Speck Presidio Perfect-Clear Ombre Case for iPhone 12 Mini Unboxing and Review By Big Unbox

By Big Unbox
Aug 13, 2021
Speck Presidio Perfect-Clear Ombre Case for iPhone 12 Mini Unboxing and Review

To, the big unbox, where we do that small tech, and today I am back with another big unboxing for you for the iPhone 12 mini. I know a lot of people forget about the mini, but I haven't forgotten about the mini one of my favorite phones, just for a just secondary phone. This one to me, I love it form factor is awesome. Build quality is awesome, could go on and on about this one, but I really like it, so we're going to keep up the reviews for the mini got another spec case. I had this case. I think otter box and otter box, but spec on Best Buy had a deal a day for five bucks for some of these cases from spec for the mini.

So I bought I snagged a few of them. This one's going to be the uh clear, ombre case, so we're going to check this one out. It looks like it maybe has a little tint to it's like starts out clear, and then it goes down to like a silvery 10, but we're going to check it out to see if it's a hit or miss most important thing. I noticed here 13 foot drop protection, that's a big boy status right there for a lightweight case and the back's going to tell you more details about that big boy drop protection and then the uh and just a little more details lifetime warranty, blah blah blah. Let's get him get right to it to see if it's a hit or miss pop.

It opens like this nicely done all right so yeah this one. It actually starts out crystal clear, and then you can see it transitions to like this um, a frosty look to it and I actually kind of like that. Furthermore, it looks a little different. I'm not sure how that'll look on the actual phone itself. Does it look dirty? I don't know it's its an interesting design where it kind of just crystal clear and then it kind of goes down, and it looks like a little frosty like you know, tinted right there, which is kind of cool uh, build quality as a little slippery on the sides.

It doesn't have as quite as big as grip as some of them and that actually may wear a little. It actually feels like it could just be the initial impression, and now I'm getting a hold on, and it actually feels pretty drippy so take that for what it is, you got a little of branding right there, nothing really to it. That's pretty much it is one part case heart, shot, plastic and then that's pretty much it so build quality is pretty, pretty good. Let's go take this one off. This is one of the uh cooler cases.

I would say, uh from spec got that little look at that that design right there grip. That's gonna, give you some big boy grip that a lot of cases are not going to get you. So it's going to take that black and wipe it down, wipe it down, keep the mini, clean and beautiful shine it up real nice still, looking good from day. One all right looks good all right. There we go.

I hate! Sometimes I hate black. I love the look of black bones, but when you've got clear case that lint just shows up real deep on them, just any piece of dirt particle shows up pretty, pretty heavy. It's going to pop it into place snaps right into place like that. So that's how it's to look all right. Let's check this out! So yeah! That's unique! Look at that! So you still got the Apple logo popping through close like clear up top, and then it transitions down, so you're, getting the benefits of a clear case which is really cool, and then it transitions to the bottom, where it's covered up, so you're not going to get the dirt, but it's actually just looks pretty cool.

What do you think about that? I don't know um yeah, I could see. I could see why I start rocking this case same thing for the sides and the bottom, where it kind of just the entire cuts off kind of right there, a little of below the Apple logo, and then you got that frosted look for the tint, so that's pretty cool all right and, like I said it's actually pretty drippy that first impression slipped a little, but that grip feels good now, and it's a small case, small phone, so you're not going to have any trouble with those should be getting some big boy drop protection as well camera protection right there look at that camera coverage. That's a deep camera cut out right there very nicely done. I got no issues with that camera protection. They did a good job.

Let's go check out the lip because everybody likes a fat lip protection. That looks good too guys. They did a great job with the lip protection, as my camera keeps on popping on, but that's actually perfect lip protection where it's actually going to go above, it's pretty thick, but then it actually goes in a little too. So look how much look, how fat that lip is? That's a really nice thick lip very good job nice job from spec there. They did a good job with that alert, slider, yeah yeah! That's actually pretty easy to get to now the buttons those buttons might be a dealbreaker.

For me, these buttons are stiff they're using the same type of gel material as the side and the case itself, whereas they should have switched it out, like other companies have been doing like this. Is the otter box uh clear case, the buttons are now click. They replace the buttons with plastic buttons, so it's clicker and responsive where they're still using the same material. So to me that might be a dealbreaker for me. If I'm spending.

This is a five dollar case I paid for, but normally it retails for like 44 bucks. So for that, that's a nail go for me: they're, really stiff buttons, uh, still spec branding right. There looks clean everything, looks good around the power and speakers look precise same thing with this. This yeah just terrible buttons, terrible buttons. So that might be a dealbreaker for me.

Let's go check and see if it's MagSafe compatible. It's definitely not going to have that stick, but if you put it just right, it should work there you go, so it actually does it do work. You just got to make sure you line it up precisely to get that mac safe charging, and it's not doing it right now, but it did work. You just got to find it. So if you can get this on sale for under 15 bucks yeah, I would say this is a hit, but for the retail price no go again.

I can't recommend this to anybody for that price. Point of like 40 bucks. Those buttons are terrible. Um great, I like the case a lot but to me, but it's a little detail about a case that make it make living with the case enjoyable, um buttons. I use those quite a bit stiff buttons, drive me nuts.

So to me, that's a no-go if it's not a problem for you go ahead and check out this case, but for me this one's probably going to be a miss. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Is it a hit, is it a miss, I'm going to call it a miss hit the subscribe button. We'll see you guys next time you.

Source : Big Unbox

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