By Rajeev Kugan
Aug 15, 2021

What's, going on guys welcome back, my name is Rajiv Logan thanks for checking in it's been a minute. It's been a minute man, I've been missing one month, I got lazy the other month, I really didn't know what to do and then. Finally, when I was about to record my barber went missing, but he did me good. He didn't make her check him out. G cuts. What we're gonna talk about today is the BlackBerry key ? I'm, a bad pretty fan.

You guys know that, but there's actually maybe a split review here. I'm gonna, give you three reasons why you might get it and five reasons why I'm shipping it back first things. First, it's the form factor, everybody loves the iconic. Look they actually call this the icon reborn. Many of you would like to call this a brick.

To be honest, you know it feels like Blackberry outsourced manufacturing to Wakanda, and this is things built out of uranium because it actually feels pretty good. It feels solid. It feels bulletproof backing is actually nice. Furthermore, it has a very matte rubbery feel to it doesn't leave you greasy fingers behind. So that's good! You still get the 4.5-inch screen 1080p if you're, okay with that resolution and that screen size and that's what you get, and you also get. Obviously the iconic keyboard interesting enough, interesting enough, we'll talk about a little more later, but they actually revamped the keyboard too, which is pretty awesome and finally, the new addition, which is the dual lens, not a fan of it, we'll get into later as well, but that is the new and improved battery key to form factor.

So point number two. Obviously it is the keyboard 100% upgrade from the predecessor, which is key one, that one is a bit finicky. The keys were like a little plastic. You know kind of jiggled when you moved it around, whereas this one it actually you know, adopts the same keyboard experience you get from the blackberry Passport now for those who've never tried it, it's pretty much like typing in thin air. It has this a nice little pressing feeling to it.

It's like a typewriter from the future, that's what the BlackBerry password was and that's what the key to now has as well, except for this space bar. Furthermore, it's a little weird and click, and if you guys can hear that I'm sure that's because they probably need to keep a little of wiggle room so that you can use the touch capacitive, fingerprint sensor to login other than that. Nothing much has changed in terms of the keyboard you can swipe to delete. You can flick up to pretty much use predictive keys. That experience is still intact.

What they did do is they added a new speed key button? So what it is, is it actually allows you to assign apps to certain keys, so you still keep the experience where you can hold long press or short press and enable different apps contacts or different functions to be mapped to these keys. But if you want to actually map certain keys when you hit the speed key button and what allows you to quickly switch between apps when you're in and out pretty convenient, especially if you have a bunch of buttons that can be used for those experience, okay, so the last point I would call the business sense. Why? Because, obviously, this phone is for the business users. You won't see my 10-year-old, niece walking around with a blackberry. Do you think it's pretty outdated? So that's where the market is and that's where they actually will succeed if they do a few more things that I feel like need to be placed in a blackberry in 2018, moving to 2020, just a touch a few.

Obviously this comes equipped with BES BlackBerry Enterprise Server. If your company supports up, then obviously you can hit the different perks with that functionality. One cool thing about this is that it has a convenience key that can be used as to unmute and mute function during phone calls. It's one of my favorite features with the actual BlackBerry and nobody else does it I, don't know why it's pretty straightforward one thing to know, especially for all the BlackBerry business people on the go. This thing was advertised as two full days of use.

I was able to get two and a half full days of use, plus if I actually waited up to ten percent for the night, I probably could have hit three days, which is pretty awesome and, of course you get the security suite with DAC you get Firefox focus, which is a private browsing 24/7 and get all these little private, tiered apps, that's built by blackberry, especially when it comes to usage. When it comes to the locker room, and you know even taking pictures, you can even take a picture and if you use your fingerprint to take that picture, it's locked, which is pretty neat and those are for people who want to keep under the radar okay. So we hit three different points to why you might want to get this phone. I'll be honest with you. I got five reasons why I'm actually going to get rid of it, so the keyboard the whole point of a BlackBerry existing is for the keyboard, but tell me why just tell me why that I struggled to use this from a productive standpoint.

Tell me why that I prefer an all touchscreen, and maybe this is because preference after using it for so long, maybe because the memory muscles have gone in using an actual physical keyboard, but tell me why I can't do it. I can't do it, and it's just now, I'm I'm being forced I'm, forcing myself to use a keyboard which doesn't make sense. It should be very, very smooth transition if I was to get a new phone with a keyboard that I'd enjoy it that make sense, I hope it does now. The camera don't put a dual lens on a blackberry, expecting it to sell from a competitive standpoint, but the image processing is as horrible as the older models like it just doesn't make sense. Look at this picture.

