Time to Charge: Samsung Galaxy S21 By Jack Leigh

By Jack Leigh
Aug 13, 2021
Time to Charge: Samsung Galaxy S21

Hey guys jack here welcome back to the channel hope you're doing well today we're back with a times charge video this time with the Samsung Galaxy s21. This has a 4 000 William hour battery same rules as always, so the phone is completely dead. If we try and turn it on it won't start, and we've got the standard Samsung fast charger. You don't have to purchase this separately I'll leave links in the description down below. So that's a 25 watt charger. We're going to go ahead, plug it in checking back every 15 minutes, seeing how much charge it gains and then obviously the total time to charge which should be around about an hour and five minutes, hopefully, but we'll check back once it's been 15 minutes and see how it's getting on then, okay.

So it's been 15 minutes, and you can already see here on the always on display. It's saying 56 minutes until fully charged we're at 30. So far, so that's good to see, so you're getting 2 every 1 minute, so we'll give it another 15 minutes and see how it's doing at 30 minutes of charging okay. So that's another 15 minutes of charging taking us up to half an hour, and we are at 54. You can see there, so it's still going strong terms of heat on the phone, it's very cool to the touch actually not hot at all and in terms of the wall adapter again, that is just warm, but not at all hot.

So that's good to see, so we'll give it another 15 minutes and see how it's getting on at 45 minutes. Okay, so it's been 45 minutes since we started the phone is now 78 with an estimated 31 minutes left at this point, we'll start slow down, and now it's hit around 80 and that's in order to protect the battery. So we'll see this last 20 is going to take longer than the first 20, but we'll check back once it's been a full hour of charging. Okay, so we've just hit one hour of charging, and you can see we are now 92 percent. So you can see it is really slowing down towards the end, we're only getting um, roughly two-thirds of a percent every minute uh compared to two percent uh per minute.

At the beginning, so you can see last bit does take longer we'll go ahead, give it roughly 15 minutes, and it hopefully should be done slightly quicker than the estimated 18 minutes there. Okay, so we've now hit 100. It took 1 hour and 14 minutes to do so, that's good to see not quite as quick as I would have hoped. Uh. They haven't really pushed out the boat with only a 25 watt charger that is no longer included in the box.

So, as I said, links in the description to the 25 watt charger. If you want to get these superfast, charging speeds stay tuned for a charging test using a MacBook charger, see how long that takes. We expect it to be a bit longer and if you found this video useful, please hit that like button down below and if you're not already subscribed, get subscribed over there on the right. Thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed the video, and I'll see you in the next one.

Source : Jack Leigh

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