head to daily tech news, show com, slash support. This is the daily tech news forum, MMM Tuesday, August 7, 2018, in Los Angeles on Tom Merritt and from sturdy feel, and I'm scooter Lane and from the European headquarters in Finland, I'm Patrick beta right. It is our European headquarters, absolutely I paused on the date, because I had yesterday's show lined up in front of me for some reason, but I'm all good, now everything's fine, and it was not the fault of our amazing producer, Roger Chang, Roger how's it going don't throw me under the bus. No I just pulled you out from in front of the bus. Buy you a euro of tech news.

Shall we start with a few tech things you should know? We shall Google announced updates to its Google for education, suite, consolidating dashboards and improving management and feedback to students and teachers. Starting this fall Google's. A core software development, kit or SDK will support the Easter Chromebook Tab 10, that's the first Chrome OS tablet and the first non-smartphone to use Eric wore amazing. The old version of Skype was scheduled to stop working in September, but now thorough, calm notes that Skype that the Skype team has given it a reprieve. The Skype team posted to its forums that it is extending support for Skype 7, also known as Skype classic, for quote some time.

Unquote. The team added that they are working to bring requested features to Skype 8 I love their like for some time, and you can keep using it until then, whenever that is at 9:48 a. m. Tuesday, August 7th. That's this morning as we're recording, and Elon Musk tweeted and considering taking Tesla private at $420 funding secured an hour later.

Trading of Tesla shares was halted because of all the craziness around that we'd joke or irresponsible executive disclosure. In any case, if you're mad, he was just joking. Ok lighten up if you're, not mad, you'll take a private, although I mean 420, bucks for Tesla seems like it could deal. I think we man. It's trading at around 300 plus right now, so it was above the current price that talked I thought it was the company okay.

Moving on to ride-sharing, at least on the roads. The UK is getting a new alternative to Over after India based ride-hailing company Ola announced plans to expand into the country, it'll be its first market in Europe, and let me just say that Patrick is funnier than Elon Musk at least today. Alright, let's talk about what's up with Installer factor right well, is that the Installer is reintroducing its 299 dollars a month. Installer premium subscription service, which was made free when Pinterest owned them. Now that they're independent they need to make money again.

What do you know, however? The core, bookmarking and parsing feature of installer will continue to be available for free, but you won't have to pay for six months if you're in the European Union well, who that's by way of apology for taking so long to make in the paper compliant with a GDPR which it now is installer is also posting its privacy policy to GitHub, where you can view a version history of all the changes. I love that idea I wish more companies would put their privacy policies on GitHub. So you could track it. At least somebody could track it and kind of see what happens. That's really cool, but yeah.

What this doesn't seem to be impacting most people right and unless they're, using something that doesn't work, but here's another story of a company that that had to kind of wind down in Europe for a while, while they caught up I mean under Pinterest, instar I have not been using it, but I did use it in the past. I think it's a wonderful service and the fact the third throw in six months free for anybody who was like hey I, haven't even had this service since May. That's a good measure and the premium portion of it I'd be curious to know. If, if anybody on this panel would pay for that, I never have I'm. Here, you know more of a bookmark service rather than anything yeah I haven't really been using it I mean to $2.99 seems like a reasonable price if you're getting some serious use out of it and the kind of thing that some people might do just to support the company I do that with fiddly. For example, I don't really use the premium features but yeah.

So there are a few things that establish. Media giants agree on, but two of them are one that somebody needs to make bite-sized video to compete with the likes of YouTube and Facebook and to Jeffrey Wattenberg and Meg. Whitman is the ones to do it. That is why Disney 21st Century Fox NBC Universal Sony Pictures Entertainment, Viacom, Warner, Media, Lions gate, MGM, ITV Entertainment, one and Alibaba. The Avengers of media companies have assembled to give new TV 1 billion dollars in seed funding, new TV plans to launch by the end of 2019.

