AR Glasses!! Dark mode saves battery? Pixel 4 Release. | Apple News By iSkyler

By iSkyler
Aug 14, 2021
AR Glasses!! Dark mode saves battery? Pixel 4 Release. | Apple News

Today in Apple news we got 20/20 the year of AR iPhone SE ? an iPhone SE replacement Google Pixel 4 is out and more I'm a Skyler, let's get started, so it has been two weeks since my last video and since my last Apple news I was on vacation. Ok now the thing is the amount of Apple news is really like. No more than any other week and like any other few days, it's just a pretty similar amount. In fact, it might even be less but anyways. Here's the news so good 20/20 be the air AR for Apple now hold on hold on, don't leave, yet you're, probably either thinking. What even is air, that's boring or every year is the air AR, and it never gets good for Apple this year or next year.2020 I think could be very different, based on some reports, some new stories coming out and just a lot about AR. So one apple, AR headset, which could look like this, but this is just a concept by eye drop news.

It's really not much! You know about design, it probably wouldn't be as cool as this, but this is a really cool-looking design, and we will also see new 3d sensors on the back of the iPhone just for making better air on the iPhone. But these glasses are what I find really cool, and we're actually seeing a lot of stuff now, seeing that we really could see these in 2020 now. This is very similar to Google glass. That's the level we're looking at here very similar to Google glass, probably running off, of your iPhones processor. Things like that and I.

Imagine it in my head very similar to in the Apple Watch, but it's gotta have something different where people won't buy it. Maybe something like asking Siri to show you where your car keys are that have an Apple tag, and then you can see arrows an outline that tell you how to get there, or it could shoot errors on the road. As you drive as I was writing this script? Just so many cool ideas popped into my head. I, just don't even know how many things to expect here, but knowing Apple you might just get nothing or maybe we could finally get that innovation we heard about recently- maybe maybe maybe we could finally see that, but who knows the iPhone SE 2 is really coming together with another report from Ming Chimu. He affirms in this report that it will be an iPhone 8 style and will come in 16 or 128 gigabytes.

It'll also have silver space, gray and red color options, a starting price of 399 u. s. dollars for $49 for the 128 gigabyte, presumably the that's just my guess, based on other things, but the 399 is from him. So that's a pretty solid price that were looking at there and a good price to go for there. I think that'd be a super solid price for people to go for it'll, have the a13 processor from the iPhone 11s for this year's and 3d gigabytes of RAM we're still looking at an early 2020 release date.

Three gigabytes of RAM is just as much as the 10r from last year, so those are solid. Specs there iPhone 8 solid design, really a cool phone to replace those sixes successes SES, as all these old phones start to go away with this new. Truly awesome phone dark mode can save your battery life, so this is a test by phone buff. They use these robots to perform very calculated tests on I. Think I found 10 asses I think is what they add.

Now here 's's the deal here. The light mode phone was at 30% battery when the other one died, but there are some stipulations here keep in mind. This only applies to OLED phone, that's the iPhone, 10, tennis, tennis, max 11, pro and 11 pro max. So not the 11 10 are not the eight and a plus seven none of those apply of this, but the OLED models have better battery life, but obviously only an opposite of dark moon setup. So you will probably see battery life improve if you use dark mode as more apps become supported, so hey in the right circumstances.

Dark mode which looks great, can save you battery. That's awesome apple leaked in iOS, this icon here at the bottom, which is for the 16-inch MacBook Pro. It is the same size as the current 15-inch MacBook Pro, but with smaller bezels, which you can kind of see there, it will be coming out. Actually, no one really knows when it's coming out could be this year could be next year. We're not really sure at this point, Google recently released their new flagship phone Google Pixel for the pixel 4 has a huge chin.

You cannot really see the chin, or they're not cheered, because their pictures cleverly disguise it, but it's got a pretty big chin at the bottom of the phone and not not a notch. Actually, it just has a forehead so like this pretty much on a new flagship phone. Also, it's got a super-fast face. I'd that works with your eyes closed weight. That is a security phone.

Not a feature fast is good, but your eyes close is not good. That means when you're sleeping or knocked unconscious, someone could unlock your phone. They are fixing it doesn't worry in a couple of months. It'll all be good, so yeah, that's not great, got some cool radar, gimmicks and stuff with the cameras and pixels. You still like lead this camera game, but now the iPhone is fairly comparable to them.

So there's not really that much to worry about there. I would just say you know, whichever one you like, better Google software, it's getting pretty good. So if you're, a Google software person go with that Apple software person, the iPhone, although pixels, are getting pretty expensive, we're looking at 800 to a thousand dollars now up in that iPhone range for pixels. So not necessarily the best thing ever I recommend personally checking out one of the reviews on it. I really love the LTTE Linus tips review.

There's a good MTB and MHD want a lot of cool ins out there with the device in hand that give you a lot more information. The new beats solo Pro has been released by beats. Who is owned by Apple? It's got: hey Siri functionality, noise-canceling transparency, which transparency just filters in noise, so I guess. If there's a bus driving up tune its honking, your horn, you can hear the horn honk and not get run over by a bus and hey Siri or okay Google oops. Sorry, if that mess with your devices and yeah, that's the beats.

Solo Pro, pretty expensive, but really nice headphones. Man beats. Are nice Apple, TV, app known Roku devices? I was 13 that 1.3 is available with bug, fixes and improvements, but you probably have updated. If not I guess you can, if you want to buy, did, and I'm a Skyler (thanks) for watching bye.

Source : iSkyler

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