BlackBerry KEYone "Real World" Durability Testing! By CrackBerry

By CrackBerry
Aug 16, 2021
BlackBerry KEYone "Real World" Durability Testing!

Everybody Crack Berry seven here with what's going to be I, think a heartbreaking video, because it's very likely by the end of this thing, phones are going to die. Crack berry. Come here's the deal you know, I've been rocking the BlackBerry key one for a few months. Now, I love this thing: it's got great battery life, great keyboard, it's running Android, so it's got all the apps. Definitely the best BlackBerry experience I've ever had in all my years of being a blackberry user. I think it's also a really durable phone.

So today, for the sake of science, I'm going to destroy some key ones, we're going to put them through real-world testing, though you know what that means: Crack Berry stylus we're going to have some fun. They state sieve, I picked because I've tested it start with number one something that happens. A lot drops around the house. You got carpet, you got wood, low distance, high distance. This is the basics of smartphone abuse, good height, I.

Think so screen down up. Let's go slow down success. Nothing popping out, iPhone I'm, going to think it's alright as well. Looking okay, Galaxy S II. We saw an Android central one broke, not from a very high fall.

This is enough to break it, but maybe it on carpet we're good. So this is pretty high drop. This is not usually where you carry your phone but see what happens just fine, oh, that one might have hurt. So a little on the back cover came back to the other.100% screen is intact. Oh, it's fairly high, throw more than what happens normally around the house.

Oh, that was high. iPhone good shape, looking good another real-world test phone sitting there you're busy at the computer, and you accidentally knock it off, yet I like standing desks. Of course, it's a little higher than your average sitting desk because it's a visited, oh that landed hard on the screen, not pop, though let's go I phone, seven lose the suit ooh face down, sounded nasty, looking okay and make it this Peter three, two one, oh so no screen damage to any of them, which is pretty awesome next step. So the last test before we head outside- and this one happens to me a lot I step on my phone because I'm like lying in bed and I II, have my phone on the ground charging. So I don't have beside my brain I wake up in the morning, and it's dark, and I go to the bed and I step on it.

Let's do it for the sake of science, with 200 pounds of I. Don't know: Canadian beef walk on that long, walk out pretty good right, so it's dusty, actually I think it's hopped that battery door back in screen is good. It's pretty good I'm in kind of impressed by that another real-world test. I know you can all relate to. You know it's early in the morning, you're half asleep still, but you got to go to work you're getting into your car.

You know, I'll be a futzing with things you put your phone on the roof, your coffee on the roof. Furthermore, you get it, and you drive away and everything hits the ground happens. If you want to take it, let's find out, in Crack Berry fashion, with the Tesla and launch mode, only a one shot at doing this, because these phones probably won't hit, be the same after they hit concrete. Let's see what happens how'd, they do did anything break, have a broken iPhone 7 +. Ah, ah he one is ok little Nick's on the corner, everything intact the screen is ok, everything is working.

This key one, the SIM card tray popped out of battery door. Pops right back in the back of the s8 is cracked, but the front is ok, so, ah the key ones, one there we go we're back inside. After doing the Tesla launch mode drop test and the iPhone didn't make it and the Galaxy S8, plus the front lasted, but the back is all cracked. Both are number one and number 2 t1s are still intact. A little of you know scuffing in that, but completely usable key one to the next test is another real-world test.

That's happened to me. I've had phones be broken. This way, I called the angry spouse or significant other tests, and in my case it's a very passionate, Italian white and cracker Kevin can be super annoying when you have to dodge phones flying at you and if they hit you, you know the phone's, okay, and you're hurting, but if you miss, they fly into a brick wall, and this is where I don't really expect it to survive, and I will say in the history of blackberry. ? phones have been known for being perfect. At this, the black created 700 was built to be a little tank.

You could throw at people or wall, and the 8700 was also super durable nervous. Let's do this I feel like you should throw them at me, and I should dodge them. This is our unit number one still, okay, well I broke the glass yeah and I said it as you'd expect Oh a little of. Let go okay, we're going to take this apart shortly and see how it looks underneath do it? Okay, oh I bet: that's why this one will survive or maybe not well we're going to put it back together and see it's tougher stuff, even the 8700, those outer layers, okay, but that screen is busted. Let's do one for science: I! Don't break phones on videos, often so make it worthwhile just half the breaks, though we have a winner.

That's pretty good scuff miss experiencing Saxon working all right, I was kind of cheering for the 8700 9700, so survive that there you go, so the brick wall loosened this guy off. So why don't we take it apart? You know putting that much force into it. It's bendable I, don't think. That's a surprise. I want to get shards in me when you look at the bottom here and the bottom here, you don't see any sort of adhesive where you see it is actually, and I missed it at first glance, it's around the edges, so all the surrounding way can see.

There's this like black and heats. This kind of sealant tape held it in pretty well until we busted it always room to improve and make things strong. And what do you know I've been sitting on one doing a secret fit test where the key one has survived my butt on it for the last little while and that's something I do a lot. I often carry my phone in the back pocket, so I'm, sitting on in the car and of the best I haven't had any issues with the screen popping on it. I want to take a look under another one, so why don't we have fun grating it first, and then I'll dismantle it ouch.

We break this launch, oh yeah, so the key one is not rated as a waterproof device, but why don't we go throw it in some water see how it fares and then, after that, we'll take it apart. Another real-world test toilet test, the t1 isn't a waterproof device. It's pretty tricky to make. You know a phone with this many buttons waterproof. Well, why don't we test how it bulbs up as a bonus round here, I think I'm going to get slow.

Bob spotless, so three, two one divide that at least the ALL junk is: okay, it's cool swimming little guy. Oh, it's not good a little of flexor. It doesn't like that. It survived the dunk, but it is survived a swim which we knew going into the key one. Don't take it swimming with you.

Let's see how the screen holds on here twisting and trotting now. We're sign actually ended slip. Adhesive is holding okay. So now we try it. Okay, that's decent, okay, I'm, not a wimp, but look good.

What should we do step on it when you do a little twisting, there's a bit of here's more noise like that? Still, okay, there I got it. Finally, so I feel like really reef on it. Go after one corner heart, so we've got that adhesive again same thing: it's all around the edges and always look at ways to make it tougher. I. Think it's pretty durable, and again I've been using it for a few months, beating it up, not quite beating it up to the extent we did today, but we didn't even get two units three and four because number wanted to take a decent-looking.

How do we give these two away? If you want to win a key one, leave a comment to this video on the YouTube or on the Crack Berry blog post, where it's embedded, and I will pick two people from the comments to win these devices, complete with the number three number four marks on the back, which will be very exclusive. What did we learn today? He won pretty tough. Overall, we took two of the screens park with some effort, and we did find that there is adhesive, it's just all around the edges. So it's not necessarily under these metal pieces. You dick, maybe we're thinking, that's kind of where I was thinking.

My head I would see stuff could there'd be more of it sure. Can it take a drop or a bump. I think we proved that today that it absolutely can, it outlasted these two guys, the iPhone 7 plus and the Galaxy S8 plus I'd say with the key one. The one thing that could happen before the screen are giving an issue you might feel those battery door clips might pop out a little, but they and really easy, and even that I've never really had it happen in day-to-day usage. So that's sort of an extreme bump drop thing where it happened.

Overall, I don't know, I think it's pretty good. Let me know in the comments, if you think there's anything you want to see you're not convinced we want to do more testing I'm happy to oblige, but these two units will giveaway because that's how we roll around here- that's it for this one, concrete Kevin out.

Source : CrackBerry

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