iPhone 12 Pro - Battery Life! Shocking results By Mark's Tech

By Mark's Tech
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 Pro - Battery Life! Shocking results

Hey guys what is going on and welcome back to Mark's tech, so this video is going to be super short. How many of you have just checked how long the video is yeah? I bet a few of you did, so I just want to talk about something I want to talk about the new iPhone, 12 series of phones and battery life. Many of you guys saw that the battery capacity has gone down a little from last year's devices uh, but I assume many of you also don't know that the processor is just a lot more power efficient today, like in the a14 chip compared to the a13 chip. Now how power efficient is it ask? Well, I don't know, listen, I'm not a'm, not a scientist, but what I can tell you or what I can show you are the screen on time for the iPhone 12 Pro, not even the 12 pro max, which comes out in a few weeks and guys if this phone can last as long as it did, the 12 pro max is going to be amazing. So if you look at the first screenshot, my screen on time was 7 hours and 57 minutes. Now you guys don't see it, but that was taken when the phone was at four percent um.

Yes, it's still 20, 20 and iPhones do not show a battery indicator up top. You have to slide down stupid, so 7 hours, 57 minutes with the screen off time for one hour and six minutes now it lasted so good that I had to stay up a little later than I usually do after 12 and then, which is why there's a second screenshot for 11 minutes. So if you count up the total time on a single charge, it would be eight hours and eight minutes of screen on time with a screen off time of a total of an hour and six minutes. Do you have any idea how I want to say bored, but how long it took me to ruin this battery? Well, I mean, obviously it took eight hours and eight minutes. That was a trick question.

What I meant to say was it's so tough. Nowadays, phone batteries are just so incredibly good that it's almost painful to do a battery test. So there's that the a14 processor is obviously very power. Efficient. Okay, you guys don't need to worry about that if you, but if you play a lot of games, though, if you do a lot of heavy tasks on your phone, your battery is going to go down just like any other phone, obviously so that is kind of where you might see that one hour drop off point compared to last year's phones.

But if you do a lot of I mean you guys see you guys seen what I did. You know YouTube social media, tick-tock, all that good stuff, uh Snapchat, which is still a battery waster, Snapchat and tick. Took, kills your battery like a lot. So even if it even then it still lasted over eight hours. Um, if you guys do similar to that, your phone's going to last you the entire day, maybe even a day and a half, depending on how much time in the day that you're out on the phone.

Listen. If that battery life is bad, then I don't know. What's good, I mean the note 20 ultra at 60, hertz didn't even last me. Eight hours, optimization, oh by the way someone's going to ask me mark, was this on 5g or a LTE. Well, I have 5g auto turned on, but I don't have 5g in my area, so that will also affect your battery life as with any 5g phone.

But honestly, 5g in its current state is really useless. It's not worth the battery drain turn it off. If you're barely getting higher speeds than LTE. Unless you live in a big metropolitan area where you have like cell towers every you know, block or two that either give you uh ultra-wide band or normal 5g, but you're still getting in the few hundreds megabits per second download. Then in that point even then, I would only turn it on.

If I need to download a quick movie, then I'll just go back to LTE, there's really no reason to be like 100 on 5g right now. It's its just waited a few years for phone batteries to catch up. Okay! So that's pretty much it! I told you guys this video is going to be super short um, so yeah. To recap: don't worry, the phone is good. The battery is good.

The pro max is going to be even better. It's going to be huge, but if you want a bigger battery, you have to get a bigger phone. A full review of the iPhone 12 Pro is coming out very shortly. So if you guys are interested- and you are new here- consider subscribing and hitting that bell icon to stay up to date, this was mark from marketed have a good one.

Source : Mark's Tech

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