Visible 5G speed test By ARG SoTEch

Aug 15, 2021
Visible 5G speed test

All right guys, you know who it is: are wow Verizon is trying to cap visible. You guys seen how fast the DSS got over 200, and it bring it back down. I don't know what that camping DSS for but yeah. These are still awesome speeds about sorry about the noise. In the background I am outside, so let's do another speed test, but I want to screenshot this. Let's do another speed test, but this is DSS, see how I dropped it back down and under the fine print visible says, you're supposed to get at least 200 down max you guys know.

I got the 12 pro. I guess it depends how I turn on how it's gonna um perform. Let's do another one there we go. That's what I'm talking about Verizon! Let show some love divisible. Man shows some love to visible.

That's what I'm talking about 225 down and 57.2 up. So you know I have to screenshot this, let's see if we can get it one more time in the 200s man. The speed testing is for you guys. I turned off the T-Mobile line. You know I got dual sim invisible son my Asia right now, T-Mobile's my physical sim.

There we go. I'm glad to see this man 209 down on this one 57 56.8 up so awesome speeds awesome space, and now I know people are going to want to see a fast. com speed test. But you know, oh, I got happy. I thought I was going to stay at that 3.5 right there.2.1 is still not bad. You can still watch 1080p with this or 720p at best, because it's faster than one meg, so you can watch at least 720p.

I got one 1.9. Let's do another one there we go so amazing speed as a matter of fact, since I know they have a cap on DSS. Let me turn off that DSS and see what kind of speeds I get on um on LTE hold on guys. Can I turn it off? I don't know how to do it, since this is ENIM yeah. I don't know how to do it.

Furthermore, I don't oh right here. It says: okay, let me put it on LTE. You guys see. I put it on LTE, and now we're going to do a speed test on LTE. So let me go back.

This was on DSS and, let's see how fast it gets on LTE show you guys the difference between LTE and DSS, all right, so pretty much around the same speeds. Let's see if um LTE will stay consistent in the 200s. I know this is going to be a long video, but you guys got to cope with me, and I'm doing this for you guys, looking like I'm crazy over here on a corner, speed testing for you guys, 204 down and 54.9 up on LTE, I can't wait for Verizon to launch on DSF, I mean sorry c c-band, so I could see the potential c-band see. Look at this. Staying in the 200s, so yeah I mean yeah DSS is a slight faster.

Remember with DSS I got up to 225 230 and um with LTE. Well, LTE is hovering around the 200s, which is still amazing. Um upload speeds are faster on DSS as well. Uh 57 point something, and it's 53.4, which is still not bad guys. It's still awesome.

So I wish I lived over here where I'm at right now. This is not where I live at, where I would get these speeds consistently with where I'm visible. Yes, this would be definitely a great option. Great option to have visible you know, was to pay 25 on party pay for these type of speeds. That's amazing, so yeah, staying consistent in the 200s, like I said, LTE CSS Verizon in the bottom, and it's staying consistent with the um with the uh upload speed too.

So a 36 ping, nine 1.9, jitter 204 down and 54.5 up. Let's do another one like I said this is going to be a long video sorry about the background, but I am outside so yeah. LTE is amazing. It is amazing right here the LTE is amazing. So here we go 210 down and okay yeah, the uploads are staying consistent, so yeah guys doing this, for you guys like comment subscribe, and I'll catch, you guys on the next one you already, and thank you for watching.

Source : ARG SoTEch

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