The New Black Shark 4 Gaming Smartphone... By LaterClips

By LaterClips
Aug 14, 2021
The New Black Shark 4 Gaming Smartphone...

One, more smartphone that will be upon us soon: black shark, four high-end gaming phones. Now, in this case the verge says it doesn't look like one which I'm not so certain about that. I think kind of looks like a gaming phone. I guess it's not as intense the design of some other gaming phones, but if I see that I'm thinking gaming phone- maybe I don't know anyway this one. This is one of those uh, uh game, centric devices that think a lot about cooling. You move up to snapdragon 870 for standard model, snapdragon triple eight for the four pro.

So it's the four and a four pro they got: the faster ram, UFS, 3.1 storage, six gigs of ram and 128 to start on a 380 model, and then the pro model which goes up to 613, gives you eight gigs of ram and 256 storage. They are coming out in China on March 26th, which I guess that's like right now, so you got black shark. You got dog, you got red magic yeah, they do gaming phones too. It's a gaming bone thing going on. Was it a legion phone as well? You got the legion phone from Lenovo as well, so this thing is heating up, and they're sticking to it.

I mean we're on version four. As far as this phone is concerned, and you know of course, there's special features in there, including crazy refresh rates 144 hertz refresh. For those I mean those competitive types on the pub g and whatnot so anyway, there's something to look out for.

Source : LaterClips

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