Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra Gaming Review - Fortnite - Genshin Impact & More By Geeky Stuff

By Geeky Stuff
Aug 14, 2021
Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra Gaming Review - Fortnite - Genshin Impact & More

Hey guys welcome back. This is the 11 ultra gaming tests, she's right here, she's, an absolute beauty pictures I've seen everywhere is just at the back. You know, and the thumbnails and videos, but you'll appreciate the front as well. That display is excellent. It looks really sexy glossy silky, and we're going to do some gaming on this today. Putting to the test the snapdragon triple eight, the huge 12 gigabytes of ram, that's installed in there and the arena 660.

, so the games you'll see today is pro evolution, soccer Call of Duty, mobile PUBG, asphalt, 9, Genshin Impact and Fortnite. Now on some games, I will be using the PlayStation 4 controllers because it is compatible with this smartphone. I have tested it so that should be able to be used on Call of Duty and fortnight I've tested them too, but not the others. Just yet so. Yeah, you'll see me with the PlayStation controller, sometimes or actually using the phone in hand.

Now, just before we get started just a quick video from today's sponsors- hey guy, oh yeah. Of course, I want to say huge thanks to the video sponsors today fleshpot. This is the ez-1 standing desk. I no longer need to sit at a desk when doing unboxing or doing reviews. This has a maximum height of 121 centimeters, all the way down to 71 centimeters.

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Okay! Let the gaming commence okay, so the first game is pro evolution soccer and to show you the video settings, it's on the high setters, and it can go in terms of graphics and the frame rate is set to 60. Here we go, let's see how it performs. Last time I played FIFA on the Redmi Note 10 pro and lasted an um. A gaming review come on, I'm absolutely crap. Oh, what the heck is going on.

My fingers thumbs are gliding on the screen. It's nice and silky responsive just wider, the post. Well, the game looks excellent. Look at them viewing angles! Look at that beautiful display, no issues with gameplay or lag or any sort of performance problems at the moment unless you've spotted anything, let's get rid of it again. Man, I think gaming can be so awkward.

I mean especially with um. You know games like this as well, and that's my excuse for playing absolutely rubbish, but I'm sorry, that's the way it is through. Ball, come on calm down mate, just boot. The body thing pass it to my team: mate dash offside, shoot. Oh mate, get out of town no way it's so awkward.

These controls come on. Oh get out, get out, that's enough right of that. So, although I play crap, the gameplay was very good. It was smooth graphics, looked great um, yeah 10 out of 10 for pro evolution, sucker, okay, so next up is PUBG now normally I use two triggers on here so obviously now because of the thick camera bump at the back there, another trigger won't, go there on the left-hand side, unfortunately, but I can have one trigger assigned to my shooting button, so that would be my shooting button there, and I'll have my aim just so that so just slight ways around it, but unfortunately it's too thick to have both. So that's the layout done there, take you through to the graphics as well a lot I've downloaded um ultra HD, so we can game all to HD, but frame rate drops to high or what you can have on ultra okay.

Now we can have that. I can go back to HDR and use extreme frame rates. Okay, so I think I'm going to leave on extreme frame rates. I think majority people like better uh frame rate than maybe the graphical look. I don't know, but that's what I'm sitting on for this particular test.

So extreme and HDR. Okay, high frame rate, my resort and device heating up yeah, that's fine, okay, let's jump in, and that looks so gorgeous. Look at that feels nice and smooth at the moment, which is great, and I'm going to jump in a second and jump there yeah. I know all that, so look at that terrain. Look.

How detailed that is! That is super, super good and keep launching down there. So a lot of smartphones, I've used um, obviously not extreme frame rate settings, but this part's quite stutter on some uh smartphones, I've used in the past. This is looking good parachute off or out. Sorry, let's go find somewhere boom. We are on solid ground, okay, so look out for any glitches that I may miss oh graphically.

I think it looks absolutely brilliant nice reflections there. On top of his helmet. Look, that's good! It's nice! It's certain little touches. You know a pistol. I now have a pistol.

Also remember oh boom one kill. I've also got to remember that I haven't got the left trigger there for the aims. I've got aim at the um on the screen here uh, but I managed to um to sort him out. Furthermore, I'd probably have bought anyway, because it's quite easy, I thought it would have. Furthermore, I thought it would have had me to be honest.

Oh my goodness that gave me a bit of a fright a sprint. Let's see how smooth this is now. Obviously some of this will depend on you know your network settings as well, because it is an online game. So if you have rubbish internet you're going to get a bit of lag with that as well um, luckily, my internet at the moment is fine, but that could change. Oh, there buying two kills.