That's next year, with a premium lineup of original short-form series around 10 minutes. Each the service will have two subscription tiers and advertising free plan and an advertising light option that you still pay for according to Meg Whitman company will license programming and won't own or produce any shows itself. Yes, friends, the idea behind vessel is back yeah, it seems they're, selecting people who will produce content right, they're, not opening it to everyone is my understanding correct. They are they're going to these investors. Every media company on the planet and saying you guys, provide the great stuff from the mark Burnett's of the world, and we'll put it on this platform and the Millennials will eat it up on their phones, the markets of the world, but also the bite-sized versions of this which correct you know up until now.

It's like sure, there's lots of content on YouTube and obviously all the competitors at all sorts of links, but when you go to Hulu or HBO or Netflix or yeah, it's sort of like it's a movie or if it's a TV show it's an hour, or it's half an hour. So the idea that something would be being built under the premise that there's a lot of perfect, shorter farm content that doesn't really fit in other places is I mean I, like the idea of it. I, don't know seriously flawed, I think just because people watch a lot of video on their phone and a lot of it's around ten minutes doesn't mean that they're crying out for a service that gives them premium ten-minute videos, although I used Mark Burnett, because the voice which Mark Burnett produces had a very successful mini version on Snapchat, so I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe these folks that have got something that they're seeing like. Oh, this kind of thing works on YouTube and this could work on Snapchat and this works on Instagram.

What if we had it all available in one service, I, just don't see people paying for that. Well, it could be very interesting. It could be good content. I just think it has nothing to do with YouTube. The reason I was asking if they're opening it to everyone is that the content people want to see on YouTube is coming from it's very grassroots, so that's a completely different kind of well.

The idea is we're going to pay people who do it really well, and people willing to pay for it yeah absolutely, and that is a fundamental, not mistake, but difference with YouTube I think it's a completely different well, but there's YouTube in YouTube right, there's also YouTube premium, but we really are talking about the successful channels on YouTube that you only pay if you want to get rid of the ads. Otherwise, you can watch it for free III do agree with you Tom that no one's you know. Well, probably somebody is, but not many people are like crying out like we want.10 minutes shows rather than 30, but I do think that there have been these silos where something has to be it's. If it's a feature film, it's this long, you know, or it's a short film and I, think the idea of being able to you know identify good content. Add lots of links is a good thing for us sure.

I just don't know that people want to pay for, for that and for over a year, new TV is very clear. We are not trying to compete with HBO and Netflix they're, not trying to make movies they're not trying to make TV shows they're trying to make something new, and I do applaud them for taking the risk I, just escape tickle on this one myself. Let's talk about what fire, ? and Firefox is launching an experimental browser extension called advanced which offers up content based on what you're currently reading and your recent browsing history read next recommends related articles based on your current tab and the for use section uses your recent history to populate its recommendations. Advanced is powered by machine learning. Startup called laser like I, prefer see the interesting yeah at first I was hoping.

This would keep your data local, because it's an extension, but it doesn't laser-like, still has your data. They do give you control over when it's collecting you can turn it off and say: I don't want to be collecting right now. You can go in and delete data at any time, and some of those things you kind of have to do under GDP are anyway, so it's not as great as I thought, but it's also totally optional. It's not something. That's going to happen opt in out, it's something you have to install, but the idea that this seems like something Google should have thought of have higher grace the idea that they will look at everything you're interested in essentially what you're, browsing and recommend stuff based on that is an incredibly Google thing.

To do, I mean that's, that's that's that's what Google Assistant is supposed to be doing. This is just I, don't know, there's something about this. Like oh ya, know if I'm looking at an article and on the land there's a left panel. That says here. Other articles like that that saves me so much time, rather than going back and forth between a Google search and tabs and all of that yeah, or even you know, based on what you've been interested in for the past year.

