Apple's New Purple iPhone 12... By LaterClips

By LaterClips
Aug 13, 2021
Apple's New Purple iPhone 12...

Care, oh the other one. What a weird moment! This was right here with the purple phone. So I don't know if they've ever done this before. I honestly can't remember maybe with product red, but they just here at the spring event. They're, like you know, we've got to do a purple phone, it's not a new phone, it's iPhone 12, but we got to do a purple phone, and they just added it to the pre-existing lineup of selections for iPhone, 12, and they'll. Go you can order it now they do a quick, little nice little product video.

I know MOE's jealous. He sees the thing spinning around he's like. Why can't I pull it off once again? They got a few people over there at apple on the contents. I mean they spritzed it did you see them spritz the purple phone. I like how they just called it purple.

It's what it is. It's not crazy, yeah! Well, it is a light purple though I mean it isn't sort of a violet, but yeah I hear you no. I mean I hear you I hear you. I hear you straight up, it's cool. Furthermore, I hear you, but it is odd, like I don't know it sort of felt a little cash grabby, almost like merch, it's almost like apple's, merch they're just like well, you know someone wants to rock the new color, and we don't have to design an entirely new phone.

Furthermore, I don't know. Was there an ink shortage last time around? I doubt it, but I don't care options. Is fine people like colors, actually colors was a big part of the whole deal today, color this color that many colors, in fact, when they got to the iMac part which I'll get to in a moment they had the aggressive song. Color me anything colors I mean it didn't sound like that. Yeah, there's a lot of color.

It's a lot of color talk nice rendition there! Well, I don't remember what I don't remember the lyrics yeah I just remember talking about colors all right, so they put out a purple iPhone 12, it's the same phone, it's just purple all right, so that was just a little side track.

Source : LaterClips

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