AMONG US Betrayal against my WHOLE FAMILY! + 3D Gameplay (FGTeeV #4 w/ Skit) By FGTeeV

Aug 13, 2021
AMONG US Betrayal against my WHOLE FAMILY!  + 3D Gameplay (FGTeeV #4 w/ Skit)

Hey yo, what's up MTV, because it's your bought TV, father, and today I got my whole family backing among us. What special guest thing noodle yeah this video here. This is gonna, be a fun one guys report. What are you guys doing? Oh, wait. Okay, we ran out of time editing, and they're just still pictures. Ah, all right.

Well, oh wow! What? Oh? Oh goodness, how is that even possible? How is that possible? There are two imposters among us, not the imposter. Where was it, it was in the hallway. It wasn't me I was under the cafeteria. I was fixing the lights. I was in storage heading to lights.

Furthermore, I was doing um like the dinosaur. Furthermore, I don't know it's called the dinosaur, shooting dinosaur. Remember you shoot the dinosaurs. Oh, those are asteroids. Those are asteroids yeah, okay, okay, I was, I don't know actually right, I can smile.

No! No! I can't cup help me Sean. Can you snap your fingers like this? So what do we do like? Are we voting I'm skipping, skipping, Sean and chase? You know how to whistle, though, just Sean and blow like this. Do you want an apple? Oh, no, in kindergarten, someone choked on an apple, and she saw the body at the same time and didn't say anything. I promise I didn't see a body, it's Shawn and mother. I'm voting john and mother.

Wait. You can't vote for two wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Why wait? You voted for mother, and I'll vote for Sean. What okay either way? I know it's Sean for a fact. It's not all right, he's! Confident! I'm going to go with it yeah! Oh, my goodness that was so perfect.

I saw them coming, and I thought they were going to catch you. You went into the vent at like the perfect time. I knew it was left. I knew it mean who's. Your ROG Oreo, no, wait! No seriously who's your dog, Ollie and Oreo.

I thought she was your mother. Rory is not my mother Oreo and Ollie is not our mom. I thought your mom was your dog. What I thought your mom was a dog. No mother is your dog, and I'm yo mother.

No, oh, my dad is your mom yeah. No, oh! I didn't know that. No, no she's lying what is happening. I feel, like I'm gonna, be imposter this round. So don't vote.

Don't vote me off guys. I need. I need to be imposed. Let's just immediately vote my dad. Okay yeah.

Let's call him eating guys all right. Good luck, guys you're, not done posture Sean's, the imposter yo. I always have so many tasks in electrical. I know me too. Furthermore, I always have like 10.

Wait. What is that reactor? I just saw the vet open and close and electrical whoa who just locked me in here. I get so scared when people lock me in because I think I'm going to die with that everybody wait. There's no one else in here with me. So how can I die? Okay, okay, okay, so I did see someone vent into electrical.

I saw open ID electricity electrical. The numbing from the dentist is kicking back in mike he's got a lot of cavities in there you didn't see anything. I saw the vet open and then no one was in there, and then I found the body. Does anyone else have any other information chase was running away from a body because, yes, because look, I came into electrical okay. I came into electrical and, as I came in, I saw chase running away from the orange body, and then he saw me, and he's like.

Oh, I better report it, and he reported it. No because I was seeing if anyone was near the body. Oh, that's kind of what I can do that wait. That is kind of sucks won't be all you want won't be. So that's a self report.

You'll regret it. I'm just saying you don't regret it. I kind of think it's think cause. He always has a good story, but he's gotta play this a lot. You guys are going to regret.

Its mother thinks it's me because the taskbar went up when I was doing mine. Put your finger directly in the middle of the screen, detect the anomaly dude. Why do I yeah, I think, was it three times in a row? Look at that. I knew I'd see. I told you guys when in doubt always think trash.

That's literally my twitter, bio, oh wow. So I teamed up with a YouTuber to murder. My whole FAM see modified well sorry, guys, ah shot's beating me up ow one impossible, yeah yeah. We can make it easier for crewmates nope, all right. Good luck, you're acting little spread, relax.

It just started red father, get away! Wait! I didn't see you ready, you vented fit the vetted. Oh, I'm not going to say anything else, but I saw you vent good one. After each it was okay, I'm voting led. Just one we'll know we'll know right away led, we'll do a 50 50. If it's not trash, then we're voting led.

Next, okay, let's go led now come on. Think she's got the megaphone man she's running the meeting. I can't, I can't, I can't I have to follow what she said. She ran the meeting. I can't believe, let's see, let's see, yeah see, I'm not the imposter.

Let's see, let's see no wait, wait, wait, you're invented in front of them, and I know you're going to know why I'm colorblind she looked the same color as the floor. I didn't see her. Is she like two hundred people? I don't even know what color she is. I didn't realize until I popped out of the van like. Oh my god, someone was right there dude, that's like negative one IQ, imposter dude, I feel so dumb, but it's not it's my eyeballs.

