Artemis P15 - Review Completo By MPLA Airguns

By MPLA Airguns
Aug 21, 2021
Artemis P15 - Review Completo

Hello, everyone! This is Marcos Paulo, from MPLA Airguns UK. And for those who wanted that, today we have the P15! A complete review, in English, only in here! Stay tuned! Hey, guys. I have to start this review, saying that I am impressed! This gun is extremely light-weight. It is impressive that a gun as good and powerful as it is, relatively silent as it is, be so light. The Chinese people are to be congratulated. They got to do a real improvement of P10, that is this P15.

Starting with the scope, as always, I use my Hawke Panorama, it is 2-7x32. The tests were made in a range of 25 meters. This is the range I have here. So, let us go to the gun. The side-lever is not steadfast.

When the magazine is placed, it grabs a bit to push the pellet through the barrel. I do not know if it is because it is new, I have to be honest. But it was proven very difficult to push the pellet inside, after cocking it. It is hard to do it. However, the side-lever is very well made.

Probably a “brushed” metal, maybe inox steel. The magazine is 9 rounds. I will add a video of how to load the magazine. The magazine damages the pellets a bit. I will show how to place the magazine.

It enters back facing, this part faces the shooter. You place it on the top and push it. Let us go, I will try to close it. But, look, it stuck, ok? You see that? It is very, very hard! But, once you get used to it, and probably after some use. It will be wearing out a bit, maybe the magazine or even the probe (piece used to push the pellet).

It will probably become smoother to use. Hey guys for you to load the magazine of the P15. It is 100% plastic. So, you turn the front, there is a spring inside. By the end, the position to add the first pellet is not available.

So, it means that the first pellet you insert it from behind. You see the difficulty. The pellet is perfect for a while. Entering backward. It does not go very well.

Ups… Done! If you turn it back, facing to you, the pellet may not fall down, but…. see… it dropped. And you see that the pellet has started to be damaged. So, you have to be very careful. Add the first… … put your finger, and go adding the others, which enter from the front.

When you finish, put it back to the initial position.9 pellets (.22).1, 2, 3 with some damage. It is not a good magazine. It is something that Artemis should improve a lot. But it is a work for the “Artists” of 3D printers. Well, this is the main point, in relation to the magazine.

The trigger is adjustable and 2 stages. The first stage is shorter, compared to other guns. And the second stage, with the shoot. The air cylinder is satisfactory, I think. A gun to be used on the field, it has to be light-weight and precise.

And this gun matches these requisites. So, I would recommend it to the field. To fill it, you have to pull the cylinder cap, and it uses a fill probe, with a foster on the other side, which makes it much easier. It comes with an integrated silencer and there is a very important detail on the silencer. As the same as other guns, like Edgun and Daystate Saxon, these small holes on the shroud, helps to reduce the air dispersion and also helps to reduce the noise of the gun when you shoot.

The matter of the sound itself…. It is not loud… again… It is a gun, I would say, with a medium-low level of noise. The stock is a very simple wood, with not many details on the wood. But is light-weight, so it meets the purpose of being a Bullpup. The ergonomics are very good, similar to other bullpups.

The gun is… very light. You can hold it with just one hand. The shooting position is very easy, very fitted. It holds very well on the shoulder. For those who like the field, usually, the positions are kneeling, aiming up, aiming down.

So, this gun has these characteristics to facilitate these positions. The safe, I sincerely do not trust very much. It is a mechanical safety and it holds the fire just by a small piece on the trigger guard. So, if it wears out or if it is not well locked, The gun may have an accidental shot, I the case of misuse. But, safety at the first place.

Those who buy this gun, please, be careful with this. The User Manual is very complete. It explains about safety norms, how to safely use the gun. This channel strongly recommends, that all the owners of Airguns, before you use it, to read all the User Manual. Why? Doing this, you reduce the chance of accidents, reduce the risks of using a gun.

NO NEED OF SUBTITLES. READING ONLY. Some things made me reduce the “average rating” for the gun. The finishing. It is not a very well finished gun, it comes with some minor cosmetic details on the cylinder.

I took it out of the box (brand new) and it came that way already. Some details in plastic. For example, the cheek piece, that is the area where your face touches the gun. Is not very well made, it seems to be a rough plastic. I think they could do that on wood, covering a little more.

In general, this gun is fitted for those who do not want to expend a lot of money on a gun. The technical information were shown already. So now we will test these five different types of pellets. So, let’s go? Let’s get started! Hey guys, let us go to the test of performance and accuracy of the P15. Today we are going to use 5 different types of pellets with different weights, different shapes.

Accupell: 14.3gr | Predator Polymag Shorts: 15.89gr JSB Exact Jumbo: 15.89gr | Bisley Magnun: 21.0gr AirArms (by JSB): 18.13gr. I will to a session of shooting with each one, and by the end, the one which had the better performance, I will use an additional target to do a 3-magazine test. Let us see which one is going to be the winner. Which pellet will have the better performance on the P15. Everything ready.

(5x speed) Hey guys, let’s go on results! They are in decreasing order. You are seeing the results. Predator Polymag Shorts was not very well. JSB Exact Jumbo was ok, but I think it could be better. AirArms (by JSB) performed very well as so Bisley Magnum.

And against the expectative of many, probably, Accupell (14.3gr) did 0.48in with no flyers. It beats the Bisley which had two flyers. And… that’s it! *** WINNER *** ACCUPELL 14.3gr | 27 rounds | 25 meters (27yds) 0.81in (20.76mm) Thank you Bob! =) WATCH: P10 vs P15 – The Final Battle! LIKE. SUBSCRIBE. SHARE ON FACEBOOK AND WHATSAPP.


Source : MPLA Airguns

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