It will pop up something that you might be interested in as well and recommend it to you. That's yeah the information reports that people who own devices with Amazon voice services rarely use them for shopping of about 50 million users.1 million tried it for shopping at all and about a hundred thousand reportedly bought something by voice more than once. The echo and similar devices are mostly used for listening to music, asking about the weather and setting timers. That's what I use mine for listen to music about the weather, haven't set a timer yet, but I was like that's a good idea for cooking timers all the time. It's a perfect call because, because my son was one is, is out in my kitchen.

That would make a lot of sense. I have never bought anything through my smart speaker, I! Didn't do it because I didn't want to, but it's not the sort of thing I guess if you, if you have something from Amazon that you knew you had you already wanted, you didn't have to see a photo. You didn't have to read reviews. None of that stuff sure you know, add to a shopping list of some kind, but I do understand that a lot of folks are like I'm talking to the wind. You know I want to look at my cart.

I want to make sure that I'm buying what I think I'm buying and I don't know anybody who's really buying anything via voice, and I'm, not just talking about Amazon voice services, just any of them. Clearly very few people are it's surprising to me because I, you know, I got the the Amazon Echo very recently, and I don't find it all that useful, and I figured oh, maybe people usually use it to buy stuff. You know I was on designed it for that, and it turns out not really yeah I never want to buy anything through Amazon, because I'm I, just don't trust it and like I, need to see that I'm looking at the right page, and it's the right size and the right account and like to do you want to buy the same thing as last time. Well, I, don't know what if the, what, if they've shifted something about that I've run into that too many times using an actual web page where I should have been able to see exactly where you're like? Oh wait, I Hank's, a putt too, and my card you know now I can see like to go back to one. That would be hard to do.

Voice alone, owner west Virginians serving overseas will be able to cast upcoming federal election ballots, using a smartphone app I'm, going to repeat that West Virginian service people, people in the military overseas, not people in West Virginia, it's a limited number of people. It's absentee ballots for military people are going to be able to vote on their phone West Virginia Secretary of State, Mac, Warner and Boston-based app developer votes spelled VO A to Z, say the technology is secure. Voters register by taking a photo of their government-issued ID and a video of their face upload both of those through an app state officials will let each County decide whether they want to opt in counties can say you know what we don't like this we're, not gonna. Do it and paper ballots will be available as an option for all the voters. If they're like on there and like yeah I'm overseas, but I, don't I, don't trust the son he's my phone last Thursday I posted a column on patreon.

com, slash, T TN s about how blockchain works in voting based on the test. West Virginia did in two counties last May, so this is not them doing it for the first time they did it in the primary in May in two counties. They did four audits on that. So they're not rushing into this securely. Identifying people can be done now.

I'll have the link to that column in the show notes. Votes on a blockchain are, in fact more tamperproof than paper ballots, but when it comes to maintaining anonymity, while also verifying the registration, that's when it gets tricky, there are absolutely great ways to securely identify someone. There's absolute tamper, proof, blockchain practices that stuff isn't hard. The question is: is votes doing it, but it's not hard being able to keep anonymity and verify. Is the tricky part and votes doesn't explain how they do any of this, nor have they published their source code for wider review.

Besides those for state audits, we don't know if this is good and gadget notes that security researcher Sarah Jamie Lewis of open privacy research says votes uses what she calls weak single-user, blockchain technology, so she's saying they could be using solid blockchain technology, but in her opinion they aren't and that ends up just being a database. She's like it's not really having the tamper, proof benefits of a real blockchain, and we don't know how they're able, what are they using zero knowledge proof s'what? Are they doing for verification and anonymity? So the biggest problem with this is the fact that we don't know how its operating they're not is not enough transparency around it. But it's exciting to see somebody try if they were going to do more transparency and share what they learned with other governments, other state governments, other federal governments. It would be really exciting because it absolutely can be done and the way you get past. Those tricky parts I was talking about is to get it out there in the wild and try it I know that sounds risky, but you know that that is, unfortunately the way technology works.

