Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite vs iPhone X - Speed Test! WOW😨 By Dynamic Tech

By Dynamic Tech
Aug 14, 2021
Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite vs iPhone X - Speed Test! WOW😨

Uh, uh do uh, oh uh do uh uh uh do welcome back guys, so it was a quick speed test comparison between the Xiaomi, mi, 11 lite and the iPhone x and, as you guys saw here, they gave me performance of both smartphones. Actually, the mini element light performed very well. I would say against the iPhone x, because it is the lightest metro id smartphone, which is much cheaper than the iPhone x, but we know that it's not possible for a mid-range smartphone to beat the iPhone flashing smartphone, because when it comes to the flagship, smartphone, the Samsung and specially the apple will never disappoint you. Now the choice is yours. I would also like to know your thoughts in the comment section about both smartphones. Okay, guys, it was all from us for today don't forget to subscribe our channel and give thumbs up to this video thanks for watching guys and as always, keep supporting us.

Source : Dynamic Tech

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