Speakers 🔊 Face-off: Galaxy M51 vs TCL 10L By MJ Reviews

By MJ Reviews
Aug 16, 2021
Speakers 🔊 Face-off: Galaxy M51 vs TCL 10L

Hey, what's up everybody? How are you doing today, Jake M?nez, and today we have a speaker face-off between two uh mid-ranger phones and, let's just say, like we have upper midrange. Now we have to do some segments right upper midrange and lower midrange. We have the TCL. Let me show you the logo. There you go the TCL 10l versus the Samsung m51. This is the biggest battery and this battery blows my mind, but that will be later on we're going to talk about it.

But today we're going to do a speaker face-off, let's see who sounds better all right, everybody! We are ready. We have sky, mall, uh, dragon's, breath beautiful music shout out to sky mobs. Let's start with the Samsung m51. Both phones are on uh full volume. Let's set it on full volume.

So three, two one: let's go TCL all right guys. So please, let me know what I think in the comment section below who sounds better. If you want to ask my opinion, I'm so my opinion is not just what you hear what you're hearing through the mic is different, because what I'm hearing is just one front of me and what's in front of me, is that the TCL is more open sounded. So it's more uh louder. Obviously, it's very, very loud.

The Samsung is not that loud. The m51, unfortunately, is not allowed, as you can see, it's on full volume, but the sound didn't even um hit like, for example. If I want to compare two volumes here, if I hit it at 70 percent, let's say that you are 70 and this is at fault volume. Listen to the volume guys three, two one, let's start with the TCL, so that's like 70 percent of volume here is equal to 100 volume in the Samsung. I hope Samsung drop a patch or an update to increase the speaker because the speaker is capable, but they should just uh, maybe boost the sound a little better than like, for example, the honor note 10 that I have the honor note.10 uh Huawei, auto corner, dropped an uh, a patch or an update that really enhanced the speakers. It wasn't that good before it was great so same thing with Samsung.

If Samsung can drop, perfect update to boost the speakers here and make it more rich and more powerful and more volume, which is more important thing. That would be really great. So comparing this just this is just to compare between these two. Let me know hit me in the comment section. What do you think do you think the volume has some lower sound here and the Samsung, as opposed to the TCL, hit me up in the comment section, take care everybody and see you later?.

Source : MJ Reviews

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