Vivo X60 Pro+ vs Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra Camera Shootout! By Coach CSan

By Coach CSan
Aug 14, 2021
Vivo X60 Pro+ vs Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra Camera Shootout!

On, my last video, I posted the review of the VIVO x60 pro plus and the future tech that it provides, but today is not about a review, it's more about a battle between two high-end phones, image, processing capabilities and which one comes on top. This is the camera battle between the Samsung Galaxy s21 ultra and the VIVO x60 pro plus co-engineered, with mass optics. So let's see him, that's it everyone, if you want to see more videos like this hit the like and subscribe button, if you have any thoughts or comments, just write it down below. This is Susan, and I will see you next time.

Source : Coach CSan

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