That's definitely a bar now. So this is another test as well to see how smooth the game is. I'm going full speed in this thing drive I'm going the right way. I need to turn around and keep going this way, but don't want to go in the water speed boost. Well, it's looking smooth.

It's handling it really! Well, it's great! Where am I mustard in there? Oh, too many rocks around wee? Oh god, is that me dead, oh god, it will be in a minute. Where is he going to put a banjo while in the car applying bandage quick? No, no welcome. I made a run for beyond that tree. I think they are they're behind that tree. So a lot come on boys.

Yes, three kills I'll, do it? Well, let's go a few goodies there as well. That's great! Okay! Let's get back to the car, do a bandage, so the mi 11 ultra has handled the extreme frame rate. Absolutely fine in this um high graphical setting as well. Just looking for where that bloke's got he's somewhere behind there. Isn't he there he is four kills oh shoot! What's that noise there? That was too easy.

That's too easy! Isn't if it's another kill! There's someone over there to see him in my sights? Well, they haven't got the sights out yet because I shot that first shot. They ain't got blue is he there has someone there too far? Is that six kills? That is a kill. Don't let it end like this? Oh no, I've died. Can I get in quick, I'm naked anywhere? I'm dead, that's it once you're on the floor on it, so PUBG on the meat 11 ultra um. Let's exit that absolutely fine extreme frame rates as well high graphical settings.

The phone is, let's feel hotness yeah, it's getting a bit hot, it's getting a bit hot, but it handled that absolutely well didn't experience any issues or lag at all so on to the next okay. So next up is asphalt.9. , I will be using the PlayStation controller with this just to show it's on high quality settings as well for graphics, okay. Here we go guys. Let's see what experiments we get here, looks visually stunning wow! Oh yes, this game does look absolutely tremendous smooth out as well ultra smooth gameplay and wipe out again, yes, whoa, it's so much better using the controller.

The PS4 controller on here is fantastic, trying to wipe out the coppers again and yes and again, tremendous absolutely amazing, easy guys asphalt.9 me 11, ultra absolutely smashed its pieces. Fantastic gameplay, amazing display, looks absolutely brilliant on there a thumbs up from me on to the next okay. So next on the list is gen chin impact. I haven't played this until yesterday I had a little uh play on it. It's not really my sort of game, but I've heard lots about it.

It's quite a big game. Furthermore, it's about seven or eight gigs to download as well um. I can take you through the settings as well quickly here just to show you what it's been set to so graphics, graphics, quality is custom, so at the minute it says overclocked there at the top um the highest fps. Oh, that's right! Yeah change, fps to 60. , okay.

So at the moment we have it yeah to the max. I believe really so, let's go ahead and uh and play. Unfortunately, the PlayStation 4 controllers does not work with this, so graphics, look great! The colors are so rich and vibrant um to see how it performs. So I'm assuming this is going to get hot, and can feel it all. I've been playing for a good three quarters of an hour anyway of gaming.

It's getting quite warm! Oh yes, this is on um high settings and I can feel the back of this. Getting really hot now, let's see what happens so, what? Oh? Yes, so I mean it still looks. Fine um gameplay is still smooth. It's not um, it's not sort of struggling in that respect, but I'm assuming, if it gets too hot, then um. We might see some performances' performance issues there, but yeah that is getting quite hot and a little uncomfortable for me, if I'm being honest, um yeah, I'm going to yeah it's a little too hot, let's put on lowest for the minute put on high current performance load is too high frame rates, 60.

So render resolution and shadow quality has dropped to medium. Let's see how we get on with that it shouldn't get too hot, hopefully, ah a buddy thing. I don't have to see five. It's just got that stupid thing I'll. Do it? Oh, it's not! Don't you're fighting the other way? What the hell is that thing? Okay? Well, that is still really hot.

I'm not happy with that. Um there's overclock, let's just put on medium default settings uh I mean it was still playing fine in overclocked um settings, but it was getting a bit too hot for my liking. Some might be able to handle the heat a little better than me, um yeah. But for me that was getting a bit uncomfortable. I don't like her weapons.

They're, not very good for close combat cannot change character. Yes, that's better close combat, that's much better, so I think that'll do guys that was ken shin impact. Uh gameplay was absolutely fine, smooth visually. It looks excellent. It really do I had on the overclock settings very high sends all the way throughout 60 fps as well, and it got really hot a little uncomfortable for me around this sort of camera array area of the back there so put it down to medium, and it seems to sort of leveled out a little now and is definitely more manageable again.