If I all had the luxuries of seeing colors the way all you do, that would have never happened, and I would have still been killing people, not the speech again. What is that just what Sean just said? What does that laugh? I ask myself the same thing every day. Let's turn down the kill cooldown to zero seconds. Wait led. Can you turn yourself to a dark color? Please.

I was hoping to at least get led ejected, so I can at least get two kills under my belt. Thank you for doing that. Now. I have no more excuse all right. Good luck! All right! Good luck, guys, man, I'm I'm dumb negative one IQ, oh jeez, my goodness how'd! I ruin that.

Why am I never the imposter sure might like the imposter yeah. I know that's kind of sucks right, I'm! Never the imposter! I've never done! I'm just voting mike because he said that, like you just kind of ruined it for yourself, oh wait what whoa whoa whoa, whoa sabotage and body. Maybe if you did take my color, you wouldn't have died. It was in electrical and wait chase. You wait who's CSU chase mike.

Am I told him to change what what what so confusing you? Okay. So what the heck wait. So Mike's, not ending! You got me dude everyone's skipping, yep, yeah yeah, I'm about to pee in my pants. My wife has to go to the bathroom. You have one! Second, all right too late use your pants.

Oh, what is think doing walking around in circles. Chase taste. It waits. Wait, wait, wait! Wait! Let's look! You could clear me, no um how to think and FGTB just disappear. Oh, gee! That scares me every time.

I hear a noise in this game. I literally get scared. Okay, I saw a body in communications and then mother was right next to you. No! No! No! What no! No! No! I was helping. I was helping Sean with that little three-circle thing: oh you're going to blame it on the four-year-old thing again, Sean who did you vote right next to the body mother, all right, john.

Furthermore, I was helpful all right, I'm funny about it. Furthermore, I kind of think it's trash. If I'm being honest, why is it me I'm I just turned he's a bad liar he's a bad. I saw you disadvantaged. Let's all vote trash.

How am I lying? I just turned off co2. Wait who voted me. I did oh snap, oh snap, so it's led or Sean. Who said it wasn't you watch if his taskbar goes up, watch watch watch. That means it has to be licks because mother was helping.

I was helping Sean with the um task. What is think doing? Are you good? What is he doing? Where is he? Yes? How did you get it twice in a row? I was so sure it wasn't you dude. I said it was him and he killed me. So I killed led, but I did it right in front of Sean. I'm like no Sean runs away, and I thought he was going to report me, but then he didn't see it, but then he didn't see it.

So I just waited for my cool down and bam got shot. I honestly can't believe that I pulled that off, lets one who was that led, one: okay, now, okay, we're on to your we're onto your scheme mike all right, I'm literally gonna pee, my pants all right go to the bathroom hold on mummy's gotta, oh god. I am just, sorry. Furthermore, I just inhaled like the weirdest chunk of air, and I'm dying over here, I'm a crew mate. Everyone can think uh-huh wait.

Who was who changed their name to mother to yay. I just killed someone just kidding where what no I was just kidding where, where? Where, where when I go? Ah, ah, where was the body? What? Where was the body? I don't know we have to skip? Then all right skip Sean now, you're being sauced, I'm not shy, I'm not! Where was it um, I'm pretty sure the room is admin. I think I never know any of the rooms. I'm sorry! Oh jeez, for a minute I thought I was dead because I saw noodles. I was like wait.

Nobody killed me, though, the ultimate trolling, and I'm just realizing that one of you guys killed your parents. No no vote chase killed my mom. No, I didn't yeah. Why have you been quiet mike um? I've been talking? Where were you I was like you know? I don't know the rooms like. I was just doing.

You know the hall where, like it goes down and then left you just said, you didn't know the room. Then I remembered I was in a home. No, oh my god. No I'm doing my task, I'm done with mine you're such for saying that I'm SUS. If we don't vote, then the imposter can kill us and win wait chase who'd you vote for chase mike chase like went into electrical as he thought I was going to go into election.

He tried to follow me in, and I went out, and he just voted first. No, I, oh my god. Okay, whoever is it they win because I'm not it chases. You big subs come on okay, because when you guys see that I'm not it that's a dub come on. That's so dumb: let's go mother to won bro.

You were so wrong for voting chase, don't think you're. The best everybody subscribes to. Thank you. That was well played. Oh my gosh dude.

That was good guys. Thank you so much for watching. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me yeah.

No doubt dude guys go subscribe to think noodles and check out the perspective from his view, man when he was the imposter and all that good stuff, don't forget to use star code noodles yeah there we go make me a song. Oh my gosh. My feet are hanging through the ceiling. There's an actual ghost in my room right now and got him when you do that. Look! Someone did.

Source : FGTeeV

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