Apple iPhone 7 vs. iPhone 7 Plus Sound / Speaker Comparison! By BTechTalk

By BTechTalk
Aug 15, 2021
Apple iPhone 7 vs. iPhone 7 Plus Sound / Speaker Comparison!

So, what's my money's been, and they will be doing a sound comparison between the iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7, plus to figure out which one sounds better now. Both of these phones are excellent, and they are quite highly priced. So I expect both have great sound, but I think the 7 plus will win just because it has larger speakers, but we will see what happens so. Let's just open up YouTube actually have to go the browser here: YouTube, ok, EX and let's just open up YouTube here, and I will put the microphone here in the window in between the two phones and I will just play a song by NCS, so I didn't get copyright issues at NCS, which is the brightness to appropriate level. Okay, like so and now, I will just put a microphone here, and I play this for you cooking about the sound to be fair and honest with you. In my opinion, the quality is exactly, exactly the same on both phones, but what I can tell is different.

Is it be? 7, plus speaker is just a tiny, tiny bit louder, but that's the only difference that I can tell and making this comparison. So this pretty much it so think is so much watching. Hopefully guys have a good this video and if you did definitely submit this video a like, and I'll, see you all in the next one.

Source : BTechTalk

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