Sometimes it seems if you're going to do something a little risky there. This is a very contained test case, so well. The fact that the state of West Virginia has been testing this. The fact that the Boston-based company votes, which I called watts in headlines this morning, is also like we're good. You know, and you sort of think, like okay government ID, plus a video you know showing that you know this is the facial-recognition word.

You know you, you tie the two together. Well, that also sounds fine and good, but the fact that votes is insane and here's exactly how we're better than a database for any security researcher. Who's like this is a awful idea. Look that's a little troublesome because, especially in the U. S.

people, are you know what paranoid for good reasons, and you know sometimes just paranoid about the idea of voter fraud yeah it's. It needs to have more than a single-user blockchain that the benefit of blah absolute thing- that is that's a public ledger, corrects itself, because there 's's so many eyes upon it, right that that could be fixed and in fact, in my column, I do point out that Brazil Denmark, South, Korea, Switzerland and, of course, the most cutting-edge country on the planet, Estonia has all had experiments with blockchain based voting as well. So this that part isn't new I, don't know why they're doing it that way, except that maybe they're trying to keep things proprietary, and that goes into our wider point, but the real big one is. What kind of encryption are you using to do? Zero knowledge, proof, s-- and again, if you're like what is that go to my article, because it explains through analogy how that works. But it's a way to say: I can prove that you are the person you that you are registered to vote without finding out who you are.

That is. That is a mathematical thing that can be done. It's tricky to implement, and we don't have any idea that they're even implementing it and if they are, how do you only explain zero knowledge, proof, Sand ow, or should we move on because I mean why not I could tell you a great story about Becky and Peggy? No, it's Peggy, Peggy and Victor are the folks I mean the short version. Is there's there are two paths to a door that you can't see and Peggy goes down the path whispers, this magic word that opens the door, so Victor can't hear it walks through the door walks up the other side, proving that she knows the magic word, because she walked up the other side, but Victor doesn't know what the magic word is. That was more confusing than yeah.

Does Victor get to vote? No, knowing how you can prove something without giving away what it is right. He wants to prove to Victor. I know the magic word that opens the door at the end of this path, but I don't want you to know what the word is. Victor's like prove it, so he stays up at the top. She goes down it's a circular path.

She goes down one side, whispers. The magic word goes to the door comes back the other side. She couldn't go back up the other side. If she couldn't get through the door, that's blocking the path. So does the door fault? No wait.

Are you messing to understand or a just having fun? You know. We've reached the allocated time for this story in the rundown, so unfortunately, you'll never know French well. Folks, if you want to get all the tech headlines each day in about five minutes be sure to subscribe to daily tech, headlines com, that is entirely understandable. Last week we told you how Epic Games is making its Android version of fortnight battle, royale available from its website, not through the Google Play Store. Sometime this summer anyway, Epic Games, CEO, Tim Sweeney, told TechCrunch.

We believe gamers will benefit from competition among software sources'. On Android today, Bloomberg's Emily McCormack wrote the move, threatens Google and highlights weaknesses of its Android operating system, especially compared with Apple. She cites a lot of analysts who are drawing lines between what epic is doing. The fact that the EU, through legislation and fines is trying to force Android to allow competing app stores and what messaging apps like line in Aka and WeChat do by creating app and payment platforms within their messaging apps that subvert the app stores. This is.

This is a pretty new thing in the gaming world for sure right, Patrick yeah. It is, and I think it could end up being a momentous moment in the life of the OS I was gonna, say these, but as Emily McCormack is pointing out. This really only concerns Android, because Apple has it locked down and Tim Sweeney the CEO of Epic Games did say if we could do it on Apple on iOS, we would have well can't, so Apple is doing something not right, but something to protect the revenue model there, but the think you know. This is something that only fortnight could have done at this juncture, because it is because it's so popular that everyone is going to rush and try to get the game from wherever it is available. I think it's something that is very daring that now that it is being done, or it will have been done, will seem a lot less daunting than it did a couple of months ago, so that could become a little more threatening to Google than it seems now.