Obviously, people's um senses are a little different to those others might be to handle that bit of heat a little more than I have um and others won't. But yeah that was genuine impact, no issues in terms of gameplay. It was quite smooth throughout okay, so next up it is Call of Duty mobile, and you can see graphical quality is set to very high and frame rate is set to maximum, and we can use the PS4 controller this. So, let's get into it, okay, guys so looking for any lag or any glitches as normal, really using the PlayStation controller, obviously checking for latency and stuff as well. I don't think there is anything in terms of latency.

Well, cranked, bang, bang, bang so not notice any issues. At the moment guys things seem to be smooth and visually great as well. Graphics are looking good, I'm trying to determine if there's any lag from the controller to here, I'm not sure if I'm getting my kills in. So that's fine, bang. I think there might be like a split second delay.

Maybe great stuff come on. I dare you get in my way. Now there we go. Oh, yeah yeah! If you don't, hardly, if you don't like holding smartphones and gaming, and you've got a PS4 controller connect up, I'm not sure how it works with other devices, it should work and the fundamentals of this Bluetooth technology. Oh, man UAV.

I am cranked absolutely pacing through here, oh yeah come on, and I got the kill. The winning kill, victory, fantastic, much better. Playing with the controller. You can see the whole of the screen, obviously on the smartphone, which is great um grain gameplay was smooth visually stunning again, yeah didn't have any issues on the MIA 11 ultra with Call of Duty mobile okay. So, finally, we have Fortnite.

Mobile frame rate is set to 30. We have the contrast up 1.5 times, but I don't think that makes much difference. Quality presets it's set to epic and 3d resolution there at the bottom is up to 100. When I played this on the Redmi Note 10 pro, there were a few glitches, and it struggled hopefully with this being a super high-end smartphone, which should be okay. Okay, so this game is being played using the PlayStation 4 controllers.

I have um yeah just check out watch for any lag or any sort of glitches or all that sort of stuff. It is what I believe on maximum settings there we go. So it's looking nice visually, vibrant, colorful, nice, rich colors. It helps with that beautiful display as well. Let's just jump shall we, so already we're having a better experience than we did on the Redmi Note 10 pro, which is your know, a mid-range device.

Really there we go let's land here. I think so. You can see the top right-hand corner. It is at 30 fps. I think it's fluctuating between 29 and 30 there's a flicker.

If you can just see that okay, I think another little of a glitch there, but I'll. Let that I'll. Let that slide. So look in here, wow there's a little of a little of a glitch there. Now, on the Redmi Note, 10 pro I've noticed quite a lot of issue.

I'm rubbish at this game, so I'm probably going to die in a minute. Oh, I got a kill wow, so gameplay. There was smooth enough for me to kill him, but I do keep noticing these slight little sort of glitches and whether it's network lag or not, I'm sure some hardcore fortnight gamers will be able to tell the differences between a little of network lag, and you know issues in the device's performance. So I think you will definitely have a much better experience playing this on the m11 ultra snapdragon triple eight, so I suppose any smartphone with that really comes with the arena 660 as well graphical chip. What's that? Okay, what the hell is that, where are you laying there? Oh, god wow what a load of crap that they say.

So we have a weapon already. Oh, there's a glitch there! Oh, yes, oh! No, who the hell is that what is left? What yeah Fortnite is not for me placed 90th absolute pants play Call of Duty any day: okay, guys that pretty much wraps it up the gameplay on this was a hell of a lot better. Compared to previous times. On the Redmi Note 10 pro uh, there was a couple of moments in there which you may have saw could be network lag. I don't know you might want to.

You might want to tell a bit better than I do, but overall I think the gameplay was good, graphics, look great and yeah. It was fairly smooth overall, the mi 11 ultra has done really well. It got a little hot playing against an impact. I did have to reduce the settings there, but it looks as if you can play pretty much every game on Mac's settings um apart from bench and impact unless you've got um sort of heat-resistant, gloves or something or um, or you can withstand that heat a little more than I can. So.

Thank you very much for watching guys, I hope, hasn't been too boring. I'll include timestamps as well in the video, so you can jump to uh to the game you wanna! You know you won't really want to watch again. I'd like to thank fleshpot for sponsoring this video check them out in the links below. But if you have any questions pop them down below, please give the video a thumbs up, subscribe, and I'll see you very soon. Bye.

Source : Geeky Stuff

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