Hello there this is Doug's breaking news update. It is December the 3rd Sunday mornings, I'm down here my peaceful little spot, saying my thanks to the world and God the universe and all that, and I'm sporting, a black glove, not a blue glove, a black glove black blood man I, don't like to be identified with any particular color or creed, or anything like that. So I'm on bias. Anyway, congratulations to Clemson won last night. They are definitely seated 1mo again for the third straight year, the contenders and possibly repeat, champs. Having said that, I'm testing out my new pixel to phone and seeing how well it works and thus far I really really really like it and, as you can see, this is really a nice phone and I really like it.
A lot I, don't have much else to say this morning, but I'm going to watch the Bears in about an hour, so I got to say and that Stoics breaking news update goodbye.
Source : Douglas Stillion