The question is: could someone else have done this I'm, not sure if they could have it's pretty hard to overstate? How popular fortnight is I think the latest estimates are a hundred and twenty-five million players at the moment. It is really setting the gaming world on fire right now, and I think the regular world as well. You there's, isn't a week without an athlete doing a fortnight dance on the field. So it's something that the epic games company has a lot of power and weight with I. Think one of the questions is: is this a purely financial decision because obviously bypassing the Google Play store means they don't have to pay 30% to Google on every transaction? And this is something that is probably the go-to reason for most people, I'm sure you know you would probably cite this as the main reason right for doing this.

I think what's interesting about this is yes, if you tell people, you have to go outside the Google, Play, Store and I know, there's a lot of side loaders in our audience, but the general populace doesn't want to do that. They're like that sounds hard. I. Don't want to do that, but Fortnite is so ridiculously popular and people are so committed to playing it, that it is more likely to cause someone who wouldn't otherwise bother to say alright fine. What do I need to do I need fortnight, so they go, and they download it, and the effect that that can have is to teach people like hey that wasn't so hard, and so the next company that does it don't need to be as popular as fortnight, because all those people who did it with fort and I go? Oh, so it's like fortnight well I've done that once that's not that scary or hard yeah I'll totally do that and that to me is, is what I'm wondering is: will we see enough people imitating this, that it becomes a trend and that's exactly what must be going through the whoever is responsible for the Google Play store.

It's going through their mind, of course we're a few steps removed from that actually becoming real at this point. But fortnight is big enough that it could start a trend, maybe with other publishers of games, because what Tim Sweeney again the CEO of Epic Games is saying- is that the service that Google is providing and Apple through the app stores isn't worth 30 percent. So I'll leave other people to debate whether that's the case I'm certain that if they can, if a company is big enough to handle the know the not being voicing but the payments and the customer service and the delivery of assets and all of this I'm sure they wouldn't mind not having to pay 30% to Google for this and the games are, as we will know, the main revenue generator on App Store's. So there are a few companies that I think make enough money. You know small companies might benefit from the App Store in infrastructure.

Bigger companies might think. Well, we don't really need them. Do we thinks like you know, big mobile games like Clash of Clans or Candy Crush or these kinds of games they might implement a dual approach, maybe be present on the App Store and have a version that you can inside load and that will be cheaper and given the openness of the rules of the Google Play Store, they might even tell people hey I mean in the version that they downloaded on the app the Play Store? If you want a special bundle of gems or whatever just go to our website, install the launcher from us, and we'll give you a special price for you know 20%, although I don't know that violates Google Play terms to send people away like that, so it might be tricky, it can be crafty. They can be clever, perhaps yeah, all right. If Android wants to get ahead of this, they should create a curated list.

If this becomes a trend, they shouldn't do it right now. But if this becomes a trend, they should create a curated list of like hey outside the Google Play Store. Here Google it blesses these as safe and secure, and then they could even start providing tools for smaller companies that want to try this on their own, but don't have the full infrastructure. I mean there are ways to lean into this. If it becomes a trend, I think it would be more beneficial to them to lower their cut.

If that becomes a trend to keep people in the Play Store. Do that too yeah as well yeah, but you also to the question of security. Tim Sweeney is saying: well, it's like any other open OS. You can go on Windows and install any application you want, but the big question about security then rears its ugly head back again and which is better being able to install anything at the risk of getting malware, I'm, not sure, especially on mobile. So I don't know it's it does, but it does open that question which we were not really asking too much on mobile platforms or less and less well.

You know who's, crafty and clever people in our Subreddit. That's right, submit stories and vote on others at Disney technician, reddit. com. Also, if you want to hang out on Facebook, we got a group facebook. com, slash groups, slash daily tech news, show, let's check the mailbag Sarah.

