Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 Commercial Video Leaked By Sparrows News

By Sparrows News
Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 Commercial Video Leaked

Samsung Galaxy z fold to 5g is the revolutionary mobile experience. You've been waiting for with the Galaxy Z fold to 5g. You can have it all and do it all fold if it's a phone unfolded. It's a tablet. Get two immersive displays in one incredible device, utterly seamless the 7.6 inch ultra-thin glass display is a groundbreaking foldable glass that allows you to flip from a tablet to a phone with ease elevate. You're gaming and binge-watching experience with smooth motion, fluid scrolling and flawless effects with 120 hertz, refresh rate adaptive flex mode, allows hands-free photos and videos increase efficiency with enhanced multitasking, navigate, drag and drop, and work across three apps on the expansive main display flex.

UI even enables you to preview apps on one half, while on the other, half controlling video chatting watching YouTube videos or taking notes, work and play anywhere with wireless decks, use a monitor or TV as a second display. Cable, free with wireless decks get next level power for everything you love to do with galaxy, 5g, share, more game harder and never miss a beat a device. Unlike any other z-fold 2 5g doesn't just define a new category. It defies all categories.

Source : Sparrows News

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