Sony Xperia Pro Unboxing By Mike La Putt

By Mike La Putt
Aug 14, 2021
Sony Xperia Pro Unboxing

Just, a quick unboxing of a new telephone um, the per Sony, Xperia pearl holy smokes. There we go so here's the phone itself, not bad, definitely plastic! That's more for the reception gorilla glass pretty thick, but the main feature that I'm after is going to be these there's um USB and micro. HDMI input ports right there or out. Oh well, yeah input ports um. I think this would be the micron yep micro, SD and um sim card tray. That's pretty nice that you can remove that with just your fingertips, so figure nails instead of um instead of a sim removal tool, headphone jack, one of the very few phones that still has it thumb, reader volume rocker dedicated buttons for the camera.

I think just paperwork yep power, adapter USB. We got the USB cable, and I'm speculating headphones, not bad speculating. These are Sony. Yep Sony branded headphones. There you go the new Xperia pro can't wait to use it.

Source : Mike La Putt

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