Let's do it. This one comes from Thomas. Oh, this accessibility, emails. Honestly, yes, I do anyway, Thomas says, as many of you are I'm a tech enthusiast, I've taught myself much of what I know now. I'm, mostly blind and I, have been for about 11 years.

Since then, I've struggled to keep my tech skills and knowledge. Up-To-Date and DTS- has been a great asset in that regard. Thomas so glad to hear that goes on to say, though I may be, if the minority it'd be incredible, to hear your thoughts on accessibility and existing or emerging tech to help the blind I'm in my final semester at my university I have some assistive technology, but to be honest, it feels as if assistive tech is 20 years behind the rest of the world any thoughts, and then he says I used to be a gamer and would love to hear any ideas on accessibility in game Ian as well yeah. We do cover sis assistive technology and accessibility on this show I feel like more often than we used to. So it's not like it's its not it's not here.

We don't put it in a special area or call attention to it. We just put it in the regular top stories. So listen for that and folks, if you have stories that go to what Thomas is saying or theories or tips, send them to us for feedback at daily tech. News show comm Thank, You Thomas, for this that's great just wanted to mention. There is a semi-famous blind street fighter, the speed fighter, the fighting game, and he actually got a win a year ago there he was competing in actual tournament and got a few wins.

He's he's quite well known, so that might be of interest to you. If you're interested in gaming real quickly before out of here, the snap chat or snap Inc I should say, earnings report came in lost three million users over last quarter, although they have more daily active users 8% more than last year, so still growing year-over-year, but down from last quarter, which is somewhat concerning I. Think, so I mean my Snapchat is a real ghost town I actually posted something this morning like well, you know maybe I'll get some views, not very many, oh and hence mike says, there's a podcast about accessibility that I assume, if mike recommends, relay FM slash a parallel, Oh, excellent, Thomas, I. Hope that helps. If it does.

Let us know, and thank you very much for the recommendation and also thank you to Patrick Baa for being with us as late as it is in Helsinki. We missed you last week what has been going on? Well, if you enjoyed our discussions about the gaming industry, when we talked about fortnight, you might enjoy d TNS labs games, which we just recorded with our good friend Scott Johnson. It's this kind of the extended version of that discussion and other topics from the gaming industry. It's available to patrons of DTS now and will go on the feed on Saturday I believe if I'm not mistaken, Tom. Yes, if you are a, if you are a Patreon subscriber to the good day internet feed, you already have it and if you're a Patreon, and you go to patreon.

com/scishow signed it there. If you get the ad-free version of Deaconess through the Patreon support, it will show up Saturday like it does in the public feed for everybody as well- and actually you explained all of this, but this is kind of not going to be irrelevant, but DTS labs games is graduating. The labs section of D TNS and becoming its own show. It's going to be called MV GB for monthly video game briefing, which I think is quite clever. If you decide to go more often than monthly, multiple video game, brief munificent, both work, so this is coming up in September, but for now the latest episode is available on yep.

So keep an ear out for that, and thank you to everybody who supports us on patreon. com, slash d TNS. Our email addresses feedback at daily tech. News show comm, we'd love your feedback, keep it coming questions comments. Anything in between we're also live Monday through Friday.

If you can join us, we'd love to have you 4:30 p. m. eastern or 2030 UTC, and find out more at daily tech. News, show calm, slash life back tomorrow with Scott Johnson talk to you, then new. This show is part of the fraud.

Pants Network get more at frog, pants calm that recycling truck came by right at the helmet that was yeah. Sorry I was like because I, so often I'm like. Can you guys hear that? Usually not yes, that one I was like? Oh, somebody got a printer going on in the background. Blind player is cold Sven he is Dutch and he actually just well obviously uses just the sound of the game ? mm-hmm to play, and he actually won a few rounds in serious tournaments. I love that is so cool I always wondered.

