Unboxing and Initial impressions Of Tab S7 Keyboard Cover By Swintnation

By Swintnation
Aug 14, 2021
Unboxing and Initial impressions Of Tab S7 Keyboard Cover

YouTube, what is up it's your boy, it's one nation back again, man- and this is just a continuation of the Samsung tab, s7 man- I got another accessory for it and I had to pick it up because for some crazy reason, Samsung decided to let these bad boys go for a hundred dollars. Man a hundred dollars man. This thing was normally listed at 200 I'll post a link down below, but I was able to pick this bad boy up on Amazon because they dropped it down to 99 just to match the price of Samsung. I don't know what was going on what they are thinking but hey. I couldn't. Furthermore, I couldn't skip the opportunity to pick this up, so this is just gonna, be a quick unboxing.

My first initial impressions of me slapping it on the tab, seven and then just letting you guys know what I think real quick. So without further ado man, let's get this bad boy open. So, as you can see, the package ain't, nothing crazy, all right, nice, easy, easy, unboxing, set that there okay. I like that. That's like that, faux leather, that nice faux leather feel, and then it's got the cutout for the pen.

You got your paperwork, showing you how to put this in the case little tiny little book, then you got your keyboard. This is what I was most excited for right here, man, this keyboard that trackpad I'm trying to have my tablet. You know be kind of a mini laptop replacement. I granted, I do have a 16-inch MacBook Pro, but sometimes we don't want to lug that around, but I do want to have a keyboard, and now this will, you know, take the place of that. But here's the back, it's nice, clean keys, feel nice all right.

So let's slap this on move some of this out the way all right. So I have had my tablet: seven in the good old trusty speaking case man great case by the way, if you don't need a keyboard, and you're looking just for just simple tablet: action and nothing crazy, highly recommend the UAG case, I'll post, a link to the exact same case down below to where I picked it up from you all. All right now that I muscled that out we'll get this in here file that to the side all right, crap, the pin I forgot, the pin was still in there. Let's get the pin boom so slap that on their like so who? Oh that's, nice you all, oh I'm already liking his hands. Let me let me get the keyboard on man, I'm getting I'm getting ahead of myself.

Oh, you all! Seen that, let's close it to excuse, excuse my hopeless you all, but yo. This feels so nice. Sorry, my table goes. Does it wipe that off this tablet? This feels so nice in the hand wow I like this you all, this feels so premium and the look at it you all. This is clean, clean set up man now granted you don't get the drop protection of the UAG case on the corners, but I mean overall, you should be dropping your tablet anyways all right, and then you got the pin for the like that man, it's nice and covered, and then you got your stand back here.

This is what is most impressive to me right now, just right off the bat is how sturdy this is like it's its tight, and I love the fact that I have multiple viewing angles now, rather than just being stuck with two with the UAG case, so even without the keyboard, if I don't want to rock the keyboard, you know what I'm saying. I still have crazy amount of angles that I can use it at. So that's that's it, but you guys see that, so it pretty much stays at whatever position you put it at, and it's its sturdy you all. I thought this was gonna, be some flimsy little. You knows tan, but man.

This thing is solid. All right! Let me uh put this on here and see how it types all right. Let me get it set up, one second, guys all right. Let's see how she types now, keep in mind. I ain't the fastest type of so don't be hating on me.

Whoa, okay, backspace is over here, damn tripping, that's cool! What the heck backspace! Oh, yeah you all just a quick little type test man, the keys, feel good travel. Now I kind of see why Samsung was charming up charging the arm in the leg. When this first came up, it's a very, very fluid. You know experience now, keep in mind. I did have an iPad Pro as well, with the Apple keyboard and you all gotta.

Remember apple was charging like what two hundred plus dollars for the Apple keyboard, the nine trackpad version and I feel like you're, getting way more bang for your buck. With this track pack and the cool thing is, you can get the decks right from here and make this legit a desktop by holding a function and then the DEX button, and then you get Samsung DEX index is basically turn this bad boy into a straight computer. So yo this right here, man dope set up. So this basically turns it into a desktop computer and as you all can see, I got my Clash of Clans. Man can go heavy but yeah man.

This is a smooth experience. Very smooth can't go wrong, and then you can exit decks from here. As well, but hey guys or girls, this has just been a quick, quick unboxing of the tab. S7 Samsung book cover keyboard. That way, you guys can see what it looks like highly recommended so far, just based off the initial impressions um, and now I see why they charge the arm and leg for it, because it is definitely you know it feels like a premium product to go with a premium device so and not to mention.

I also do have the Samsung uh official case. For my note, 20 ultra and I just figured why not man just keep the branding going strong. So without further ado man, I will catch you all in the next video. If you enjoyed this video man, do your boyfriend hit that like button? If you got questions hit me in the comment section and I will catch you all in the next video man, peace.

Source : Swintnation

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