Just look at this picture. I took this shot from a selfie mode. It's horrible! Now, let's move over to a regular picture, it's not bad Yukon! You can see a little of green, but with all the lighting in my studio it should be a perfect shot. So, let's cut him slack, let's go to the portrait mode, the whole point of a dual lens: it had fuzziness, it was a little grainy, and you can tell there doesn't even detect the edge detection properly in a very well lit room. So I can only assume that this camera or this device requires you know to be fully outside and a fully lit day.

You can't even shoot this at night I'm, not even gonna. Try testing it and I did some inside shots at home. It was as bad as you know, trying something else outside, so I'm gonna just stick to the fact that this camera is not built for 2018 for a consumer who wants camera on the go now I'm. Let's move on to number three: the OS yes they're using Oreo 8.1, but is it optimized? Why does the actual software come with a bunch of blackberry built apps? Well, no one's going to use it. They should probably stop building apps and build clever ways to integrate already used common apps in to something that's even better, maybe something, as you know, a seamless integration between the different apps onto a cloud to pull from later on from the web and then bring it on to your business.

Space I feel like that's, where blackberry needs to focus your innovation on it's cool that you can get a lot of customizations I'm, my type of guy that loves customizing, my I guess my products or my experience or even my technology, but when you've got a lot of customizations, multiple ways of customizing it, and then you get to go through the different options in the menu, and you can do a lot of different changes. It can get overwhelming, especially for a know: a regular user. Obviously, this power users like myself, who can deal with that kind of stress, but don't overwhelm the business users man they just need something that works and on the go and to be honest, I can already tell- and you know, I've already matched in with the camera experience. I can already tell this thing's going to bog down slow and eventually, even with a six gig ram. Even though it's using an okay processor I can 100% see that it's slowing down in six months, my key one did it and most likely the key to will too so.

Just keep that in mind, it will happen. Its leads to my next point, which is power. Yes, I've said it a hundred times in my previous videos. I like power on the go. That's just me: I need actual powerful devices, so I can do all the things I want to do.

Unfortunately, even though they drop six gigs of ram that 660 snapdragon processor just doesn't cut it, it doesn't work to the optimal point. Why? Because it's a mediocre processor, it doesn't balance, and you put more RAM. It doesn't work like that. This is like one on one computer tech that you should know. They could literally spend $100 more on this and equip it with the latest processor, which is a Snapdragon 805 and still be competitive.

OnePlus. Does it? Why can't these guys do it? I learn wrap this up with one last point: it's lack of innovation. You guys can't just keep dropping upgrades on a keyboard and expect people to love it. You guys need to take it a step for the BlackBerry needs to understand that we are moving to 2019 very soon and an icon reborn keyboard is not gonna. Save them.

I really need to get into the software world better themselves. Add more integrations get into. You know tech that matters for the business people. One thing they can do- and this is just me throwing something out there is make it a full screen, maybe add, touch capacitive keyboards under the screen that could be enabled when you want it or disabled. When you want a full screen, experience I'm sure they can pull that off.

If they can pull that off. Look at this there's a bug in here so annoying if they can pull this off, I feel like they'll, have something that's innovative and something that people are willing to review like there's a lot of reviewers out there, I've noticed like MHD. The guy didn't even bother dealing with this. Why? Because there's? No point it has no love, there's a reason why it doesn't have love, and you can't say that the whole point of this phone is for a subset class of users and as long as we satisfy that class of users we're good. No, it shouldn't be like that.

You want to hit the mass market by being innovative, and I'm. Sorry I know, I, know I'm telling you good I'm a blackberry fan I've had a 7000 series, I've had the 9000 series I've had the new blackberry, tens, and I've had all the Android phones. I still have a few of my drawer I've, been through all the different life cycles of a BlackBerry. To understand that these guys haven't done much to make a difference and I think it's time they need to. They can't keep saying that the next one's going to be better I'm, hoping 2019 whoa.

You guys will do something and maybe by 2020, you draw blackberry X, and it's just like this super pumped phone with so many features fully upgraded with the latest tech. I'm, hoping that's what's gonna, be maybe I'm asking for too much, but we'll see only time will tell only time will tell well that's it folks appreciate the support, don't forget to hit the like button. It makes a big difference. Leave a comment makes a bigger difference and, of course, please subscribe. It helps a long way.

It makes a difference for the little guys like myself. You want to keep pumping out videos hope to see you again. My name is With Organ setting out oh, and before I go like my Instagram I'm, actually going to be doing a contest. I might be giving away a gift card for Henry's Monday money. We all have our opinions and I don't like the phone.

So we how you mean the contest for the gift card yeah you have to, follow me on Instagram bro, that's it! Oh yeah, okay, you're good to go. Yeah. Tell us this kid. Six shots.

Source : Rajeev Kugan

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