You know how well I, don't know. I, don't know it depends on where you went to school, I guess but um as a kid I remember there would be sort of I. Don't know like these, where the kids are supposed to be more empathetic, you know, and so, like everyone gets blindfolded, you know, and you get it. You yeah, you spend sort of the day like figuring out what it would be like to go through life without the gift of sight feel like that happened in some health classes, not any the ones I took. Okay seem like a widespread thing.

No, this is like we did this when we were quite young, yeah and yeah. The idea of I mean again I grew up in the woods, so it was like you know your sort of, like you know, and by school she means her in the squirrels that she hung out Tom. It was an accredited credit squirrels. You know, it'd be the sort of thing where it's like. If you feel a tree trunk, and then you come back later, can you remember what that? Can you remember what your tree? Is? You know, based on just stuff that are not is not based on visual IQs and I mean this is all you know, kind of really silly kids stuff, but but but yeah the more we can sort of understand, especially how good you might be gaming in your own way, based on cues rather than visual cues is really pretty cool.

I'm trying to find out you know, Patrick I think I may have dropped the ball. I didn't. Did we not take a feed already four monthly video games, briefing I think we had to give them one? Oh I, don't want to say it until I'm certain, but you had to give who a cast like a sub-domain eye that would not have been something I would have seen because I was in there this morning and valid RSS settings. No, you would see it. It's under sheath I didn't see it RSS a cast comm /m, V GB.

Now there's nothing there yet. So you may get an error if you try to subscribe to that, but that that is the source URL if you're, like I, just really want to be in there. I. Also need a description. I know, Scott's working on the cover image.

What we're going to call this show we're not late for dinner or epic maneuvers around Android vote by blockchain variations on Avengers of media, Avengers, Assemble I think it's just confusing, because it's not really related to the Avengers installer instar returns their epic maneuvers around Android I. Think epic maneuvers, oh just epic maneuvers, also I, think I'm going to go to bed, gonna, sleep, good night, sweet, prince good night, beloved hosts of dextrose, let flights of angels, speed, thee to thy rest, and also you smell, lovely, okay, I'm, really, tired, alright good show, bye and congrats on the new labs. Graduation well probably have a different RSS like redirect just to make sure, but if you want to try that one that I gave out just now you'll be ahead of the game ahead. Wait. It was epic maneuvers sure epic maneuvers love it great print, it Mini roll tape.

Actually, what do you call it? When you do the press on the panini yep, you press it I yeah I mean it's pretty much. Just like a waffle, iron right, yeah, it's a Nee nee press love, a good panini who doesn't it's like an adult version of the that sandwich thing thesis on late-night TV, the George Foreman? No, there was the sandwich maker like you can make, which is, and it would like baked it with the crust sealed up. I, don't I, don't find that those and George Foreman included, really save you much time. They see doesn't take me any time at all. I clean it I knew there was a guy I knew in San Francisco, who didn't have an oven.

At said, ok looks like that. You know it worked really well yeah. It's like stove top you're, just cooking yeah, later range. If you have a know, burners yeah I mean I know it saves you a little time. I just don't know if it's worth it, it was supposed to.

The fat was supposed to drip, so it was supposed to be like better yeah. That's talking about remember the clamshell thing, and it slices it while it's cooking because it's got the so that you don't have to slice and have the cheese go nuts yeah, you could do any kind of hot square sandwich. It definitely is easier, but then you start to clean and everything I, just I find myself with these sorts of things like the savings wears off after a while, and you just go back to pull the thing out. Actually I don't see the one thing that I use a lot that so saved me time is the toaster oven, yeah yeah, if I'm doing like an open-faced, bagel thing mm-hmm, its toaster oven is just bought it. For that I mean if you like, bagels, if you want grilled cheese, but you want to really cut down on the amount of grease and fat.

You just toast right, just open face stuff, nice and easy. So Peggy knows the magic word and Victor okay, but you guys I, think I did a poor job of setting it up. That was the problem. I tried to speed through it, because if you don't imagine the path that it doesn't, it doesn't work at all. But can you imagine a circular path in that? Where you can't see the other side and there's a and it's like a cave right, so you can't go off the path and just cut around right.

