Why I'll ALWAYS choose the 11" iPad Pro over the 12.9" iPad Pro... By Lou Monestime

By Lou Monestime
Aug 13, 2021
Why I'll ALWAYS choose the 11" iPad Pro over the 12.9" iPad Pro...

So, whenever new iPad Pro releases, there is always a myriad of videos that try to help you decide whether they'll choose the 11 inch or the 12 point 9 inches. So for this video I'm going to tell you guys why I will always choose the 11 inch. iPad pro cue, the intro everybody with minus sign here. Welcome to another video for today's video I'm gonna. Tell you guys why the 11-inch iPad Pro will always be my choice. Now guys do not get me wrong.

I do see that there is a need for the 12 point.9-inch iPad Pro it's just for me personally, the 11-inch iPad Pro will always be the better choice for me. So, let's get into it. So my first reason that I will always choose the 11 inch. iPad pro is price guys the 12 point 9 inches. iPad pro starts at $1000, where the 11-inch iPad Pro starts at $800.

Granite is expensive for both models and there are some subtle things that the twenty or twelve point nine can do that the 11 inch can't do, but for the most part the 11 inch can do everything that the twelve point nine can do. So it's basically you're just spending that extra $200 for that extra screen real estate and for me personally, I'm gonna, just I'm going to save some money. Okay. My second reason is that the 11-inch iPad Pro is more portable than the 12 point.9-inch iPad Pro granite- is not by much, but you know: I'm going to save some portability any chance that I can get so the 12 point 9 inches. iPad pro is more comparable to like the size of a sheet of paper, as opposed to the 11-inch iPad Pro, especially with the magic keyboard.

I would say it's about the size of a composition, notebook, so I will take that over the big of 12.9 any day. The third reason that I always choose the iPad Pro 11 is weight, as you guys can see. I do have the magic keyboard on the iPad Pro and the magic keyboard makes it a very heavy setup. I mean not heavy to the part where it's just like, but it's still a very heavy setup and the weights of the iPads are I mean it's not really that huge of a difference but that magic keyboard does add a lot of bulk to these iPad pros, and so I'm going to try and save that weight and stick with this device. It sways a lot less than the 12.9 with the magic keyboard, so definitely save the weight, and now my major reason that I will always choose the iPad Pro 11 is because I have a MacBook. So, as you guys can see, this is a 13 inch.

MacBook Pro right here. So let's say I do have to do a task where I'm gonna need more space. I am generally gonna, navigate to my MacBook Pro, as you guys can see. I have both devices. So that's why the 11-inch iPad Pro is always gonna, be the choice.

For me, this is basically my secondary device, even though this device is more fun to use, but obviously the iPad Pro does have its limitations. So for the most part, if it's like something major that I'm going to do photo editing video editing, although I can do that on the iPad Pro I'm going to do it on this. So basically the 11-inch iPad Pro is gonna, be what I do just like my miscellaneous things, but, like all my professional work, all my photography videography work. It's going to be done on this or my iMac. So, as you guys can see, I have a myriad of devices, so the 11-inch iPad Pro makes sense.

For me, this is probably my favorite device, but I mean I think it would be dumb to have two devices that are the exact same size as this to do basically the same thing so there you guys have it. That is why the 11-inch iPad Pro will always be my choice over the 12.9. If you guys did like this video go ahead and give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and hit that little button notification, so you don't miss any videos, also guys whether you think the 11 inch or the 12 point 9 inches the better iPad to buy. Let me know, in the comments I'm very happy to hear your reasons to why so with that being said guys, this is little bonus time, and I'm out peace.

Source : Lou Monestime

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