You have to go through a door in order to make it all the way around the circle. Can you imagine that? Yes, okay and then Victor and Peggy are standing at one end of the circle and Peggy's like I know how to get through that magic door. But I don't want you to know the magic word Victor's like prove it. How does she prove? She knows the magic word without telling him the magic word she walks around the path. He can't see her anymore.

She whispers the magic word opens. The door comes around the other side of the circle, and he's like. Oh, you must know the magic word because. The only way to get through there was to open that door and the only way to open that door was no. The magic word without the magic without me, knowing what the magic word is.

You have proved to me that you know it. It doesn't matter how Peggy got to know it all I observed with his Peggy proving to Victor. She knows something without having to tell him what she knows. Why does Peggy care about proving that to Victor? Well, this is zero knowledge. Proof right.

Why do you care about proving anything? Is it relevant? It's like how do you prove you know something without revealing what it is with voting? How do you prove you're registered without revealing who you are that's the analogy that would be okay, no I mean that makes sense, and obviously there's a lot more complex math about that. To get it sure, but that's the thing Victor analogy shows you like, because, because you might say, like it's impossible for you to prove, you know something without telling me what it is right, but this is an example of like oh, no, here's it. Here's a way, mathematical analogy to that that can be implemented in programs. That would do the same for being able to prove something. It's like public key cryptography right.

How do you give someone a key without giving them the key that unlocks all your stuff right, a key that can only in a cost factor? Yes, that makes perfect I needed to take more time. That's that was well. It made sentence during the show but I my question during the show it was like. But why does Viktor need to know what Peggy knows? Well, because yeah it's analogy to why? Why do I need to know you're registered to vote without right, yeah who may register to vote, so I sent that link to my Patreon article to my sister, because she was the inspiration for it: yeah she's, a county clerk, and she responds back to me? It was like Peggy huh, yes, traditional way of describing this as paying I pick the names, okay, who's, Peggy information, Victor and a little secluded yeah right, it's up with Becky Victor yeah, exactly like. What's their problem like it's like how to get away with infidelity, because it's its definitely an analogy.

If you start to be like well why'd, they magic door in the middle of this circle, cave right, yeah, yeah, yeah. Why don't they just go to another park? Why do they care go somewhere else? Peggy ensures that the pet well, the password I assume, is just one use. So the authentication is no actually, if you really get into the analogy, there are ways where he is at the the top of a path that leads into the circle. So there's a way for her to do it where it's hidden, which path she takes and there are ways to do it like multiple times to prove she's. Not just you know, coming up the side, it gets more complex than what I said.

If you start to ask this kind of questions, it can't handle it and then at the end there will be a giant Sphinx that will ask you a riddle, I think story. Then it will. You know if you get it right, you're allowed to pass a vote. If not going to be the work, or it was the Oracle right. No, the Oracle is the tells you the future.

Oracle of Delphi, but the 2-sphere I think you're thinking of I'm thinking of reading story, yeah yeah with Areas, who hunted the wild / or the, was the Oracle. It was the two Sphinx and like if you got it wrong. They'd know that was lady, Nelson right, yeah he'd. They would answer it and then like they were destroyed by the nothingness as he went to go, find the was it the childlike princess who was a child actor yeah moon shadow? Do you remind me of a babe? Well, it's a different movie. No sorry also good, though same general, wheelhouse speaking of well not of movies or childhood movies, but series I started watching sharp objects.

Last night started using the atoms, and you know well the video folks what you thought, and then we'll go into more detail for the audio folks. That's good short story like it. Alright, there you go. She likes it. Thank you folks for watching.

If you'd like to find out why she likes it check out our patriotic icons. Last DTS we'll see you next time. Video.

Source : Daily Tech News Show

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